Help with the CPA networks :S

by reayn
10 replies
Hello , my name is adnane and i am new to affiliate marketing .
i was rejected by the good networks like neverblue , peerly and maxbounty
so i went for other networks like adworkmedia , adscendmedia and cpalead .
but i searched all day long and i couldn't find any good offers that would work well for me , knowing that i'll be using PPV , and i already fund my Leadimpact account with 1000$,
when i asked my Affiliate manager about this , he was kind enough to tell me that they do not focus on PPV / leadimpact and that they focus on content locking and offer wall promotions .
so my question please , what are networks that i can find offers that would work with PPV ,and that would accept me as a beginner (no experience , but i know what i am doing .)
thanks in advance guys , you rock!
#affiliate #cpa #leadimapct #networks #ppv
  • Profile picture of the author Amos81
    Why not get in touch with one of the AMs from the networks you've mentioned and explain how you will be promoting the offers? You can even approach them through this forum or go to to get the details..
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    • Profile picture of the author reayn
      i already did , and he told me that they are not focused on PPV , that's why i am here asking you for alternative networks .
      thanks for your reply !
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      • Profile picture of the author Amos81
        Originally Posted by reayn View Post

        i already did , and he told me that they are not focused on PPV , that's why i am here asking you for alternative networks .
        thanks for your reply !
        I mean get in touch with the people at neverblue , peerfly and maxbounty.
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  • Profile picture of the author Adamxr
    PeerFly will never accept beginners, try to make call or Skype Call to neverblue, there will be a chance for you
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  • Profile picture of the author reayn
    thanks guys , i'll try and call neverblue
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  • Profile picture of the author salegurus
    For the benefit of all of you...
    There is a CPA forum dedicated to this topic here: Ad Networks (CPM/CPL, Display, SEM)

    Please post in the correct forum....
    Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

    ― George Carlin
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  • Profile picture of the author Dave37
    Based on feedback, PeerFly and MaxBounty are 2 of the networks which accept beginners easily. If you didn't get accepted by either one, it might be that they have become stricter or they did not like some of the things you mention in the application form.

    As you mention, it might be because of the PPV...

    You could take a look at WOW Trk. Compared to the ones you've tried, they focus more on European countries, but they might have some suitable offers for you.
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  • Profile picture of the author modgerody
    ^^Both Peerfly and Maxbounty accept beginners but you have to write a competent application, you cant just put "PPV" as you answer to how you're going to promote and expect to get accepted.

    You probably should have waited till you had been accepted into networks and had offers picked out before you deposit $1000 into a traffic network with nothing to promote. Seems very short-sighted on your part.

    Your post is also a jumbled mess to read, and if you wrote like that on your applications, I can understand why you would get rejected.

    That being said, Networks that accept PPV traffic and have PPV related offers generally don't accept beginners because PPV is far from a beginner type of promotion method. You need a lot of things to get started up in PPV...landing page software, keyword software, lots of research, spy software, tracking software.

    There is no ONE network that works better with can promote PPV on most networks, it's all about testing and finding good offers. No one can tell you what offers will work best with PPV, you just have to use your own judgement and go through some trial and error.

    In order to get into any of the good networks...they are more then likely going to want to see some of your websites, know how you plan on promoting there offers and they expect a decent, well written application. If you half-ass the application, you will get denied everytime.
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    • Profile picture of the author reayn
      that's very mean of you , but i appreciate your honesty .
      i am here to learn , and i don't mind spending more than 2000$ just to do that , i got a vps and a tracking software , and i am thinking of getting boxofads , but as u said , need to find good offers to promote first before spending anymore ,

      thanks again for your reply .
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  • Profile picture of the author modgerody
    Nothing was mean at all, just honest.

    Lets be realistic here though....if you fill out the CPA network applications like you are writing your posts here on the forum, you are going to get denied. They expect a quality application with information detailing how and why you want to use there network. They also expect proper sentence structure, paragraphing, capitalization or words and grammar. It doesn't have to be perfect, but it needs some quality.

    Just keep applying to networks and make sure you spend a good deal of time on the application. You will eventually get accepted into them.

    Use websites like to find good offers and find different CPA networks that you can apply to.
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