How To Run a CPL Campaign in Wordpress?

1 replies
Hi, I recently had an inquiry from an advertiser looking to purchase CPL ads on my blog. I've tried googling for information about how to set this up, but with no luck. I use Adclerks for my ad inventory management right now but they do not offer CPL. Can you recommend to me something similar to Adclerks that does offer CPL?

FYI, Adclerks lets me designate "Ad Zones" on my site, and then copy/paste the ad snippets for these "zones" where I want the ad to appear on my blog. Then when advertisers want to purchase an ad, I have a URL to that "zone" that I can send the advertiser, and Adclerks handles collecting the payment and advertiser info, and the ads go live once payment is made. Adclerks also allows advertisers to see their campaign statistics and provides all the info advertisers would want to see about their campaign in a "dashboard" like area.

I'm looking for something simple like this because I don't know much programming. Your help is appreciated.
#campaign #cpl #run #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author Deeksha B
    You can join admitad, its easy to use, free to sign up for the lifetime. It's a global affiliate network. You can pick offers as per your niche and GEO's.
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