Advise on

4 replies
I want to work with

but I don't know what type of offers works best on that platform. vs ; incentive vs non-incentive, which one better. Please, Answer individually...
#advise #cpaleadcom
  • Profile picture of the author jaggyjay
    Cpalead is an Incentivized CPA network. And to find out which offers work best - you'll have to TEST.

    There's really no way around this - especially if you are going to use their content locker. The reason is that at first, you're not going to really know which offers your visitors will respond to. After a few rounds of testing - then it pretty much becomes clear. And once you find out - you run that offer until its wheels fall off.

    As far as incentive vs. non-incentive... there really is no "better". There is only T-E-S-T-I-N-G.

    So, start testing.

    Best of luck!
    - Jay
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  • Profile picture of the author CPABeyondNetwork
    There is no "better" between incentive and non incentive, both can earn you great money. It all comes down to how you promote them.

    Best regards,

    CPA Beyond

    AM at CPA Beyond - #1 Private Network - Daily Payments (No Fees)

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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    In addition to the replies above, you could call your am and see what their opinion is, they might have good advice on where to start with their network
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  • Profile picture of the author Rozanne
    As far as i know both of the network that you mentioned specialize in non-incent offers. Your best bet is to split test offers between the two networks and then come to the conclusion as to which network gives the better ROI.
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