Wordpress layout question

by Mmfh
7 replies
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Hello everyone,

I'm trying to setup wordpress so I can have images on the left and text on the right to go with that image.

I insert the first image on the left and its good, I add the text to go with that on the right of that image.

Now I want to continue doing this with different images and than text to the right of each image going down the page. When I insert another image below the first in the visual mode and than add the text to the right of it I'm happy.

If I update the page and then go to the site to take a look the lower image has moved up next to the upper image in the space below the text.

How can I add some kind of break below the first image to stop anything below from coming up next to it?

I basically want to show an item for sale with the description next to it. I want to do this for several items going down the page but everything bunches up to the top.

I tried using tags like <br/> several times and also the <hr/> and I actually had the site looking good once but when I went back to the editor my tags were gone and going back to the site it was all screwed up again.

I know this can't be that hard, what am I missing??

Please keep it simple

Thanks very much!

#layout #question #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author kimperino1985
    You need to add a plugin. Go to wordpress.org and search for plugins for adding pictures. That will help.
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    • Profile picture of the author Mmfh
      I will go and take a look but I was fairly sure that the latest version of wordpress had the ability to do it on its own.

      I will go take a look to see what I can find.


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  • Profile picture of the author fthomas137
    You can do this without plugins, but it is a bit of a chore. Plugins can be a good option too. Finally, if you know any CSS, you can setup your own personal style that can be for this but it seems like killing a fly with a crowbar.

    One other option is to seek out a tables wordpress plugin and then you can build a table within a post and voila, you'll have side by side pictures and text.

    Best of luck!

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    • Profile picture of the author Susan Hope
      If you do go the plugin route the plugin you want is "TinyMCE" which lets you add all kinds of other icons to the wysiwyg editor via it's option page (once uploaded) but more importantly, on that page near the bottom is a box to tick which makes the editor recognise < br > and < p > which without that, the editor tends to strip out.

      I now use TinyMCE on all my WP sites

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      • Profile picture of the author Mmfh
        Originally Posted by SusanneUK View Post

        If you do go the plugin route the plugin you want is "TinyMCE" which lets you add all kinds of other icons to the wysiwyg editor via it's option page (once uploaded) but more importantly, on that page near the bottom is a box to tick which makes the editor recognise < br > and < p > which without that, the editor tends to strip out.

        I now use TinyMCE on all my WP sites

        Sounds like you know exactly what I'm talking about!

        I found a plugin that said it was part of tinymce and I had to copy some files or something. It sounded like a challenge in itself but sounds like exactly what I need.

        Thanks very much for all the replies!

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        • Profile picture of the author Mmfh
          The plugin tinymce did the trick!

          It has several features but being able to use the <br> and the <p> tags make life much easier for me.

          You know it would be great if there was a plugin that would let you use full screen while in the html mode.

          Thanks again!

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  • Profile picture of the author tknoppe
    I use WP Super Edit, which is a customized tinymce and a quite a few other nice features (like search & replace) and also has advanced image editing, etc.. too.

    Traci Knoppe, OBM, Launch & Project Manager
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