I have an offer that I am running as a display add with 50onred and I am trying to track it with CPVLAB. The banner add takes the individual directly to the offer. I know the link I have coverts on the offer as the AM tested it for me. I am now trying to collect data from the impressions but not sure if I am doing it correctly.
My campaign url is: domain.com/base.php?c=15&key=cb1cac1cf3f85397f8e7cfb43165d581 &keyword={target}&keyword={domain}&keyword={countr y}&keyword={page_placement}
I am trying to collect the domain the ad was placed on and where on the page, along with additional info. I am sure something is wrong because my stats wont show me the info.
And mycallback code for the offer site is :
<iframe src="http://domain.com/adclickf.php" width="1" height="1" border="0" style="display: none;" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" ></iframe>
Do I need to add anything to the pixel for my callback and is my campaign url even correct?
Thanks in advance for the help