Normal Discrepancy Levels in 50onRed,TV and LI?

by kurzo
2 replies
I have been using 50 for a month now and I only get about 50%-55% of POP traffic that I pay for.

I have a dedicated server and am running simple static files. I have tested against 7 sites from different servers - some static and some db-driven. All get about the same results: pay for 10,000 impressions, get 5000-5500 actual page loads.

I understand that it isnt going to be 100%, but 50% seems pretty bad.

I am using analytics to track traffic and I know about other paid services, but was wondering what results others see?
#50onred #discrepancy #levels #normal
  • Profile picture of the author QtoBrooklyn
    Had a campaign today where i paid for 1,900 impressions, but my CPVLab is only showing 45 impressions. Gotta say i'm pretty confused..

    "I don't care to belong to a club that accepts people like me as members."

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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by kurzo View Post

    I have been using 50 for a month now and I only get about 50%-55% of POP traffic that I pay for.

    I have a dedicated server and am running simple static files. I have tested against 7 sites from different servers - some static and some db-driven. All get about the same results: pay for 10,000 impressions, get 5000-5500 actual page loads.

    I understand that it isnt going to be 100%, but 50% seems pretty bad.

    I am using analytics to track traffic and I know about other paid services, but was wondering what results others see?
    I'd say 10-20% would be "normal", but 50% seems high. Just out of curiosity, where is your server from?
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