how to make money from coupons ?

7 replies
hi guys !
i have some question about
how to make a coupons site web ?
and how to make money from them ?

and they are any affiliate networking that give you a coupons code to promote it like an affiliate link , if someone use your coupon you make a commissions. ?

that's it .
#coupons #make #money
  • Profile picture of the author badboy_Nick
    The way it works is you get people looking for a voucher or coupon. Once they visit your site you place an affiliate cookie or refer them to the site they can use the voucher on - getting a commission if they buy something.

    Personally I found it very hard to make a decent profit, as SEO is highly competitive and the margins extremely small to justify doing PPC.

    I very much prefer solid PPC Traffic with CPA as the margins are much higher and conversions easier to achieve.

    Hope that helps
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by mrfree2015 View Post

    hi guys !
    i have some question about
    how to make a coupons site web ?
    and how to make money from them ?

    and they are any affiliate networking that give you a coupons code to promote it like an affiliate link , if someone use your coupon you make a commissions. ?

    that's it .
    It's a very saturated niche and the customer base isn't really high value
    Just search for coupons and take a look at some of the sites
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    • Profile picture of the author mustaqins
      Originally Posted by ChrisBa View Post

      It's a very saturated niche and the customer base isn't really high value
      I agree


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  • Profile picture of the author Rozanne
    You could maybe use a different angle to promote coupon offers via FB ads by targeting local cities..hint hint
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  • Profile picture of the author mustaqins
    Originally Posted by mrfree2015 View Post

    hi guys !
    i have some question about
    how to make a coupons site web ?
    and how to make money from them ?

    and they are any affiliate networking that give you a coupons code to promote it like an affiliate link , if someone use your coupon you make a commissions. ?

    that's it .
    It's very hard to make money that way if your website does not enjoy great rankings with google; if the affiliate program you are working for is a big company with tons of affiliates then you are out of luck, as everybody and their mothers would be promoting the same coupons like you

    If you want to know though, Namecheap is a good company to promote and they offer free coupons every month


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  • Profile picture of the author mrfree2015
    thanks guys they are any affiliate networking that give you a coupons code to promote it like an affiliate link , if someone use your coupon you make a commissions. ?
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  • Its competitive....building a coupon site and/or android coupon app is the way to go. There are several WordPress coupon themes out there that are good. There are coupon feed services like Icodes and ForMeToCoupon that can automatically populate new coupons for your site but you gotta pay a monthly fee.
    Signature - Money Making Tips, Tricks, and Case Studies
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