Recommendations for buying Wordpress layout + design

by robcop
11 replies
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Hey Warriors,

So I just got my domain and hosting at Hostgator and I am looking for somebody that can design my WordPress site for a low budget. (max $100.- im not that rich)
Or should I do it myself? I have no idea how WordPress works.

So anybody got tips, or knows somebody that can do these kind of things for somebody with a low budget?
Or a good source where you can learn how to create a WordPress layout and design?
I would gladly hear from you guys.

#buying #design #layout #recommendations #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author threezerozero
    wordpress is very user-friendly. you can find a ton of tutorials and walkthroughs for designing a wp site. honestly? i would do it yourself a little coin and youll know what to do if something goes awry. you can start by installing a theme...that gives you the background and basic layout. you can hit up for themes. i would say the theme is the most important piece because its the backbone and the structure of your site. so definitely take your time in choosing one. once the theme is set, just start adding widgets to your sidebar and start creating some pages.

    PM me if you have any questions or want to know more.
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  • Profile picture of the author callseller
    Start with one from the free theme repository.

    WordPress › Free WordPress Themes

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  • Profile picture of the author robcop
    Thank you Threezerozero and Callseller for the input!

    I'm looking on the site right now but there are so many themes to choose from.
    My site will be based around cats, I will post video's and pictures on there with just small descriptions which people can like and share on Facebook, twitter etc etc. What theme would benefit me the most?
    And if I buy a theme on is it still possible to give it some nice design? (thinking about a nice logo and good looking template to be done by a designer)

    Thanks you guys a lot!
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    • Profile picture of the author threezerozero
      Originally Posted by robcop View Post

      Thank you Threezerozero and Callseller for the input!

      I'm looking on the site right now but there are so many themes to choose from.
      My site will be based around cats, I will post video's and pictures on there with just small descriptions which people can like and share on Facebook, twitter etc etc. What theme would benefit me the most?
      And if I buy a theme on is it still possible to give it some nice design? (thinking about a nice logo and good looking template to be done by a designer)

      Thanks you guys a lot!
      not sure what theme would benefit you the most, that's purely personal and based on your objectives. it's really up to you to figure out how you want your site layout to look like.

      after buying a theme from themeforest, you can have it custom altered to your liking including adding your logo. a designer can help you out with that, but in terms of layout, just install the theme and play around with it. usually, it should give you enough options to keep you satisfied, but if you do decide to still make some custom changes, by all means go look for a designer to help you out.

      one note on free themes, the reason i don't really use free themes is because its accessible to anyone and everyone. someone could have something similar to yours because they chose the same free theme. now, that's just my opinion. you can, however, choose a free theme and having a designer modify it accordingly, might be a little more cost effective than buying a themeforest theme and modifying it. but then agan, that is based on what modifications you are looking to have.
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      • Profile picture of the author Bryan
        I only use premium frameworks for reasons of flexibility and security. The Catalyst Theme is a great solution and it has become more of a website builder than just a premium framework and theme. It blows away framewords like Genesis and Thesis as far as ease of customization and flexibility.

        It has over 800 different options for customization from the admin panel, without having to mess with CSS like you would other frameworks and themes. They are contantly moving forward and are way in the lead compared to the competition.

        A lot of other Frameworks are just sitting back and taking their time with upgrades and advancements, while collecting their fat checks. It took Genesis a long time to be able to upload logos and change background color and they have added any other customization that you would expect from a premium framework to increase ease of use.
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  • Profile picture of the author callseller
    I've used the Suffusion theme for videos sites. It has a lot of options for design. It doesn't look like much out of the box but it is highly configurable with free support.

    Private Label WordPress Videos.
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  • Profile picture of the author Redwyn88
    I'd also recommend starting with a free theme and once you decide you're going to stick with it then I'd buy a good premium theme. On the other hand, you might have a better overall experience if you just get a nice premium theme to start with, they certainly make things a lot easier.
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  • Profile picture of the author robcop
    Thanks for the answers, anybody else that knows some good Theme at for my niche or have some tips? Very much appreciated!!
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  • Profile picture of the author redexclub
    hey, I'll be happy to help you.. I've sent a PM regarding wordpress setup!

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  • Profile picture of the author BocaKenK
    I would jump on Fiverr, they have tons of people that can help you with WordPress for a really cheap price. I've got a guy in the Philippines that does most of my customization. Once you get going making more $$$, you can outsource. In the meantime, use Fiverr.
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