Help me for promoting MaxBounty CPA offers

4 replies
Hello, I am new here and currently working with MaxBounty CPA offers, I want to get offers promoted through advertisement, please tell me which is the best advertising network for working with. Like- Google Adword, Yahoo ads, bing ads etc....

#cpa #maxbounty #offers #promoting
  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    If you're looking to use PPC, if you are just starting Bing Ads would likely be one of the better ideas. Google Adwords is very strict and not newbie friendly. You also might want to look at Facebook Ads.
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  • Profile picture of the author mikefashen
    I have to tell you though that in my opinion the quality of offers MaxBounty has available lately aren't really that great. You need an offer with an EPC that makes advertising worth while and Max just doesn't really have that right now (in my opinion). ClickSure and Never Blue are both doing a better job with obtaining "publishers" lately.

    Seriously you're better off driving traffic to ClickBank offers (and yes they are actually a CPA network) than you are MaxBounty.

    Probably not what you wanted to hear and others might disagree I'm just letting you know what I'd do (promote offers on another network until MaxBounty can talk some sense into their publishers).

    Originally Posted by ChrisBa View Post

    If you're looking to use PPC, if you are just starting Bing Ads would likely be one of the better ideas. Google Adwords is very strict and not newbie friendly. You also might want to look at Facebook Ads.
    I agree about starting with Bing for doing direct offer promotion. However facebook isn't really a fan anymore of direct promotion of CPA offers either getting an ad approved for someone new with a small budget is likely going to be nearly impossible.

    Why not figure out what kind of market you want to be in, build a list, and sell lots of products? You'll actually make at least 5 to 10 times more that way over time.

    Direct offer promotion is great if you're trying to do some testing to see what kinds of things people are interested in before you spend your time creating your own stuff but doing it as your actual business model is actually a pretty tough road.

    Stop trying and start DOING

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  • Profile picture of the author bebetsizo
    100% go with facebook ads.
    Moderator's Note: Affiliate links not allowed. Please edit.
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  • Profile picture of the author ravikmr701
    Ok, Thanks ChrisBa, mikefashen and bebetsizo for telling me good information i'll test it. Thanks a lot
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