CPA training with PPC guides courses or memberships

by 5 replies

I did a little affiliate marketing back in 2012 - 2013 with building wordpress sites that rank on the first page of google selling affiliate offers through amazon and clickbank.

I am back again to give this another try as I have recently graduated college and landed a full time job. My goals for now is just to supplement my job income with a little extra. Nothing major, not trying to be a millionaire or anything but if it happens I wont complain.

This time around I can afford PPC and ads so instead of trying to rank sites the slow way I want to get started with PPC and CPA offers; then if I find a winning campaign I would try to rank the sites organically to help boost the income.

Can anyone recommmend a good coach, course, guide, or membership site that can fulfill these needs? If I see a good recommendation I have no problem purchasing through the affiliate link.

I have used search function but not with much success.

Thanks in advanced.
#ad networks (cpm/cpl, display) #courses #cpa #guides #memberships #ppc #training
  • I've been promoting CPA offers, more specifically PPL (pay per lead...lead generation) offers for over 16 years. This is because there is no credit card / purchase required to complete an offer. So conversion rates are typically much higher compared to offers that require a purchase to be made.

    However, I don't use PPC to drive traffic. I acquire fresh / targeted 3rd party email data. Which is data that the users have shown an interest in a specific PPL vertical and have provided permission to receive messages from third parties. You get the opt-in record for each user and it's 100% can spam compliant.

    The online lead generation is a multi-billion dollar industry. Done right it can be far more profitable than many imagine. Everyone that I know that is in the business and knows what they are doing, for the most part, does 6-7 figures. While that's a huge range, much comes to one's ability to scale and effectively build / manage the infrastructure needed to scale.

    Anyway, there is another member here that does the same thing as me but uses PPC. His username is badboy_Nick. So you might want to do a search or PM him. Regardless what you eventually do, I would seriously consider PPL offers.
    • [1] reply
    • hi could you please elaborate.. do you promote CPA offers through email ...
  • Thank you for you response, I am at work at the moment and the content blocker will not allow me to open your signature links. I will definitely check them out when I get home. I will also PM the guy that you mentioned above. I am just looking to supplement my income nothing major but will take major. Right now my only source of income is my job and that is what scares me. It could be gone at the blink of an eye.

    Will I be able to find more info about the method you are referring to in your links?
  • Look. Some of the best advice you will get for free. You only get paid for Product Sales and Recruiting. What is it that you do...
  • I would recommend checking out affplaybook or stackthatmoney

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