Seeking website content maintenance services

2 replies
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I currently have 4 Wordpress based websites and looking to add many more. And I seek reputable and reliable 24/7 website maintenance services that entail content updating, since I do not have the bandwidth to do myself - but prefer companies with dedicated team for this task instead of individuals.

Any suggestions?
#content #maintenance #seeking #services #website
  • Profile picture of the author gingerninjas

    If you need this sort of service I would recommend you get a few international freelancers based in a few timezones to help you with this - you can usually find a few good options on or similar sites.

    The work can be based on a project or by the hour.

    I have a VA in the Phillipines that does admin for me.
    While I wouldn't be comfortable people updating my wordpress websites, you could have some success finding a few people who can write it and then maybe one trusted person that is overseeing the quality.

    The only thing I would be careful of is spelling and grammar, the content when you are engaging content updates is that the individuals have a good grasp on this otherwise it will make your four sites look a little unprofessional.

    Good luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author Apollo355
    Gingerninjas, as stated, I am only interested in companies with staff to do this - I don't trust individual freelancers.
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