Having trouble starting on ClickBank

by Sosik1
8 replies
Hello warriors,

When I found out about clickbank and how can you earn money from it, I was realy keen on trying it out myself. I started my first campain yesterday on AdHitz.com and invested 10 dollars on it (please don't laugh ). It has been almost two days, and I haven't made any sale yet. I was really hoping I could make at least one sale. Am I doing something wrong, or do I need more patience? (and money of course ) And also how long did it take to you guys making your first sale on clickbank? Or maybe I sholud just invest more in my campaigns? Or is it the product? I really don't know.

Here are my campaign stats:

Remaining $5.01
Total $10.00
Daily $5.00

Today 33
Total 42
CTR % 0.02

Today 210,695
Total 276,933
Active Pause

#clickbank #starting #trouble
  • Profile picture of the author cooler1
    Are you using a landing page or direct linking?

    What countries are you advertising to?

    Are you using text ads or image ads?

    From what I've heard about AdHitz, ads can be served on PTC sites, which would result in lower quality traffic. Do you know if your ads are on PTC sites?

    42 clicks is far too few clicks to determine if a campaign is successful or not. You need about 100-150 clicks to properly test and get a good idea if the campaign is worth running.

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    • Profile picture of the author Sosik1
      I'm using only direct linking for now. I'm advertising to: US, and Europe, with text ads.
      I don't know about the PTC, but in my stats, they say that this is the site that generates most clicks: http://shamanxe.blogspot.gr/ , and yes it looks like it's money oriented only. Im not going to continue advertising on this site. What are the best ad networks that you recomend, and what do you suggest doing to avoid this type of mistakes in the future?
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      • Profile picture of the author cooler1
        Originally Posted by Sosik1 View Post

        I'm using only direct linking for now. I'm advertising to: US, and Europe, with text ads.
        I don't know about the PTC, but in my stats, they say that this is the site that generates most clicks: MAKING MONEY METHODS , and yes it looks like it's money oriented only. Im not going to continue advertising on this site. What are the best ad networks that you recomend, and what do you suggest doing to avoid this type of mistakes in the future?
        For promoting Clickbank products, Bing ads is the recommended ad network.

        To avoid these type of mistakes, I recommend using search PPC instead of advertising on sites, so then you have more control over the quality of the traffic because the views your ad receive depends on what keywords people type in.

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        • Profile picture of the author Sosik1
          Thank you for your help. I've got one additional question. How fast should a good ad campaign start to sell products, and how much do you suggest investing in it? How did you start?
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          • Profile picture of the author cooler1
            How fast should a good ad campaign start to sell products?

            It depends on the niche and the product because some niches are more popular than others and some products convert better than others. Sometimes you might sell products the same day you started the campaign and sometimes it can take days or weeks.

            How much do you suggest investing in it?

            The amount you should invest in a campaign depends on what payout the product has and how much you believe the product is good. If you're confident the product is of high quality then you should invest at least 1.5/2x the commission amount. So if the product has a commission of $25 you'll invest $50 in ad costs.

            How did you start?

            For promoting Clickbank products via PPC, I started with Bing ads direct linking to CB. However, even though Bing ads is quality traffic, my ROI was negative by around $200. So it's better to use a landing page so you can pre-sell to your visitors.

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            • Profile picture of the author Sosik1
              Well, thank You for all the information You provided. Im going to try and do my Best to get this thing going. I hope that i will succeed.

              Thank You very much
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  • Profile picture of the author holysymbol
    If you care to search around the forum, you can find some gems in here.

    For example, someone has documented his Clickbank success with PPC below.
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  • Profile picture of the author abcbest
    Originally Posted by Sosik1 View Post

    Hello warriors,

    When I found out about clickbank and how can you earn money from it, I was realy keen on trying it out myself. I started my first campain yesterday on AdHitz.com and invested 10 dollars on it (please don't laugh ). It has been almost two days, and I haven't made any sale yet. I was really hoping I could make at least one sale. Am I doing something wrong, or do I need more patience? (and money of course ) And also how long did it take to you guys making your first sale on clickbank? Or maybe I sholud just invest more in my campaigns? Or is it the product? I really don't know.

    Here are my campaign stats:

    Remaining $5.01
    Total $10.00
    Daily $5.00

    Today 33
    Total 42
    CTR % 0.02

    Today 210,695
    Total 276,933
    Active Pause

    I also started on Adhitz with budget of $5 but not got any Sales. The thing is that it is very difficult to convince other people to spend some Money on a product. Till now I have spent a lot of money just to get a clickbank sale and I also want state that I got my first Sale on the second day of joining Clickbank, it just depend on some luck and good marketing. But in the end I want to say that Clickbank is only for those who can invest a lot for example $100 weekly. After not getting success with Clickbank I moved to Paid to Click Sites and believe me I earned a lot more than Clickbank and that also with very low investment, so I would highly suggest that if someone is not getting success with clickbank try some PTC sites and you can earn a lot with some patience because its lot more easy to convince people to join a free program.
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