2 replies
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Hello, i want to present you my project, it is a wp website. My plan is to have on my website music videos from all the countries of the planet. Also i am planing to have a dedicatet page with articles about artist and bands, news, and informattions. Ther are almost 200 countries and i am sure that alot of people never heard about half of them. For the moment i am working alone on this project, but i hope i will have some help in the future. Please let me know what is your opinions, and help is very welcome.
allcountriesmusic.com is the name
#music #project
  • You have issues with the image quality. Why not get rid of the image top the video and have the video display in that area instead?
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10187151].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author alvinchua91
    I use a pretty fast Internet connection but your website loads rather slowly still..

    I can't seem to scroll past the top part of the website. I have to move my cursor below the top (moving) banner to continue scrolling down the page. This part might be a little bothersome to users, perhaps you could solve this part?

    But anyway, the idea sounds pretty decent to me.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10187707].message }}

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