Newbie help with split testing

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Hello Warriors! I've been trying my hand at internet marketing for about a year now, primarily with affiliate products. I've made some money from ClickBank and Amazon but nothing close to worth bragging about.

I'm thinking of trying some CPA or CPL offers combined with PPC advertising, but before I do I *must* learn how to split test landing pages. I'm good at making websites but I don't know how to create 2 pages that viewers are split between to see click through rates and the like. I'm not even sure exactly how it's supposed to work!

Could someone please give me a brief explanation of how to do with just one domain, and preferably one link I can split test pages on people directed there from my PPC marketing.

I don't need a full blown guide. I'm fairly web savvy and I'm not afraid to do the research on my own. I just need a good overview so I know where to get started.

Thanks a million!
#landing page #newbie #newbie help #split #split testing #testing #website testing
  • Profile picture of the author topkat13
    Hi. We don't have anything yet on split-testing, but this is a good idea. Once we have it there - if you like I can give you a copy of it. Traffic is usually the issue we hear most about. We personally are huge fans of video - the more the merrier = targeted traffic. If you like, you can visit our site for a FREE 16 video education course on traffic generation. It is packed with 3 hours of ideas that are low or no cost. Good luck and stick with it, and remember: Everything is hard until it's easy! But make it easier faster with education.

    George J. Hanko III
    CEO and Founder
    Ultimate Internet Marketing Success
    "The World's Largest Internet Marketing Education Site"
    Build, Market and Monetize your Website!

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    • Profile picture of the author DJXA
      Sorry you don't have any information on split testing landing pages yet, but I'll check your site out anyway. I'm always interested in learning more and generating traffic is certainly worth learning about if you want to succeed in IM!

      Originally Posted by topkat13 View Post

      Everything is hard until it's easy!
      Haha, ain't that the truth!
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      • Profile picture of the author Cram
        bevomedia has a great free split testing tracking platform.
        I can easily create campaigns quick stress free, with other awesome features.
        Also Playing around with the multiple offers on 1 lander.
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  • Profile picture of the author CashAdsLLC
    For me, I like to use a handy tool called CPVLab. It allows you to input several offer URL's and will spit out one link for you. The software rotates between these offer URL's based on the percentage you give it. To evenly split test 2 offers, you would obviously assign 50% to each offer. Other than that without software, I would just create 2 campaigns within whatever traffic source you are using. Each campaign belongs to a different tracking URL that you want to split test with. Make the campaigns identical except for the tracking URL and then run them both at the same time.
    CashAds LLC CPA Network
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