Adult Affiliation Marketing - PPS and PPL

5 replies
I want to do Adult Affiliation marketing. So far PPS and PPL.

Well, I have a site where I was making money from PPL and PPS - 5-6 per day! Well, it's a small income and so my investment was small too.. I was doing FACEBOOK Ads. But recently Facebook - turn down all my Ads - so I have no where to go.

If you guys suggest me where should I go now and put some growth on my business will be awesome.

#adult #affiliation #marketing #ppl #pps
  • Profile picture of the author yasinsuhel
    If you need to get some leads in your affiliate program you can use check this cool GIG
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  • Profile picture of the author winnermarketing
    FACEBOOK doesn t allowed adult contents if they are explicit!

    Change your Ads:

    Images can't be violent, can't shock, can't promise easy cure, can't show explicit sexual exposure!

    Free Guide to Make Money Online [Now!]
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    • Profile picture of the author Highway55
      Sounds like you tried to direct link to your offer? We are in the age of landing pages now.

      That said, since you made some sales from facebook traffic you should do everything you can to continue to use facebook traffic, as you will only get better the more traffic you buy. Try to come up with a landing page (on a different domain?) that hides your offer, but leads them to where you want them.

      A discreet article from a woman's point of view, perhaps, with a link at the end...

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      • Profile picture of the author Model
        Originally Posted by Highway55 View Post

        A discreet article from a woman's point of view, perhaps, with a link at the end...
        What he said

        Did I mentioned I'm available now?


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