How Do You Go After IM Crooks?

1 replies
Can't believe I've run into five, count em' five crooks who contacted me via Warrior Forum.

Sure the web is full of scammers but this was just too much. Three of the crumbs are taken care of and two more are left. One gave me the sob story about kids and medication and marriage but that doesn't justify misrepresentation and theft. These are punishable by law what these people do. I think it's just the atmosphere of IM. Hustling suckers. Problem is it doesn't always work.

I'm more fortunate than most as I've got tons of lawyers but lots of IMers don't as they're working hard to be honorable.

Here in the U.S. we have to follow certain rules and procedures but I know in other countries things can be quite harsh.

So if you've run into an IM hoodlum, how did you handle the problem?

We need a "call out" section of WF maybe.

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