Are CMS's making web designer/ developer run out of business?

9 replies
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It seems like web development is becoming a lost art. Nearly every site these days is built, on way or another, by CMS. Some by Shopify, Wordpress, CMS for accounting, CMS for lawyers.

etc................ We are left out.
#business #cms #designer or #developer #making #run #web
  • Profile picture of the author Tedel
    Well, it's right to a point. CMSs make web design easier... so easy sometimes you can do it by yourself.

    Still, if you think it twice, the most successful websites in the world do not necessarily use a CMS but a customised solution. If I were you, I would use this information in my web design marketing.

    My 0.02.
    Author of Heptagrama. PM for my SEO service offer.
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  • Profile picture of the author dburk
    Hi Gangsterpart,

    That's only true for the low end of the market, the high end where everything is custom designed is not likely to go away anytime soon.

    When one door closes another door opens...

    Web designers and web developer that specialize in creating and/or customizing Themes for CMS systems are doing very well.

    Going from custom hand coded web development to theme-based CMS web development is like a carpenter going from working with hand tools to power tools. It just allows you to get a whole lot more done in the same time frame. It makes you a more valuable worker when you have learned to master those tools.

    A web developer can now offer website development at a much lower cost and complete them in a shorter time, so instead of a couple projects a month you can now work on a couple of projects a week.

    If you are a web designer and developer you can design and develop easy to customize themes and sell that one theme to hundreds of different customers instead of just one.
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    • Profile picture of the author Gangsterpart
      Good but the question is how do you get hundreds of different customers without a marketing budgets?
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  • Profile picture of the author TheFifty9Sound
    I'm not sure you understand what a CMS is. Basically every site you ever visit has a CMS (content management system), unless it was built in 1999. They're just way of managing data, content etc..

    My company builds custom software with open source CMS's everyday. Any good PHP developer can build on WordPress. Any good .NET developer can work on Umbraco. They're tools of the trade.

    We occasionally still do the odd bespoke CMS, but it's becoming ever more rare.

    CMS's aren't putting developers or a designers out of business. The availability of TEMPLATES and modular front end builders probably means there is less work on the low end, which I think is probably what you're referring to.

    If you want custom functionality, you need custom built software. You can do that on top of pre-existing platforms, but very rarely is an out-of-the-box solution the answer.
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    • Profile picture of the author Gangsterpart
      What functionalities that clients usually want that cannot be done by them ? plug-ins ? add-ons ?
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      • Profile picture of the author TheFifty9Sound
        Any custom work with things like..

        - CRM integration
        - Competition management
        - Approval flows
        - Payment gateways
        - Templates
        - Log in / Members areas
        - Data ingestion

        ..just to name a few off the top of my head.

        Could you find plug ins to do some of this work? Sure. But you'd have to work to the limitations of the plugins. When your business depends on the software to run efficiently, or you're pouring 6 figures into a national marketing campaign, you want don't want to be modifying your processes or creative to suit the software. You modify the software to suit your processes and creative.

        I worked on exactly one project in the last five years where the client used a clean WordPress install with a ThemeForest template without any custom development.
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  • Profile picture of the author David Jones42
    but for adding aditional feature develoer required every time for do that.

    Top mobile app, games, and web development company in India AIS Technolabs

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    • Profile picture of the author Gangsterpart
      Additional features like what ?
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  • Profile picture of the author imagetypers
    nops its not that true . web designers and developers are still making a fine piece out of the newly cms systems ,
    just like dbruk said totally agreed.
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