What am doing wrong, Leadpages bsckground picture help, please!

3 replies
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I've watched so many videos saying you get a wallpaper picture, or any large picture from Google images and upload it to Leadpages, but when I do this the picture is too small. Here are some pictures to describe it better (hopefully!)

The above pic is the one on Google images, I "save as" but then the pic changes to 264 x 177 in my computer from the original 1920 x 1200

Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
#bsckground #leadpages #picture #wrong
  • Profile picture of the author David Braybrooke
    Are you taking care to keep within Google images copyright rules? Can you resize the dimensions yourself with an image adjuster, this may work.
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  • Profile picture of the author dean20653
    Sounds like your trying to save directly from google images, therefore your only getting the thumbnail. click on the picture, the click on view image and it should open JUST the image in a blank tab/window .. the click "Save As"

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    • Profile picture of the author pollytoast
      Thank you Dean, that's exactly what I was doing wrong, been trying to work this out for days, doh!

      David, I always use the filters for usage rights. The pictures I was saving were saving smaller though, you can't make them larger in editors as far as I know you can only shrink images.

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