Any Way to Integrate Cold Fusion with WordPress?

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My hosting company is so freaking god-awful that I'm ready to make the switch after years of putting up with way more than I should.

My site is a cold fusion site, and now I want that site to be in Wordpress.

So my question is, I know I can switch hosts easily enough (going to Hostgator, I think), but will I be able to completely start over and rebuild my site from scratch to make it a Wordpress site?

Do I have to blow it up, so to speak, or just delete all the files or something?

Please tell me this is possible! If not, straighten me out and tell me my options.
#anymore #battered #feel #taking #wife
  • Profile picture of the author tpw
    A more accurate subject line may draw more attention to your post.

    I am clueless about Cold Fusion, so I cannot answer your questions relevant to that.
    Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA,
    Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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    • Profile picture of the author ArticleGrinder
      Originally Posted by tpw View Post

      A more accurate subject line may draw more attention to your post.

      I am clueless about Cold Fusion, so I cannot answer your questions relevant to that.
      I agree with tpw. I reckon you should change your title to attract more qualified people to answer your thread.
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  • Profile picture of the author carrot
    Well you are going to rebuild it in wordpress, keeping all the URLs the same (.htaccess mod or just a 301 if you cant work that out). As far as 'blowing it up or deleting files' im not sure what you mean. If you rebuild in wordpress, you would just install the new site on the new server, and point your domain name at it.
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  • Profile picture of the author E. Brian Rose
    Have you tried using a flux capacitor? If installed correctly, you should be able to go back to the beginning and set everything up on the right hosting service and with WordPress.

    Founder of JVZoo. All around good guy :)

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    • Profile picture of the author BillyBee
      Originally Posted by E. Brian Rose View Post

      Have you tried using a flux capacitor? If installed correctly, you should be able to go back to the beginning and set everything up on the right hosting service and with WordPress.
      Ahh, so you're in the comedy niche. I can see why you've been thanked 46,000 times.
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    • Profile picture of the author madaffiliatemoney
      Originally Posted by E. Brian Rose View Post

      Have you tried using a flux capacitor? If installed correctly, you should be able to go back to the beginning and set everything up on the right hosting service and with WordPress.

      Yeah the flux capacitor is great but you need 1.21 Gigawatts to run it!!!
      Some people make stuff happen, Some people watch stuff happen, Some people ask, "What Happened?"
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  • Profile picture of the author Janice Sperry
    I just moved everything from a static HTML site to a WordPress platform. Actually I paid a warrior to do it for me because I knew I could lose everything with my skills. I stayed with the same host but it would have been just as easy to switch to a new host at the same time. Everything transferred perfectly except some tweaking with some cosmetic things like Bold, Italics, etc. I had about 50 some pages to transfer. I still have all my same links, urls, etc. I have no regrets - it was a good move for this particular site.
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    • Profile picture of the author BillyBee
      Originally Posted by Janice Sperry View Post

      I just moved everything from a static HTML site to a WordPress platform. Actually I paid a warrior to do it for me because I knew I could lose everything with my skills. I stayed with the same host but it would have been just as easy to switch to a new host at the same time. Everything transferred perfectly except some tweaking with some cosmetic things like Bold, Italics, etc. I had about 50 some pages to transfer. I still have all my same links, urls, etc. I have no regrets - it was a good move for this particular site.
      Wow, Janice, that's fantastic. I'm going to send you a PM to find out the Warrior who helped you, if that's okay. That sounds like a good solution for me. Thanks so much.
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      • Profile picture of the author Janice Sperry
        Originally Posted by BillyBee View Post

        Wow, Janice, that's fantastic. I'm going to send you a PM to find out the Warrior who helped you, if that's okay. That sounds like a good solution for me. Thanks so much.
        PM just sent!
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        • Profile picture of the author divalasvegas
          @Janice Sperry ...
          Hi there. I know this thread is old, but I am now in the same boat. Have to revamp a ColdFusion site using Wordpress. Any chance I can also get the name of that Warrior you used to help you?

          Michelle Johnson
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    • Originally Posted by Janice Sperry View Post

      I just moved everything from a static HTML site to a WordPress platform. Actually I paid a warrior to do it for me because I knew I could lose everything with my skills. I stayed with the same host but it would have been just as easy to switch to a new host at the same time. Everything transferred perfectly except some tweaking with some cosmetic things like Bold, Italics, etc. I had about 50 some pages to transfer. I still have all my same links, urls, etc. I have no regrets - it was a good move for this particular site.
      Could you share who helped you and an estimate of cost
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10986072].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Gary King
    Hostgator supports cold fusion, but only on their VPS or dedicated servers.

    If you want to search for a cold fusion host, here's Adobe's hosting page (owners of cold fusion).

    Application development | ColdFusion ? hosting

    That said, if you ARE going to transfer things over to Wordpress, keep in mind that cold fusion is really a programming environment - it may be doing things that word press does not do.

    Example - if you had a zip code search to find a dealer for a product, that would be developed in the cold fusion (or other) programming environment. You would have to have that re-written in php or another language when you moved it over.

    Just don't want you to back yourself into a corner...

    If it's really just pages on a site with no fancy back-end programming, shouldn't be a big deal to move it over.

    Good luck!


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  • Profile picture of the author Istvan Horvath
    As Gary said above: if there is not much (program)language specific stuff and you meant to move over your content to WP - that can be done.

    People move their existing content all the time to WordPress. Now, whether it can or should be automated will depend on many factors: the size (# of pages), the original programming language etc.

    Even a few tens of pages can be transferred manually in a day, so it shouldn't be a big deal.

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  • Profile picture of the author GuerrillaIM
    How big is the site? If its not that big doing it manually will be simplest (cut and paste). If it's thousands of pages then you just need someone to export all the data and play with it a little to get it into a format that can go into wordpress. Not the most complex thing but you will need to find someone who knows their way around the WP database.
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  • Profile picture of the author paulie888
    Since cold fusion is obviously a completely different platform from Wordpress, I think it'd be best to move things over manually with the help of an expert. How many pages are on your cold fusion site currently?

    You'd obviously want to consult an expert to maintain the overall look and feel of your existing cold fusion site (which is what I'd assume you're wanting to do). In addition, depending on whether your site has e-commerce functionality and an existing database, you'd want to consult with an expert on the optimal Wordpress plugins and configuration to deploy in order to maintain that functionality.

    I don't think this would be a simple copy and paste operation by any means, since we're talking about two completely different platforms. If you were just transferring a Wordpress site from one host to another, then it'd be pretty simple, but this is completely different.

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    • Profile picture of the author madaffiliatemoney
      Save the clock tower!!
      Some people make stuff happen, Some people watch stuff happen, Some people ask, "What Happened?"
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      • Profile picture of the author merlincat
        Title of this post could be viewed as marginally offensive, at the very least insensitive.

        Maybe, changing it to something that actually reflects your question.
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  • Profile picture of the author BartonMurray
    We are having the same problem and need to find someone with experience to help us.

    Experience with Shopify eCommerce or some other Wordpress eCommerce plugin would really help.
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