PowersellerSoftware.com Products Needed

11 replies
I have had this domain languishing for over 3, heck, maybe even 4 years now and I have yet to develop a product or products for it. I constantly get traffic for the domain even though nothing is there.

The domain: PowersellerSoftware.com

It could be Ebay focussed, which is what the original intent was, but is not a requirement.

I am looking for a Partner or Partners to contribute to the development of this site. I will fund all site creation and depending on the products, create the sales letter, and of course, provide the hosting.

Please PM me if you are interested in moving forward with this project or just post here if you have some good ideas for me.

#ebay #ebay how to #joint venture #needed #powerseller #powersellersoftwarecom #products

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