Best Business WordPress Themes

14 replies
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Hi everyone!

I'm looking for some business wordpress themes .I already starting a business website which have about us, contact us, portfolio and more essential page for my business. And most important i need one page parallax themes. I already search in themeforest and templatemoster. I got some themes, but i want a good suggestion from you. Can you suggest me some creative business wordpress themes?

Thanks in Advance
#business #business wordpress themes #themes #wordpres themes #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author BarbaraP
    Try, specifically the Divi theme. It is an easy-to-build, easy to customize, fast-loading beautiful parallax theme. We've used ET for 5 years and use Divi now for most. Has ecommerce options, video sales page options, video backgrounds, hero images, integrates with email marketing, templates or drag drop build. The annual fee costs less than 2 themeforest or woothemes and gives you total access to dozens of themes, great forum support, and auto-updates with your ET api key. ET themes are always updated to latest WP version too. check it out.
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  • Profile picture of the author OutSourCed
    The best business themes are any themes that are short and to-the-point. The best business themes do 3 things:

    1) Sell
    2) Sell
    3) Sell

    Calls to action, contact forms on every page and mobile connectivity.
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  • Profile picture of the author richardking2005
    If your looking for Parallax theme, one page site. Elegant themes, "DIV2 theme" is the perfect one, flexible structured, modern and clean

    Introducing Divi 2.0
    The smartest and most flexible theme collection. Divi is the most powerful theme were ever built, and quite possibly the only theme you will ever need.
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  • Profile picture of the author sojibrahman
    Recent i find out this theme from themeforest. WordPress - Biz - Multipurpose Business and Corporate Theme | ThemeForest . It's pretty nice text effect. nice design and perfect my new business website i should buy this
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  • Profile picture of the author smartkenyan
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    • Profile picture of the author sojibrahman
      Originally Posted by smartkenyan View Post

      I prefer getting a framework which will add more functionalities to your website, plus adding some child themes will be for the beauty.. please check a list of the Best WordPress Frameworks
      I like Thesis more then Genesis Framework. Thesis is easy to handle . But those child themes are not so well decorated. can you show me some good child themes?
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  • Profile picture of the author mathewjohnson
    Originally Posted by sojibrahman View Post

    Hi everyone!

    I'm looking for some business wordpress themes .I already starting a business website which have about us, contact us, portfolio and more essential page for my business. And most important i need one page parallax themes. I already search in themeforest and templatemoster. I got some themes, but i want a good suggestion from you. Can you suggest me some creative business wordpress themes?

    Thanks in Advance

    Have a look on Zappy Themes...

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    • Profile picture of the author sojibrahman
      Originally Posted by mathewjohnson View Post


      Have a look on Zappy Themes...

      Just see Zappy Themes. It's really good Creative work
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  • Profile picture of the author Nicole Thomas
    I would go with Genesis Framework or Elegant Themes (Divi). If your budget is low then you can opt for MyThemeShop Themes.
    You can also avail amazing discounts on all these themes.
    Good Luck
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  • Profile picture of the author Action Man
    Originally Posted by sojibrahman View Post

    Hi everyone!

    I'm looking for some business wordpress themes .I already starting a business website which have about us, contact us, portfolio and more essential page for my business. And most important i need one page parallax themes. I already search in themeforest and templatemoster. I got some themes, but i want a good suggestion from you. Can you suggest me some creative business wordpress themes?

    Thanks in Advance
    sure, but no theme will ever make you money...

    the simple free clean themes are best, and content wins over themes

    get to work..smiles

    if you want warriors, you have them!

    if not well your choice..smiles

    should we tell-how crappy looking sites are making a fortune?

    now that would be telling, join the war room

    "Love conquers all things except poverty and toothache" (Mae West)

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  • Profile picture of the author pinkwhale
    Elegant themes are best for business wordpress themes.
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  • Profile picture of the author wordpressmania
    Any theme can work for you if you have cool content and good images. Just find a theme that is easy to use and that you like.
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  • Profile picture of the author yuccarichard
    I second that elegant themes Divi2 will fit the bill. Very versatile, responsive and you get your parallax effects when needed.
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  • Profile picture of the author Blaine Smitley
    I've never used Divi, but am in a group and a few of the members of that group use it. They swear it's easy and I know from looking that they build some really clean nice looking sites.

    I just started in with Genesis and am liking it ok.
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