Can any warrior reccommend me a website builder software?

18 replies
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I want create my own wordpress theme but i don't have knowledge in the website design. I try to use dreamwaver, but the css, php or htm code make me headache.

So i would like to know any software that in the market now can let me build the website with easily.

#builder #reccommend #software #warrior #website
  • Profile picture of the author Work At Home
    I use Trellian Webpage to create and edit my webpage. It's WYSIWYG and is free soft. I am not sure whether it can be use to edit your wordpress theme or not, but it has source code and html.
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  • I know CSS is a pain to learn but I used Dreamweaver with the tutorials and had it figured out in about 3 hrs. From there you will be able to build anything you like.
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  • Profile picture of the author Peter.Anthony
    Don't bother. Go to the Warriors for Hire section and get someone to do it for you. There are some great template designers there that are VERY reasonable in price.

    Great eBooks at a great price! Email me for a quote or work samples.

    Peter Anthony

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  • Profile picture of the author Technista
    Creating a WP theme is a little more complex than developing a standard site design. If you want to take it on, you can learn more at the wordpress website. But you said you were frustrated, so I suggest that you hire a designer or buy a theme template that you can modify. There are also many excellent free themes available.
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    • Profile picture of the author david carr
      depends how much time you have to devote to it and if you enjoy messing about with websites, if you enjoy it then learn by tweeking a template that you like.

      If you dont then get someone else to do it.

      I have tried of a plugin for dreamweaver but when I used it I didnt think it was that good but its had a few upgrades since then.

      Find it here WordPress Extension for Dreamweaver

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  • Profile picture of the author arnoldsmithh
    Well i think you can run wordpress blog better than the website.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alphamale_Devon
    Originally Posted by kelvintang View Post

    I want create my own wordpress theme but i don't have knowledge in the website design. I try to use dreamwaver, but the css, php or htm code make me headache.

    So i would like to know any software that in the market now can let me build the website with easily.

    Bro, There is this great web builder name Antenna that uses no html or css. It's all visual, just drop and place it and it's right there! You can make real professional looking websites in a hour or two! It's 60 bucks but it's worth the investment bro believe me. check it out
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  • Profile picture of the author source47
    I find it a lot easier to change and adjust an existing WP Theme rather than creating one from scratch. Most free themes allow you to modify them according to your needs. If you really want to start from scratch, I recommend

    I hope that this helps!
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    • Profile picture of the author kelvintang
      Thanks for every warrior of recommend me the website builder.
      Thanks a lot.

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      • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
        Originally Posted by kelvintang View Post

        Thanks for every warrior of recommend me the website builder.
        Thanks a lot.

        Kelvin there is no software that you are going to be able to use to build solid Wordpres themes. I know alot of people swear by Aristeer but it just pumps out template-like wordpress designs. If you want to really design wordpress themes you have to learn how the PHP code in it works.

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  • Profile picture of the author nuwav
    I recommend Artisteer - it allows you to create your own wordpress template and is very easy to use.
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  • Profile picture of the author nouseforaname
    Go for XSitePro, kinda expensive but I think it is really worth it. However, I'm comfortable with Dreamweaver.


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  • Profile picture of the author kimperino1985
    I would suggest you spend sometime learning HTML, css design and then design your website using dreamweaver. Dreamweaver is the best application to design a website using wordpress.
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  • Profile picture of the author Adney
    In my opinion,
    Artisteer is one of the easiest software to create any wordpress theme.. But it's not a best choice if you really want to learn to create wordpress theme

    No Signature :)

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  • Profile picture of the author Smoky89
    Dreamweaver is the best in my opinion... it's professional and not to hard to use... if you have any problems you can find a lot of videos how to use it on the internet...
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  • Profile picture of the author topher
    I join a quality template club like for $25 per year where I have direct access to wordpress experts and theme programmers, as well as access to quality templates i can tweak to any design. The services have been top notch and good. Would that do? I have tried artisteer but i am better off with Theme Hybrid: A WordPress theme club because i design and learn fast.
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