2 Wordpress Plugins That Will Save Your Life!

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After losing a blog & having some database issues in the past. I know how important it is to back up you blog content and files. This can be done automatically on your behalf and doesn't have to take up any of your time once its all setup. Most importantly the 10 minutes it takes you to set this up can save you HOURS upon HOURS of time trying to get your blog fixed or dealing with you hosting company to see if they somehow have a backup for you...

So go download these 2 plugins now!

#1 - WP-DB-Backup (this one backs up your database automatically)

#2 - Wordpress Backup (this one backs up your plugins, themes and uploads from the wp-content folder automatically)

Yes you can back these up manually in your C-panel account, but with these plugins it is done automatically for you each and every week or day depending on how often you want it to...

Have you ever lost content on your blog without having a backup? Let me know below!
#avoid #backup #blog #find #lost #mike hobbs #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author sknapstein
    Actually, Mike, I never new I could lose content from my blog!!!! I use the Wordpress Backup plugin, but only when I update my theme to a newer version. Now that I know I could lose content, I'll be backing up my blog regularly. Thanks for posting 2 Wordpress Plugins That Will Save Your Life!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3308155].message }}
    • Hey mhobbs, thanks for sharing those. There is a really easy one I use regularly, it's called WP Clone I think.

      Care to share how you managed to lose your blog/content? Got hacked?
      Stop Building Backlinks The OLD Way, Use >THIS< Instead!

      >Let Me Build HIGH QUALITY Backlinks For You!<
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  • Profile picture of the author Dean Martin
    Save Your Life? might be stretching it a bit.

    Better than just a wp files & database backup is a full account backup.

    Mine (and many other) hosting companies run a daily/weekly/monthly backup of the entire account (database, email accounts, statistics, all site files, etc) that you can then download to a local hard drive.

    If the world collapses, you simply find another hosting company and restore the entire backup. All files, databases, email and statistic history since the day you started.

    No special plugins or user input required.

    Ask your hosting company how to do this - it's easier than you think. If they can't tell you, find another hosting company
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  • Profile picture of the author Brigittecha
    Aloha mike, this helps a lot indeed, as when we first set a blog, we are not often been told about those essential pluggins.
    I never lost my blog content or files, and I'm glad I know this way to avoid it now!
    Thank you!
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  • Profile picture of the author Istvan Horvath
    I never had those plugins and I never lost a blog content.

    Get good passwords; don't edit theme files online ever (making them world wide writable, LOL); don't use obscure plugins; make sure there is no keylogger on your machine...

    Are you working online trying to make money online? Then learn the basic or hire a pro webmatser: to be able to do a simple backup of your content - which, bte, resides in your database not in files.

    Or what that famous actor said above: get yur host to do the backup

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    • Profile picture of the author mhobbs25
      Originally Posted by Istvan Horvath View Post

      I never had those plugins and I never lost a blog content.

      Get good passwords; don't edit theme files online ever (making them world wide writable, LOL); don't use obscure plugins; make sure there is no keylogger on your machine...

      Are you working online trying to make money online? Then learn the basic or hire a pro webmatser: to be able to do a simple backup of your content - which, bte, resides in your database not in files.

      Or what that famous actor said above: get yur host to do the backup

      You should never rely on someone else to back up your blog. If you ever get hacked or something happens and you don't have the backup you will be very upset and have hours upon hours of time spent trying to redo everything.

      Take the 10 minutes and install the plugins and you will never have to worry!

      There are so many people that think success
      is all about just being persistent... I want to
      share with you today WHY that is NOT enough!
      Listen to the full story here!

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  • Profile picture of the author RaptorGabe
    First thanks for the post i know alot of people are ripping on you but you put out good content, and thats deserves some major cudos.

    2nd, I agree with Dean. I have my hosting company back everything up, and sometimes I'll save a copy on the main drive. Never lost content, but I've had a few designs go haywire on me. Content is usually always recoverable though
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  • Profile picture of the author LithiumPoker
    :confusedoes anyone know how to install WordPress? I have Godaddy hosting and I installed it, and they told me that it should be in the /wordpress folder, but it didn't create one. Any advice?

    Another question is - if I have a blog like lithiumpoker.wordpress.com - can I add in plugins or whatnot since it's a free blog?
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    • Profile picture of the author infoaddicts
      Inputs required - What are most 2-3 scenarios that will bring your WP blog down or lead to database issues.
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    • Profile picture of the author Istvan Horvath
      Originally Posted by LithiumPoker View Post

      :confusedoes anyone know how to install WordPress? I have Godaddy hosting and I installed it, and they told me that it should be in the /wordpress folder, but it didn't create one. Any advice?

      Another question is - if I have a blog like lithiumpoker.wordpress.com - can I add in plugins or whatnot since it's a free blog?
      1. Get a decent host = move away from GD.

      2. No, you can not.

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  • Profile picture of the author sady92
    Well this 2 Plugins are really interessing but i hope it wont crash with some plugins and it can damage my blog
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  • Profile picture of the author mjprod
    I've never lost any blogs either, but it's good to know there are plugins out there like these in case that day ever comes.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kysersoze
    Good idea, I back up my own stuff though but I'm sure this will be helpful for some not sure if it will save anyone's life though :-).
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