Website suggestions needed

14 replies
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Ok, I am a new member here and I am excited to learn from so many knowledgeable people. My husband and I own a locksmith business in San Diego, Ca. My website is

I developed our website and have done a fair job of marketing our company. We rank high for google places in quite a few catagorys and we have a ton of positive customer reviews on and

My problem is that I don't rank high in organic listings and there is a ton of competition for locksmiths (even though most are the same company with different names). I currently use go daddy for my domains, wix for my website, I also have a blue host acct for hosting.

I have not had any professional training which is probably obvious by my site, but I have tried to mirror other locksmith sites that show up high in listings. What can I improve on? Would my site rank higher in organic if I made a wordpress site? I have read that HTML sites are google friendly vs. Flash sites like my wix site. Or do I need to add more back links and things of that nature?

I appreciate any help you can offer me.



Okay, I took all of the feedback and had my website redesigned with Wordpress. I am ranking a lot better. I am hoping some of the people that originally reviewed the site will rereview. I am still open for feedback that would improve my site further and help me rank higher for my top keywords. Thanks, Jennifer
#1 San Diego Locksmith Service - Busy Bees Locks & Keys, San Diego
#needed #suggestions #website
  • Profile picture of the author Aussie Dazzler
    I could not actually get to see your site, the page just kept reloading...bad start.

    I also use bluehost....definitely install wordpress. will rank much better if constructed correctly.

    Think of your locksmith dallas, then concentrate your categories and post around that

    As an example i am doing a site centered round keywords dentists geelong

    my site is dentists geelong dot com.

    Have a good look , note page titles etc.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5059239].message }}
    • For one things, Flash websites don't perform well in organic Google listings.

      You have lots of issues with your site that will prevent it from performing well on Google:

      - No searchable text on homepage
      - no navigation system that Google can spider
      - no footer links
      - no sitemap etc etc

      Services like WIX are problematic because while you are getting this ready made website, the construction of the site in regards to SEO (especially a Flash site) isn't worth much.

      If I would you, I would start over and use either a Wordpress format or an HTML format.

      Best of luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author mgreener

    Definitely start over or at least adapt your site to Wordpress which at least has semi clean SEO code from the start. This will help your onpage, although, building backlinks is probably another thing that you'll need to do. One way to know is to get Market Samurai and check out your keywords, compare your site to competitor sites, etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author xtrapunch
    Hi Jennifer,

    As you have already been advised, Flash is not good for SEO. Get a WordPress site. It is fairly easy if you have access to cPanel for your hosting. Checkout Hostgator Coupon Code 2011, Hostgator Coupons, Web Hosting Coupons for videos on installing WordPress (scroll down on the page).

    * Your website title is too long and not focused. It should be something like:
    San Diego LockSmiths Service - San Diego LockSmiths - BusyBee Locksmiths
    No one is going to search for your company name. Don't focus on it.

    The title is only thing that I can see on you site. Rest is a white space. Do you expect people to call you when they can't even see your number? Get your website fixed immediately, preferably from an experienced designer who knows SEO. If you can learn SEO and design do it yourself. You will have to spend hours figuring out the right way -- 10-20-30 hours on the site.

    Do it yourself only when your wage for 30 hours is less than that being asked by a designer. Let's say you make $25 per hour. So if you spend 30 hours, the effective cost of the site is $750 for you. Would it be wiser to hire an expert who can do this for $150, or $250, or $350, or $500?

    All the best.
    >> Web Design, Wordpress & SEO - <<
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    • Profile picture of the author busybees
      Thank you all for the great feedback, I will start working on a wordpress site immediately.
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  • Profile picture of the author ArwenTaylor
    Once you get your site up and running, one way you can help it rank better is to complete your Google Place page. Google looks at that when they are pulling results for local search queries.
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  • Profile picture of the author Istvan Horvath
    As it has been advised: get rid of flash.

    Next, think over the structure of your site - as of now it looks like a "keyword farm". It's very difficult to navigate and it's too busy; plus, the zillion buttons on the top are difficult to read.

    WordPress might be a better solution unless you will try to replicate this mess...

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    • Profile picture of the author Azarna
      Sorry, but it is just a horrible mess of keywords. It looks like you are concentrating on getting a high google ranking over having a site that real people can read
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  • Profile picture of the author mikeavery10
    You should keep fresh and unique content to your site. There is no content that SERPs would indexed, so you are not benefited with your organic SEO.
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  • Profile picture of the author webspider
    hello friends,
    I think adding more pictures would make it perfect (pictures of the two of you, the venue location, etc)! You did a great job and the stories are well written.
    For us, we put a lot of time and effort into the website and only about 50% of the guests actually used it so I was disappointed and would recommend people just do a FAQ, directions, accomodations, registry and that is it.

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  • Profile picture of the author Nexstair

    Here are my suggestions:

    1- Get rid of Wix
    2- Use Wordpress for your website.
    3- Follow latest web standards
    4- Get targeted audience.

    And a few more once you are done with it......

    Originally Posted by busybees View Post

    Ok, I am a new member here and I am excited to learn from so many knowledgeable people. My husband and I own a locksmith business in San Diego, Ca. My website is

    I developed our website and have done a fair job of marketing our company. We rank high for google places in quite a few catagorys and we have a ton of positive customer reviews on and

    My problem is that I don't rank high in organic listings and there is a ton of competition for locksmiths (even though most are the same company with different names). I currently use go daddy for my domains, wix for my website, I also have a blue host acct for hosting.

    I have not had any professional training which is probably obvious by my site, but I have tried to mirror other locksmith sites that show up high in listings. What can I improve on? Would my site rank higher in organic if I made a wordpress site? I have read that HTML sites are google friendly vs. Flash sites like my wix site. Or do I need to add more back links and things of that nature?

    I appreciate any help you can offer me.

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  • Profile picture of the author busybees
    Okay, I took all of the feedback and had my website redesigned with Wordpress. I am ranking a lot better. I am hoping some of the people that originally reviewed the site will rereview. I am still open for feedback that would improve my site further and help me rank higher for my top keywords. Thanks, Jennifer
    #1 San Diego Locksmith Service - Busy Bees Locks & Keys, San Diego
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  • Profile picture of the author sascrotch123
    I did not originally view your page, but the one I see now is not too bad. The flow of it is a little off for me, but I might just be picky. As far as ranking goes, do you have any backlinks? These help a lot and they are not too hard to get. You can link trade with sites that deal with keys/cars/selling locks or heck even some of your competitors.
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    • Profile picture of the author busybees
      That's a good idea, so what would I do just add a spot on my site that would link to other businesses?
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