Home Improvement Lead Sites - Affiliates

2 replies
Hello Warriors,

So we get about 500 home improvement leads per day, and we send to Networx, Home Advisor and a few more sites.

Anyway, we feel like we are missing something, like there has to be a middle man b/t these companies and the repairmen/contractors that sign up...

Any help on where we can send these leads (from roofing, landscaping, home construction etc..)

Any thought welcome, or partnership ideas.

#affiliates #home #improvement #lead #sites
  • Profile picture of the author Johnnyfx
    What about creating and selling your own info product? You have the most valuable asset (the audience) so you should consider multiple monetization options, including selling your own product.

    Would that be an option?

    I’m an Internet marketing Consultant. Hit me up if you’re struggling to grow your traffic or need to boost your conversion rate.

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  • Profile picture of the author badboy_Nick
    Originally Posted by business5631 View Post

    Hello Warriors,

    So we get about 500 home improvement leads per day, and we send to Networx, Home Advisor and a few more sites.

    Anyway, we feel like we are missing something, like there has to be a middle man b/t these companies and the repairmen/contractors that sign up...

    Any help on where we can send these leads (from roofing, landscaping, home construction etc..)

    Any thought welcome, or partnership ideas.

    Are these home improvement leads all US based?

    I found that the payouts for home improvement leads is very low if they are being sold to contractors (most are local as well) ... but if they are home improvement LOAN leads with the intent of using the money to improve your home, then the paytout goes up like 10x fold.

    You can then also sell nationwide as brokers are more than willing to buy these leads off you. Home improvement loans are secured against the estate anyway, so I believe these leads go for up to $150 bucks a pop nowadays with a good whole-of-market broker depending on amount they need (i.e. extension, new rooms, isolation, etc).

    But you may want to rethink your approach as you could be sitting on a goldmine with this one!

    Kind Regards,
    Read my incredible story: www.affiliatechamp.co.uk
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