Education lead gen - which networks do you recommend?

2 replies
Back in about 2012 I was doing OK with Edusearch - until Panda and all that happened and I basically lost all my traffic.

Looking to get back into that niche again. What networks are out there now, I can't seem to find them? I am still a member of Edusearch, but their backend always looked half-dead to me, are they still operating? Are there any other similar networks (sending enrollment leads to colleges - bricks-and-mortar preferably, not online) that you recommend?
#education #gen #lead #networks #recommend
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  • Profile picture of the author Ajit Khodke
    I believe Revenuads has some edu offers but I hear most of the advertisers accept email traffic only for this.
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  • Profile picture of the author markowe
    Thanks - to update on this I was told by the guys at EduSearch that the edu leads business has changed somewhat, that new regulations came in sometime in 2016 or so, and so edu leads aren't really a thing anymore - companies like EduSearch are only doing it in-house now.

    That's why you research niches before you make a site in them

    Who says you can't earn money as an eBay affiliate any more? My stats say otherwise

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