Case Study Small $719 Profit PPV Campaign

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This is just a little overview of PPV affiliate campaign I ran on It was pretty much just a paid survey offer for people in Colombia. I ran it on keyword traffic but I was able to get throw a lot of random keywords in to up the volume. The campaign had a leads cap, so scaling was not really an option.

Over the time I ran the campaign I tested 11 landing pages mostly quiz style landers. A few of them had exit pops. When I used exit pops I would just send people right to the offer. About 204 out of my 1,250 leads came from the exit pops which was $224.40 in extra revenue.

Overall I spent $656.38 on advertising and made $1,376.10 in revenue.

I paid about $.20 to $.30 CPM for the traffic so the fact that I could make almost 110% ROI was surprising,

You can see the best performing landing page on my website and the name of the offer, although the offer is not available to promote at this time.

I'll be posting more case studies soon.
#$719 #campaign #case #pop #ppv #profit #small #study #zeropark

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