Free and easy way to promote CPA offers ?

10 replies
hi everyone
i have a question , is there any simple and free way to promote CPA offers ??
#cpa #easy #free #offers #promote
  • Profile picture of the author Thomas Tim
    Originally Posted by SamuelJobisk View Post

    hi everyone
    i have a question , is there any simple and free way to promote CPA offers ??
    Produce videos and share it online, e.g. in YouTube. Don't stop there, create more and more videos and it will stack up the traffic and finally you will start seeing result. It takes time, yet it is free.
    "[FREE VIDEO]: How To Effortlessly Build A Killer Full Time Online Income Stream That Makes $100 Per Day..."
    **Click here to see it in action**
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    • Profile picture of the author Highway55
      Originally Posted by Thomas Tim View Post

      Produce videos and share it online, e.g. in YouTube. Don't stop there, create more and more videos and it will stack up the traffic and finally you will start seeing result. It takes time, yet it is free.
      Videos could work. But when the offer closes down, the video is basically useless. Sure, you can redirect it, but... That's the trouble with CPA offers, they're slippery and can disappear quickly.

      What I would do - if I was going to market this way - is build a list around a niche and send promotions to the list. Let's say you're doing adult dating offers and you want to capture leads. Let's say you're targeting men. I would create a mysterious website that caters to a certain fetish, and then create videos that entice people to visit the website and sign up.

      The men who sign up WILL open the emails. And many WILL sign up to the dating offers if your email sequence is structured properly.

      $1 'Set-it And Forget-it' IM Email Series
      With A Multiple Sales Conversion Guarantee!

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  • Profile picture of the author Max Nestorson
    Originally Posted by SamuelJobisk View Post

    hi everyone
    i have a question , is there any simple and free way to promote CPA offers ??
    The most reliable way to do it for free is to use your own website, at the same time growing a website is not free. But if you use social media, forums, classified sites, etc to promote your offers directly, you will get banned from your CPA network very soon.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tom Addams
    Your two best bets when starting out:

    1. Grow social platforms (pages, groups, communities, profiles, accounts).
    2. Rank videos (YT + DailyMotion).

    Cheers - Tom

    I Coach: Learn More | My Latest WF Thread: Dead Domains/ Passive Traffic

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    • Profile picture of the author SamuelJobisk
      Originally Posted by Tom Addams View Post

      Your two best bets when starting out:

      1. Grow social platforms (pages, groups, communities, profiles, accounts).
      2. Rank videos (YT + DailyMotion).

      Cheers - Tom

      thanks , i think the second choice is better for me
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    I would go with a simple email marketing campaign. Generate leads, pitch them the CPA related offer, and then wait for commissions. I'm sure you already know the science behind email marketing... you don't think it would be applicable here?
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  • Profile picture of the author EPoltrack77
    Reddit can work but you have to be awful careful. It can be a challenge sometimes finding sub reddits that are related but stick with it.

    Youtube videos


    Just understand that as though the word "free" might sound good and dandy it you are going to have to work your butt off to keep the traffic coming.

    For example lets say you choose to create keyword researched youtube videos. Your going to want to create 5 to 10 per day. Not all are going to be winners. So what but continue to do it and you will pull out some numbers eventually.

    Once you get yourself a payout or twenty bucks to invest then go ahead and purchase either a youtube account or just pay somebody to post a link in their description. Of course the idea here is to pick a video that is getting a lot of daily views. Again doing this research will take you the most time but it needs to be done.
    Working to achieve higher results...
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  • Profile picture of the author hyperexpert07
    Hello. You need traffic and you can find traffic sources here. There are free and paid methods. However you can find the best method for your offer.

    Please don't press the Thank you button if this post isn't helpful.

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  • Profile picture of the author jmh777
    Free ways are great, however most find they are ineffective. In the end it may just be easier to buy a solo ad. Have a cheap offer, and you may just make your $$$ back.
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  • Profile picture of the author JamesBarefield
    I would say youtube and forum posting..
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