Google AdSense Account Disabled

21 replies
I am new to the Internet marketing world. I will be grateful for any advise you can offer me with regard to Disabled Google Adsense account.

I signed up for Google adsense about an year ago. Although I did not earn to get a pay check from Google (I may have earned around $60), I was surprised receive the e-mail from Google as below. They mention about invalid clicks but my web stats does not show any such clicks or visit to my sites, nothing unsual seems to have happened. I just wonder if Google can shut down your account just like that, is it worth working with adsense. Is there a way to get around the problem? Below is the e-mail that I got from Google

"While going through our records recently, we found that your AdSense
account has posed a significant risk to our AdWords advertisers. Since
keeping your account in our publisher network may financially damage our
advertisers in the future, we've decided to disable your account.

Please understand that we consider this a necessary step to protect the
interests of both our advertisers and our other AdSense publishers. We
realize the inconvenience this may cause you, and we thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation"
#account #adsense #disabled #google
  • Profile picture of the author jakesellers
    Google can terminate you for any reason at any time from Adsense. Most of those terminations seem to have been for arbi or shady stuff like putting adsense under pops so if people double-click they hit the adsense. If you weren't running pops or crap traffic to the site just reply and ask them to reinstate it.
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    • Profile picture of the author Cyrus
      If you feel you were "unfairly" banned by Google Adsense because of "invalid clicks" you did not commit, don't fret. Account reinstatement, although rare, is possible.

      Do note, however, that this only applies to cases where you were not at fault. This means you did not click on your own ads, did not encourage visitors to click on your ads, and did not violate any Google Adsense's Program Policies

      • 1. Don't simply appeal by replying to the Google mail that notified you that you have been banned. File a formal appeal for reinstatement using Google's official Invalid Clicks Appeal Form.
      • 2. Correctly input all needed information in the form. Also include your real name, address, and other contact information (preferably the same information in your Adsense profile). This sends Google a signal that you are serious in your appeal.
      • 3. Phrase your email in a formal, corporate, sincere manner. Always check for correct spelling and grammar. Do not curse, rant, or threaten legal action against Google. In the same way that you will be annoyed at a fiery email sent to you, Google will certainly not appreciate similar emails.
      • 4. Offer to cooperate with Adsense, in the best possible way you can, should they decide to investigate your case. Show concrete proofs of your "innocence" -- traffic logs of your site, explanation of possible causes of invalid clicks, screenshots and evidence that those clicks were not made or intended by you. Include a line that says something like, "If there's anything else I can do to help in your investigation of my account, please let me know."
      • 5. If Google has still not responded to your issue, send regular follow-up emails but make sure you DON'T SPAM them. When sending follow-ups, ensure that your writing is calm and patient. A mail that says "Still no reply after two weeks? C'mon, Google, don't tell me you're not reading my emails!!!!" will definitely ruin your chances of a possible reinstatement.
      Several publishers who got banned got their accounts reinstated after following the steps above. You can do the same.
      Good luck in getting your banned Adsense account back!

      Source: Banned by Google Adsense? Here's how to reinstate your account | - Make Money Online, Stocks, Forex, Mutual Funds Philippines
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  • Profile picture of the author noah.whitmore
    That's too bad, AdSense is great! But, it sounds like you may not really understand what you did wrong. It's pretty common that new AdSense publishers will be terminated because they think that they can click on their own ads, which is obviously against the rules. You may have been banned because their were a lot of people clicking on your ads multiple times.

    I have also heard stories of people clicking on their ads from a computer that is not theirs, then logging into their AdSense account to see how much they have earned per click. Then, they get banned from AdSense. I'm guessing that Google can figure out that if you log into your AdSense account and get clicks from the same IP address, that you are clicking on your own ads.

    I'm not sure of your specific circumstances. But, I thought that I would just let you know what I've heard about that kind of stuff.

    Your best bet to get your account back would probably be to follow Cyrus's advice step by step. Stay curtious and polite, and let them know that you are serious about helping them if they need.

    -Noah Whitmore
    No Pitch For The Moment - Just A Nice Hello.
    So... 'Hello'
    Feel free to PM me if you have any questions about my posts. I'd like to hear from you!
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    • Profile picture of the author HCLee
      Google never reinstates any suspended adsense account as far as I know. My advice is forget about asking, just apply another account using your spouse or relative name. It's less hassle this way.
      Electric Foot Warmers -End your cold feet days now.
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      • Profile picture of the author marketing4sale
        Thanks everyone for the helpful information and advises. I have appealed to Google as best as I can. I think it better not to bother too much about Google Adsense. There are many other sources for earning some advertising income like CPA network. The only problem is that I have to redo my sites to fill in the space left for Google adsense.
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  • Profile picture of the author BlackWaterBlog
    Originally Posted by marketing4sale View Post

    I am new to the Internet marketing world. I will be grateful for any advise you can offer me with regard to Disabled Google Adsense account.

    I signed up for Google adsense about an year ago. Although I did not earn to get a pay check from Google (I may have earned around $60), I was surprised receive the e-mail from Google as below. They mention about invalid clicks but my web stats does not show any such clicks or visit to my sites, nothing unsual seems to have happened. I just wonder if Google can shut down your account just like that, is it worth working with adsense. Is there a way to get around the problem? Below is the e-mail that I got from Google

    "While going through our records recently, we found that your AdSense
    account has posed a significant risk to our AdWords advertisers.
    keeping your account in our publisher network may financially damage our
    advertisers in the future, we've decided to disable your account.

    Please understand that we consider this a necessary step to protect the
    interests of both our advertisers and our other AdSense publishers. We
    realize the inconvenience this may cause you, and we thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation"
    The text that has been bolded commonly refers to click fraud. If you weren't clicking on your own ads, you can gather up evidence using server logs and such and make an appeal to Google.

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  • Profile picture of the author zain654321
    When Google disables an Adsense account, the first step is to provide them access to your web server logs for any fraudlent click activity. But if your blog is hosted on Blogger, that won't help you.
    They will probably not hold payment against the Adsense check that has already been issued to you but any unpaid earnings in your Adsense account won't be paid to you.
    You may change your site in accordance with the Adsense policies and may send them a follow up email requesting another review of your account but frankly, the chances are on the lower side.
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  • Profile picture of the author landcentral
    Your probably shot on this one. Getting Adsense back is nearly impossible. One trick I came up with to help a buddy out was to have him open up "company" on paper, which gives you a new tax id. With the tax id you can then apply for Adsense under the company name, not yours. If you are trying to do a lot online, then it is probably best for you to have a side business anyways.
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  • Profile picture of the author dnka
    Some Google Adsense employees can get your account enabled for a fee . This "service" is widely advertised on other forums by their affiliates.
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    • Profile picture of the author vintotin
      If your google adsense account is disabled you can have another one. Only if you have 2 or 3 postal address. You sign up for another account with the same name but different address. Many said it works.
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by marketing4sale View Post

    I am new to the Internet marketing world. I will be grateful for any advise you can offer me with regard to Disabled Google Adsense account.

    I signed up for Google adsense about an year ago. Although I did not earn to get a pay check from Google (I may have earned around $60), I was surprised receive the e-mail from Google as below. They mention about invalid clicks but my web stats does not show any such clicks or visit to my sites, nothing unsual seems to have happened. I just wonder if Google can shut down your account just like that, is it worth working with adsense. Is there a way to get around the problem? Below is the e-mail that I got from Google

    "While going through our records recently, we found that your AdSense
    account has posed a significant risk to our AdWords advertisers. Since
    keeping your account in our publisher network may financially damage our
    advertisers in the future, we've decided to disable your account.

    Please understand that we consider this a necessary step to protect the
    interests of both our advertisers and our other AdSense publishers. We
    realize the inconvenience this may cause you, and we thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation"
    Do you know why Google shut down your account? Like do you know the real reason?? Was there anything done shady?
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  • Profile picture of the author zachary0611
    I have heard of Google doing this without even giving people a reason. So, its hard to defend yourself when you do not know what you are accused of.
    Professional Web Designers
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  • Profile picture of the author VedoMedia
    oh man that sucks... i've been suspended off google as well, but was able to create a new guide every time.. if you want a new account, i suggest you check out Google Stealth - Suspended Blocked Google Limited Account eBook Guide Help...
    Signature - Learn how to make over $50,000 per month!
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    • Profile picture of the author l23bc
      Originally Posted by VedoMedia View Post

      oh man that sucks... i've been suspended off google as well, but was able to create a new guide every time.. if you want a new account, i suggest you check out Google Stealth - Suspended Blocked Google Limited Account eBook Guide Help...

      Nice affilate or ebook plug but when Google suspends you or disables your account you cannot get it back. Unless they give you the chance.

      No Link here or Nothing to Promote Just a Old Happy Warrior User reading Topics

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  • Profile picture of the author l23bc
    I lost my Google adsense Account last Year. And to be honest Im not remotely bothered about it because most of my income is CPA related or amazon/Clickbank. I would be more Bothered if One of the favorate CPA networks closed my account down but neverless.

    I was Closed down by the letter they send in email. "due to advertisment..or something" If you could tell us what they have said on the email why they closed it down your account or disabled perhaps we could help you alot more out better


    No Link here or Nothing to Promote Just a Old Happy Warrior User reading Topics

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  • Profile picture of the author adreyfo
    what did you do?
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  • Profile picture of the author Ryan Shaw
    Maybe you used your adsense account on a different manner..
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    • Profile picture of the author azombay
      Getting an account reinstated is well nigh impossible. You could get another account, but it must be in NO way linked to the one that was banned.
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  • Profile picture of the author RyanEagle
    I'm really sorry about this... it was one of my main fears back in the day when I focused on arbi.
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  • Profile picture of the author TubongLugaw
    Have you contacted them? ask reason?and apply to be re instated?
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    • Profile picture of the author VedoMedia
      Originally Posted by TubongLugaw View Post

      Have you contacted them? ask reason?and apply to be re instated?
      Are you serious? Have you tried contacting them? Google does not care about you and will give you some automated response... no point in contacting them in all honesty
      Signature - Learn how to make over $50,000 per month!
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