How do you find affiliates to sell your physical products? Offering 15% commission

12 replies
I have been trying to find affiliates who will sell my products for a 15% commission. I have tried various affiliate sites but my offer seems to get lost in the mix with the rest of the offers. Does anyone know a good way to attract affiliates?

It is my understanding that Amazon only offers a commission of 6% so I thought offering a 15% commission would be very attractive.
#15% #affiliates #commission #find #offering #physical #products #sell
  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    How much do your products sell for?

    15% is kind of low. I know you referenced amazon but they are a Huge company with many products and trust. Many affiliate offers pay 30-60%
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    • Profile picture of the author canvasvows
      Hi Chris, Thanks for the response.

      My products sell between $100-$300

      I sell $40,000 worth a month. Someone could make a lot more selling my products than Amazon's but I understand the appeal of Amazon in that they have more products to choose from to sell.

      Is the 30-60% on digital products? I could see that being more likely as there is very high profit margins. On physical products though, the margin is lower. At least in my case, 60% margin would take all the profit.
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  • Profile picture of the author FNIvan1243
    Do you Try on JvZoo ??
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    • Profile picture of the author canvasvows
      No I hadn't heard of it. After checking it out, it looks pretty good. From what I could see, they charge a 5% fee on sales and no upfront fee. Pretty sweet. Thank you!
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    • Profile picture of the author canvasvows
      looks like it is only digital products...
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  • Profile picture of the author timothybag
    Hey there,
    I have a simple question for you. What kind of product that you're selling ? Is it a digital or physics ?
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    • Profile picture of the author canvasvows
      I sell physical products. They are custom made canvases for home decor. They sell between $100-$300 a piece
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  • Profile picture of the author softprodigy
    I am interested in doing the affiliate marketing at your offered commission of 15% and I have been working in this from last 4 years. Let me know the product you want to sell and what is the monthly target?
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    • Profile picture of the author canvasvows
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      • Profile picture of the author softprodigy
        I have emailed you via contact us form, please check.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    the appeal of Amazon in that they have more products to choose from to sell.
    The big appeal of Amazon is the traffic as Amazon is a trusted destination site. A news report yesterday claimed 40% of purchases online are through Amazon. Why aren't you selling your products ON Amazon?

    You are correct in thinking the "big commissions" are on digital -not physical - products. Whether you run your own affiliate program or use one of the many affiliate managing programs for physical will need to promote your products.

    One caution about running your own affiliate setup - you may be liable for claims made by people promoting your product. Something to keep in mind.
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    • Profile picture of the author canvasvows
      Thanks for the response. I do have a few products on Amazon, looking to expand there for sure. Thanks for the caution on doing my own affiliate setup. Definitely don't want to be moving backwards.
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  • Profile picture of the author Prev Rosene
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    • Profile picture of the author canvasvows
      not really sure thats possible. Don't know why anyones phone would allow something to hack it and send it messages..
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