Do Bing ads allow direct Linking to CPA offers?

by sk2315
8 replies
Hello, I am a newbie in CPA marketing and would like to try Bing ads. I want to know, do bing ads allow direct linking or a landing page is must? And if I try to do direct linking, can it lead to account banning issue?
#ads #bing #cpa #direct #linking #offers
  • Profile picture of the author jjb868
    I use direct links on my bing ads but have had no success. I hear you need a lander but not exactly sure why. I get that it helps for creating a list and then retargeting but why would a lander make a user more likely to take action?
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    • Profile picture of the author cooler1
      Originally Posted by jjb868 View Post

      I use direct links on my bing ads but have had no success. I hear you need a lander but not exactly sure why. I get that it helps for creating a list and then retargeting but why would a lander make a user more likely to take action?
      A lander generally works better than direct linking because it pre-sells the product to the visitor, so it acts like an endorsement of the product, giving them more motivation to want to buy.

      Another way of putting it, a lander pre-warms the visitor, so by the time they land on the vendors sales page they already have some level of interest in the product.

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      • Profile picture of the author jjb868
        Originally Posted by cooler1 View Post

        A lander generally works better than direct linking because it pre-sells the product to the visitor, so it acts like an endorsement of the product, giving them more motivation to want to buy.

        Another way of putting it, a lander pre-warms the visitor, so by the time they land on the vendors sales page they already have some level of interest in the product.
        Doesn't the fact that they clicked on the ad mean they have some level of interest? I thought the more navigating and clicking the user does, the less interested they will get. I've always heard you want to make buying as quick and easy as possible. Not have them continue to do work to get the product.
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    You can often get away with it, but you should do landing pages.
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    • Profile picture of the author jjb868
      Aside from collecting an email list, why?
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    • Profile picture of the author sk2315
      Originally Posted by ChrisBa View Post

      You can often get away with it, but you should do landing pages.
      @ChrisBa Thank you so much!! Can you suggest some easy ways to create landing page in wordpress?
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  • Profile picture of the author SEOMastery
    Nope. Bing does not allow direct linking to your CPA offers. You must have your landing page in order to get traffic from bing adcenter. If you do direct linking, they will simply ban your account. Alternatively, you can use a tracker to get rid of this issue of ban.

    (For US/ UK/ DE/ FR - Very Affordable Price)
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    • Profile picture of the author sk2315
      Originally Posted by SEOMastery View Post

      Nope. Bing does not allow direct linking to your CPA offers. You must have your landing page in order to get traffic from bing adcenter. If you do direct linking, they will simply ban your account. Alternatively, you can use a tracker to get rid of this issue of ban.

      @SEOMastery, Thanks. I would like to go with landing pages. can you suggest some easy ways to create landing page in wordpress?
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