I went From $27 Rev in July to over $45,000 rev so far this month...questions?

828 replies
Hey Everyone,

I just wanted to let everyone know that is can happen, I serioulsy had $27 rev in July, as of today, this second I have $48,768.30 rev so far this month.

***update 55,000 rev and to those wo think rev mean nothing, about 13,000 profit so far this month***

So to all you noobs out there it is possible!

Good Luck, I don't have much time but I can prob answer a few questions here and there to help out. No promises.

Have a good one,
#cpa #internet marketing #making money #ppc
  • Profile picture of the author Success With Dany
    Originally Posted by joelraitt View Post

    Hey Everyone,

    I just wanted to let everyone know that is can happen, I serioulsy had $27 rev in July, as of today, this second I have $48,768.30 rev so far this month. So to all you noobs out there ( I'm kinda one to) it is possible!

    Good Luck, I don't have much time but I can prob answer a few questions here and there to help out. No promises.

    Have a good one,
    How did you do that? With ppc I suppose?
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    • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
      Originally Posted by Success With Dany View Post

      How did you do that? With ppc I suppose?
      PPC indeed my friend...best way

      Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1300508].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author dle45
        since that is such a huge jump in earnings....

        would you mind telling us how you accomplished this. I am curious and I am sure some of the newbs are as well
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        • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
          ummm well....there is quite a bit to it...

          i picked 1 offer, 1 traffic source ( PPC) made 2 LP's and tested everything.

          pretty much it. and made really good ads.

          Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

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          • Profile picture of the author meenu
            That's good work as part of you. I will try to follow your path for achieve the success like your.
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          • Profile picture of the author RyanLeonard
            Originally Posted by joelraitt View Post

            ummm well....there is quite a bit to it...

            i picked 1 offer, 1 traffic source ( PPC) made 2 LP's and tested everything.

            pretty much it. and made really good ads.
            Did you happen to create a list while you were making money on the CPL? If so, what was a brief structure of your followup emails?

            Anyways man, that's AWESOME. I feel like I'm about to hit that same point myself. I'm launching a new campaign tonight- and after looking at my previous results, I think I'm actually going to make some profit this time!

            BTW- what are you going to school for?
            the hottest KINDLE CASE STUDY of 2015 - FREE - NO OPTIN NEEDED!
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            • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
              Originally Posted by RyanLeonard View Post

              Did you happen to create a list while you were making money on the CPL? If so, what was a brief structure of your followup emails?

              Anyways man, that's AWESOME. I feel like I'm about to hit that same point myself. I'm launching a new campaign tonight- and after looking at my previous results, I think I'm actually going to make some profit this time!

              BTW- what are you going to school for?
              Hey Ryan,

              i never did collect emails at the start, wish i did though. the style we like to portray is this ( depends on market, how they got added to your list)

              now thats all i work on...lists

              in gernal though, the first 10 days we just build trust/relationships with 4-8 emails or so. also, you never want to sell...just recomened stuff...make sense?

              your like the gatekeeper kinda....filter out all the garbage and show em the ebst thing...

              that help at all? sorry my typing is bad im laying in bed haha

              ps good luck on your new campagin, and i went to school for a 2 year business diploma haha

              Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2711094].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author RyanLeonard
                Originally Posted by joelraitt View Post

                Hey Ryan,

                i never did collect emails at the start, wish i did though. the style we like to portray is this ( depends on market, how they got added to your list)

                now thats all i work on...lists

                in gernal though, the first 10 days we just build trust/relationships with 4-8 emails or so. also, you never want to sell...just recomened stuff...make sense?

                your like the gatekeeper kinda....filter out all the garbage and show em the ebst thing...

                that help at all? sorry my typing is bad im laying in bed haha

                ps good luck on your new campagin, and i went to school for a 2 year business diploma haha
                Awesome man, that helps a lot. I appreciate it, and will be implementing it.
                Go get em'!

                -Ryan Leonard
                the hottest KINDLE CASE STUDY of 2015 - FREE - NO OPTIN NEEDED!
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2717416].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
                  Originally Posted by RyanLeonard View Post

                  Awesome man, that helps a lot. I appreciate it, and will be implementing it.
                  Go get em'!

                  -Ryan Leonard
                  Nice man, yah just think of them as your friend...talk to them like that, you'll nail it down.

                  Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2720583].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author NickhurtInc
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4311418].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Delarox
              Very inspiring thread Joel...just spent a couple of hrs reading the whole thing. I noticed that you started the thread in 09 and ffwd to 11 your still killing it. Awesome
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              • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
                Originally Posted by Delarox View Post

                Very inspiring thread Joel...just spent a couple of hrs reading the whole thing. I noticed that you started the thread in 09 and ffwd to 11 your still killing it. Awesome
                A lot of things have changed since then! There has been up's and downs of course!

                Anymore questions from people?

                Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4315909].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
          i also spent a LOT of time in front of the computer haha its not like money just runs free off the internet into your pocket....you have to work

          Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1300532].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author John Waits
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            • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
              Originally Posted by John Waits View Post

              Keep her up!

              This has been my best month online so far as well....

              Made about almost $500 this month! ($400 in the last week)

              So I know how you feel man!

              I love waking up to those "notification of payments received" emails!

              FEED YOUR BRAIN
              That's wicked man, its a fun game once you start winning, although, its frustrating when your not!

              Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1324342].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author rawaccess
            Originally Posted by joelraitt View Post

            i also spent a LOT of time in front of the computer haha its not like money just runs free off the internet into your pocket....you have to work
            damn... lol
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1375246].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
              Originally Posted by rawaccess View Post

              damn... lol
              there are nots of places that teach you just to post links on google for 2-300 a day...lol kidding dont do it

              Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

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        • Profile picture of the author Barb4ayton
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          • Profile picture of the author Shoyru
            How do you make your own traffic source? Just a short paragraph is enough, don't need any details, just wondering how the process usually goes.
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            • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
              Originally Posted by Shoyru View Post

              How do you make your own traffic source? Just a short paragraph is enough, don't need any details, just wondering how the process usually goes.
              Find ways to pay for traffic that you can then keep marketing to your users... email lists, blogs, fb pages sometimes....anything like that...

              Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8423859].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author fatakha
        whoo ! it's fantastic, could you share your experience. to motivate me to be more aggressive to work on line.

        from fatakha in Indonesia
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        • Profile picture of the author TVChatten
          Originally Posted by fatakha View Post

          whoo ! it's fantastic, could you share your experience. to motivate me to be more aggressive to work on line.

          from fatakha in Indonesia
          Read throughout the entire thread (from the first post until now)...that's truly inspirational plus he used his own way.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1538928].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Jack@2009
    That's impressive! Well done...
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  • Profile picture of the author Alex Lin
    Impressive! It would be nice if you could share a bit in detail.
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    • Profile picture of the author amoeba
      sounds amazing.wat kinda offer u were promoting(ppl/ppc/ppa action)??
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      • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
        Originally Posted by amoeba View Post

        sounds amazing.wat kinda offer u were promoting(ppl/ppc/ppa action)??
        All CPL through mostly 2 offers and 1 traffic source PPC

        Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1306101].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author warrior212
      Originally Posted by Alex Lin View Post

      Impressive! It would be nice if you could share a bit in detail.
      Yeah, I'm eager to know how you do it, please I really appreciate if you can share the methods you use.
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  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1300788].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Waddle
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1300830].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author robhud1
        WOW, what a tease! LOL

        Anyway, congrats on your success!!
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      • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
        Originally Posted by Waddle View Post

        What PPC networks are you using? Are you still only promoting one product? If not, how many products are you currently promoting and how did you go about adding them to your marketing mix?
        GOod question. Right now Im promoting 3 products. ( I got capped on my one offer for to much volume) I just got my Account Manager to tell me what was hot, so I did....made it work, only added 1 campaing though, not a bunch! Dont wanna go to crazy!

        Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1306107].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
      Originally Posted by Greg Jacobs View Post

      rebills I assume.
      Wrong, I do not rebill.

      Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1306103].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author babarapho
    That was marvelous of you. Keep it up.
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  • Profile picture of the author st0rm
    well done mate !! ihope u make more!!
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    • Profile picture of the author bqpennell
      Originally Posted by Shift View Post

      So you're spending about $1 to make $3 profit?
      And your point is? I would spend $1.00 if it returned $1.50, Profit is profit i dont care how you look at it,

      Originally Posted by st0rm View Post

      well done mate !! ihope u make more!!
      I dont feel the same i been trying ppc for a little over a Month

      Ad words negative $100 so far
      Face book negative $250 so far
      7 Search $90 profit

      All together im in the hole $260 so far lol, I am glad you made alot of money but id be lying if i didnt admit it breaks my moral knowing after a month im in the hole and you just starting made 12k profit, So i am not getting the message it is possible i am more or less getting the message that i obviously am not very good at this PPC route
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      • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
        $260 in the hole is nothing, just make sure you're learning why things do and don't work...

        Keep trying things and you'll find something, t least your testing things.

        If you ever have a campaign that's close to break even at the start....testing can easily get it to 100% ROI.

        try more ads, images, copy, landing pages, time of day, days of the week...

        Having 1 profitable even if it's $90 is awesome.

        Originally Posted by bqpennell View Post

        And your point is? I would spend $1.00 if it returned $1.50, Profit is profit i dont care how you look at it,

        I dont feel the same i been trying ppc for a little over a Month

        Ad words negative $100 so far
        Face book negative $250 so far
        7 Search $90 profit

        All together im in the hole $260 so far lol, I am glad you made alot of money but id be lying if i didnt admit it breaks my moral knowing after a month im in the hole and you just starting made 12k profit, So i am not getting the message it is possible i am more or less getting the message that i obviously am not very good at this PPC route

        Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4265176].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author elcorillord
          Joel you are so lucky
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          • Profile picture of the author Dayne Dylan
            Originally Posted by elcorillord View Post

            Joel you are so lucky
            I don't think it is about luck. It is about hard work, testing, and taking risks.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4274247].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author onlinetreason
              Originally Posted by Dayne Dylan View Post

              I don't think it is about luck. It is about hard work, testing, and taking risks.
              Yup. Most people aren't determined enough either.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4280029].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author blienen
    Congrats! Keep that up now!
    I'm wondering how you're doing you're research when picking a cpa-offer?
    How many offers did you try before finding a successful one?
    Best Regards
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1301310].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
      Originally Posted by blienen View Post

      Congrats! Keep that up now!
      I'm wondering how you're doing you're research when picking a cpa-offer?
      How many offers did you try before finding a successful one?
      Best Regards
      Really just by looking at the LP, stay away from CC's to start. A lot easier. And I tried lots of **** till I hit one...I tried email and zip but payout were to small. Anything between 3.8 and 5 are the best cuz they are soft leads and payouts high enough to make $$$

      Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1306110].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Bujoi23
        Originally Posted by joelraitt View Post

        Anything between 3.8 and 5 are the best cuz they are soft leads and payouts high enough to make $$$
        is this $3.8 and $5?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1422622].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
          Originally Posted by Bujoi23 View Post

          is this $3.8 and $5?
          Yes i meant dollars there! Just how I started anyways...

          Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1434122].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author mv786
        Originally Posted by joelraitt View Post

        Really just by looking at the LP, stay away from CC's to start. A lot easier. And I tried lots of **** till I hit one...I tried email and zip but payout were to small. Anything between 3.8 and 5 are the best cuz they are soft leads and payouts high enough to make $$$
        [Really just by looking at the LP, stay away from CC's to start. A lot easier. And I tried lots of **** till I hit one...I tried email and zip but payout were to small. Anything between 3.8 and 5 are the best cuz they are soft leads and payouts high enough to make $$$]

        what networks can you get high EPC's ($3.8 - $5)?

        Mo Parekh
        Underground Supper Affiliate

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7701689].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
    Yes, these results are possible, especially with ppc

    PPC is a high risk high reward game for newbies though because sometimes you have to test and test and test and lose your shirt before finding a winning campaign. Looks like you found one early and are reaping the rewards.

    Well done and now get back to work and find a few more winners!

    ..and as we all know, revenue means zilch...what was your return and/or ppc spend?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1301519].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author PPC-Coach
    Revenue means zilch yet that's all that is ever broadcast.
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    • Profile picture of the author jitterbug978
      How much of that was profit and how much did you have to invest in order to make that 45k...?
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      • Profile picture of the author Oscar D
        Originally Posted by jitterbug978 View Post

        How much of that was profit and how much did you have to invest in order to make that 45k...?
        Yes, now that is a very good question worth asking, as said already here - revenue is not as important as the profit.

        Good one
        -> FindNewDomains - Domain Finding Service WSO - BONUS: Free Domain Name Included!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1305529].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
          Originally Posted by Oscar D View Post

          Yes, now that is a very good question worth asking, as said already here - revenue is not as important as the profit.

          Good one
          There seems to be some confustion.... as of this morning revenue was about 54 000 profit this month so far is about 12,500...so i paid 41,500 to make 12,500 in 21 days. not a great ROI but it doesnt matter...i made 12000 in 21 days...plus i keep tweaking campagns so my ROI keeps going up, today its 50% rather then 20% it used to be

          Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1306854].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Kenster
            Originally Posted by joelraitt View Post

            There seems to be some confustion.... as of this morning revenue was about 54 000 profit this month so far is about 12,500...so i paid 41,500 to make 12,500 in 21 days. not a great ROI but it doesnt matter...i made 12000 in 21 days...plus i keep tweaking campagns so my ROI keeps going up, today its 50% rather then 20% it used to be

            Thanks for clearing that up. If you arent split testing different networks I would suggest doing it because I have seen many people get burned by network refusing to pay. Your traffic sounds completely legit, but it cant hurt to diversify a bit and spread risk.

            best of luck
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1306929].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
              Originally Posted by Kenster View Post

              Thanks for clearing that up. If you arent split testing different networks I would suggest doing it because I have seen many people get burned by network refusing to pay. Your traffic sounds completely legit, but it cant hurt to diversify a bit and spread risk.

              best of luck
              yah man for sure, i trust my network 100%, although i have account with a few others i mosty run with one for the reason i know they will pay me. but you have a valid point for sure. and yah im not smart enough to do any of the crazy black hat stuff, im all legit haha

              Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1306941].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author Waddle
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                • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
                  Originally Posted by Waddle View Post

                  Congrats on your success! What tools are you using to manage your operation? eg. traffic stats, managing your ads and bids, monitoring conversions, split testing etc. Do you use a squeeze page?
                  Hey man, thanks....ummm I use Prosper202 to track all my stats...its 100% free and by far the best. Tracking 202 is the same thing, but they host it all for you. Easy to use. 202 pretty much does everything, I use it for split testing, convertions, ROI, and all that.

                  I monitor my bids through th ads manager directly from my traffic source! By squeeze page, you mean e-mail grabber? No. I use a Landing Page ( single page telling them why they should do what i want them to and telling them to do it now). Sometimes I even Direct link to the offer. Try both.

                  Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1310987].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author oryangub
                    I just had a thought when he mentioned he uses prosper 202 and tracking 202. I have not used them yet but could it be possible that the one that is hosted on their servers they use all that information: Offers, leads, traffic, conversions, all that precious information for their own campaigns ?

                    I don't want to sound cynical but if the service is free than that would be one heck of a way to benefit from all those users using their tracking software and dumping all that precious information in their laps.
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                    • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
                      This turned out to be a great thread, kind of took off a bit. Anyways thought I would send in an update, last month was a record for me!!!!!

                      175 000 + rev and 60,000 + profit

                      I used other forms of traffic, but still no rebils or any scams.

                      Originally Posted by oryangub View Post

                      I just had a thought when he mentioned he uses prosper 202 and tracking 202. I have not used them yet but could it be possible that the one that is hosted on their servers they use all that information: Offers, leads, traffic, conversions, all that precious information for their own campaigns ?

                      I don't want to sound cynical but if the service is free than that would be one heck of a way to benefit from all those users using their tracking software and dumping all that precious information in their laps.
                      As for this, i have good friends who have met them, its not in there best interest to steal people ****s, thats not their business, so its pretty safe. it actually hides information for the networks who will steal or pass on your success to others for a buck or two.

                      Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1590936].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author ICCGAMES
                    Originally Posted by joelraitt View Post

                    Hey man, thanks....ummm I use Prosper202 to track all my stats...its 100% free and by far the best. Tracking 202 is the same thing, but they host it all for you. Easy to use. 202 pretty much does everything, I use it for split testing, convertions, ROI, and all that.

                    I monitor my bids through th ads manager directly from my traffic source! By squeeze page, you mean e-mail grabber? No. I use a Landing Page ( single page telling them why they should do what i want them to and telling them to do it now). Sometimes I even Direct link to the offer. Try both.
                    prosper202 >> is it 100% free?
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4794844].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author cpablogger
                well done mate ,Keep that up!!

                Affiliate links are not allowed.

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              • Profile picture of the author eclario
                So what PPC platform did you use. Chitika? Adbrite? If you didnt use Adwords.
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1724673].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author Dayne Dylan
                  If would have read this entire thread, you will have your answer. He has mentioned it over and over.

                  Originally Posted by eclario View Post

                  So what PPC platform did you use. Chitika? Adbrite? If you didnt use Adwords.
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1725779].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author The Covenanter
                Fantastic. It is stories like this that give all of us heart and keep the dream alive. It would be great if you could produce a course or some such method to teach us newbs.

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              • Profile picture of the author C.J Rodriguez
                That great keep it up.Stay focus and motivated.
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            • Profile picture of the author lesstraveled
              Originally Posted by Kenster View Post

              but it cant hurt to diversify a bit and spread risk.

              best of luck

              Kenster, thanks for that advice.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2747904].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Union
        Originally Posted by jitterbug978 View Post

        How much of that was profit and how much did you have to invest in order to make that 45k...?

        , 90.000 invested, to get back 40.000$
        Great system he has, ill buy as soon as ill see lited here, ive got an extra $ for Casino
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4310460].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
          Originally Posted by Union View Post

          , 90.000 invested, to get back 40.000$
          Great system he has, ill buy as soon as ill see lited here, ive got an extra $ for Casino
          haha definitely no close to that, i forget now it was a long time ago...it says somewhere in here what i spent vs what i made...

          I think I was around 25-80% ROI though....I dont like how people get all caught up in ROI...profit is all that matters really.

          200% ROI on 10 spend = $20 profit or 25% ROI on 1,000 spend = $250 profit.

          Ill take the 25% ROI all day, plus there is more room to improve there.

          Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4310926].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author philrich21
        Originally Posted by jitterbug978 View Post

        How much of that was profit and how much did you have to invest in order to make that 45k...?
        Didn't the op say 13k profit.
        PPC is definitely the best method for instant traffic that does convert but as has been stated previously you do need to test this and always set daily spending limits or you could indeed lose your shirt. Another great tip for PPC IS to search out some good negative keywords also
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        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7739060].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Franck Silvestre
      I'd say the same here.

      how much did you spend to get this amount $10000? 20000?

      That's really important for newbies, because they think that most of it is profit.

      anyway, seems to be great results, congrats.


      Originally Posted by PPC-Coach View Post

      Revenue means zilch yet that's all that is ever broadcast.
      Former Body Guard, Now REAL Traffic & List Building Coach
      >> HOT WSO: Six Figure Solo Sellers <<

      Winson Yeung said: "...Definitively A++ recommended WSO"
      Kevin Riley said: "Franck, glad to see you bringing out MORE and MORE GREAT stuff"
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    • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
      Originally Posted by PPC-Coach View Post

      Revenue means zilch yet that's all that is ever broadcast.

      DOes it mean nothing? Its getting me a free 4 day adventure tour of COsta Rica with the other top 20 affilaites. Its getting me a free trip on my CC, and my profit on that 43, now 57 000 rev is anout 12000 this month...not great...but OK

      Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1306119].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Kenster
        Originally Posted by joelraitt View Post

        DOes it mean nothing? Its getting me a free 4 day adventure tour of COsta Rica with the other top 20 affilaites. Its getting me a free trip on my CC, and my profit on that 43, now 57 000 rev is anout 12000 this month...not great...but OK

        Just to be clear at the end of the day Revenue does mean zilch

        If you have revenue of 1,000,000 and costs of 1,300,000, guess what, you can go on 10 'free' trips to costa rica but youre still in the hole.

        If you are saying you have rev of 57 and costs of 12 then good on you, thats awesome. The whole revenue debate just erks me a little bit because I know a lot of newbies dont know the difference between revenue and profit and salesletters often exploit this.

        If you are putting up good numbers with a good margin, best of luck and keep it up
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1306588].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author SpeedofMoney
        Originally Posted by joelraitt View Post

        DOes it mean nothing? Its getting me a free 4 day adventure tour of COsta Rica with the other top 20 affilaites. Its getting me a free trip on my CC, and my profit on that 43, now 57 000 rev is anout 12000 this month...not great...but OK
        12000 a month? Not great?...Only OK?

        Are you kidding, that's amazing!!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1738164].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Agent007
          Hi Joel,

          Thanks for your great thread and posts. Great to hear someone else making good coin. My domain arbi project was doing net profits up to $300k+ p.a. profit after ad spend at times, but hassles with Google and 2 account suspensions put a dampener on things in December. However, it gave me the kick in the butt I needed to get out and test other traffic sources and offers.

          I've pretty much figured out the network you use. hehe Wasn't that hard. You gave so many clues Don't worry I won't out it here.

          I tried to PM you about the network but haven't got my 50 posts yet to do that. So feel free to PM me if you want to discuss the network. If its the same one I have a good AM that will give me a print out of top offers by traffic source & also a top affiliate breakdown. Had an account for a while but just starting using it this week.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1742237].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author DannyLucas
      Originally Posted by PPC-Coach View Post

      Revenue means zilch yet that's all that is ever broadcast.
      I'm trying to understand your post. Are you saying that his claim is not valid? Or are you saying that most people boast about revenue income (gross) and not (net)?

      Didn't he post his net income from his post?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1366721].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author blanchi
    Wanna write an e-book? (kidding). Great work! Would love to know about the niche (I know, wishfull thinking) and whether it is make-money-online "crowded" or one of those sepcialized niches. Any pointers I'm sure we will all appreciate it!
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  • Profile picture of the author Shift
    Interesting but how much did you have to spend on PPC in order to see that $45k?
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    • Profile picture of the author kimiroger
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1302848].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Shakul
        Originally Posted by kimiroger View Post

        Hi all. I am new to this world of online money-making. This topic caught my eye. I was wondering what a PPC is? Can anyone explain how it works and how I can get started?
        PPC = Pay Per Click

        You run ads on PPC network like Google adwords and you pay for every click you get on your ads..

        If you are new (I think you are) to the PPC, then just be careful

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        • Profile picture of the author kimiroger
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1303100].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Shakul
            Originally Posted by kimiroger View Post

            But from what you say, you have to pay for per click. But how did the topic creator get revenue using PPC? Please tell me. I am interested.
            Here it is how it goes:

            (You - CPA Publisher/Affiliate) -> Sign up with PPC network

            Then you login to your CPA network account and choose offers which you think will make money

            After that you go back to your PPC network account and run ads for these offers and you pay for every click...

            Suppose, you received 1000 clicks and you paid $800.

            Out of those 1000 visitors suppose 25 of them completed the offer (assuming offer pays is CPS and it is $35 per lead) then you will make $875.

            So, $875 = Revenue
            and $75 = Profit

            PPC requires lots of tweaking, like finding the good offer, landing page, ad copy, etc etc and of course it involves risk

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1304566].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Oregonman
        Originally Posted by kimiroger View Post

        Hi all. I am new to this world of online money-making. This topic caught my eye. I was wondering what a PPC is? Can anyone explain how it works and how I can get started?
        PPC is "pay-per-click." It's basically adwords. You get a Google adwords account, pick your keywords, write some ads (make sure the ad includes the keywords in the title and the body), bid your price (bid enough to be in the top 5), pay your money and hope that the people who click buy. It works, but it can be expensive and you can spend a lot of money on losers. Article marketing and blogs can be a lot better and a lot cheaper, but not as fast.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1306185].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Josef_Benjamin
          Very smart.

          I took the same path marketing with PPC, and the trick is to not be afriad to spend money to make more of it.

          I could care less If I spent $300 and got no results - who cares, if you have to get a 2nd job for the sole purpose of testing PPC campaings until you get it right.

          Personally, my campaigns convert because I only care to target keywords people look for that want to BUY or PURCHASE a specific physical or information product.

          Anyways, getting fast targeted traffic is the name of the game, and I don't mind spending $300-$500 to test a campaign at the risk of failing. If you wanna use PPC, you gotta man up and just go for it.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1306322].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
          Originally Posted by Oregonman View Post

          PPC is "pay-per-click." It's basically adwords. You get a Google adwords account, pick your keywords, write some ads (make sure the ad includes the keywords in the title and the body), bid your price (bid enough to be in the top 5), pay your money and hope that the people who click buy. It works, but it can be expensive and you can spend a lot of money on losers. Article marketing and blogs can be a lot better and a lot cheaper, but not as fast.

          No offence man, but that is horrible advice...i tried all the SEO crap, it takes forever, PPC, if you do things right cost not much, and risk not much, I maybe lost 300 on dumb crap before I started profiting...if you saved up all the money you spend on ebooks and videos on how to make money, you coul dhave found a huge campain!!!!!!!

          Just some advice.

          Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1306861].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author doctfeelgood
            Originally Posted by joelraitt View Post

            No offence man, but that is horrible advice...i tried all the SEO crap, it takes forever, PPC, if you do things right cost not much, and risk not much, I maybe lost 300 on dumb crap before I started profiting...if you saved up all the money you spend on ebooks and videos on how to make money, you coul dhave found a huge campain!!!!!!!

            Just some advice.
            I am a Newb to all of this and only just getting to know ppc etc. I am interested in what you are doing because it sounds as though you are onto something. So correct me if i am wrong but is ppc like an adwords account?
            Good luck and keep going.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1306900].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
              Originally Posted by doctfeelgood View Post

              I am a Newb to all of this and only just getting to know ppc etc. I am interested in what you are doing because it sounds as though you are onto something. So correct me if i am wrong but is ppc like an adwords account?
              Good luck and keep going.
              Hmmm PPC just means pay per click, I do not use google at all. To be honest, it was to confusing and to hard, they 'slap' everyone so much its hard to keep it consistant. Its a great traffic source if you can get it to work, and spend a lot of time on it. Find something easier to start. Butt PPC is the way to go, you can measure, test, its fast. Results are instant....i went from almost nothing to ocer 600 in 1 evening. Been like that ever since. Find a different PPC traffic source....and master it, just one source!

              Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1306918].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author jawai
                Do you use Yahoo Search ?
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                • Profile picture of the author Kenster
                  Originally Posted by jawai View Post

                  Do you use Yahoo Search ?

                  Its great that you are interested in what the winners are doing, but you must remember that there is no one way to being successful at making money online. You can literally make a ton of money on any search engine, any cpa network, any niche etc

                  I would suggest you pick a traffic source and just go on to master it. People with successfull campaigns arent going to tell you what offers, keywords, etc they are doing, and in truth there is no magic bullet. So just get down to business, take action, and start making money!

                  Best of luck
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1308974].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author Jack@2009
                    Originally Posted by Kenster View Post

                    Its great that you are interested in what the winners are doing, but you must remember that there is no one way to being successful at making money online. You can literally make a ton of money on any search engine, any cpa network, any niche etc

                    I would suggest you pick a traffic source and just go on to master it. People with successfull campaigns arent going to tell you what offers, keywords, etc they are doing, and in truth there is no magic bullet. So just get down to business, take action, and start making money!

                    Best of luck

                    I love your answers. You really know how the things work in IM.
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1310727].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author Kenster
                      Originally Posted by Jack@2009 View Post


                      I love your answers. You really know how the things work in IM.

                      Thanks Jack. I remember when I was completely new, I was soo incredibly lost and thanks to a few warriors and my mentor I was able to keep course and finally gained traction and it has been all up hill from there.

                      The good thing is that there is soo much room and abundance in this industry that helping people out wont have the slightest effect on my business (unless I tell you my campaigns and keywords of course).

                      Best of luck...
                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1310881].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author josero
                        Originally Posted by Kenster View Post

                        Thanks Jack. I remember when I was completely new, I was soo incredibly lost and thanks to a few warriors and my mentor I was able to keep course and finally gained traction and it has been all up hill from there.

                        The good thing is that there is soo much room and abundance in this industry that helping people out wont have the slightest effect on my business (unless I tell you my campaigns and keywords of course).

                        Best of luck...
                        Kenster, I think having a good mentor is the clue. I am just waiting for your reopening next Wednesday. Would you be then my mentor? Or does it take something more than purchasing a course to get a real mentor...

                        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6791090].message }}
                        • Profile picture of the author Brian John
                          Originally Posted by josero View Post

                          Kenster, I think having a good mentor is the clue. I am just waiting for your reopening next Wednesday. Would you be then my mentor? Or does it take something more than purchasing a course to get a real mentor...
                          i'm currently in the course...it's solid, i'm learning a ton. just finished reading this entire thread, took me almost 4 hrs lol. it's interesting in that much of what joelraitt talks about in terms of general principals and overall approach is very similar to what william and kenster teach...seems like those who really have this thing figured out understand the same core principals. (btw excellent thread joel, lot's of great info, thnx so much for sharing your story.)

                          regarding your question above, the course is not a mentor-student type of situation, it's more of a classroom type of environment. you can at any time reach out via pm and they will answer your questions, but they ask that you research the topic first yourself via the the site forum, the wf, internet search, etc., and if you still can't find an answer then contact them. (this is simply to save them the time of answering questions that are easily found on a brief search.) they're working on a vip program that's more personalized where students will have much more access to them, it's supposed to be opening up very soon although we haven't heard an exact date.

                          hope that helps,
                          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6796400].message }}
                          • Profile picture of the author josero
                            Originally Posted by Brian John View Post

                            i'm currently in the course...it's solid, i'm learning a ton. just finished reading this entire thread, took me almost 4 hrs lol. it's interesting in that much of what joelraitt talks about in terms of general principals and overall approach is very similar to what william and kenster teach...seems like those who really have this thing figured out understand the same core principals. (btw excellent thread joel, lot's of great info, thnx so much for sharing your story.)

                            regarding your question above, the course is not a mentor-student type of situation, it's more of a classroom type of environment. you can at any time reach out via pm and they will answer your questions, but they ask that you research the topic first yourself via the the site forum, the wf, internet search, etc., and if you still can't find an answer then contact them. (this is simply to save them the time of answering questions that are easily found on a brief search.) they're working on a vip program that's more personalized where students will have much more access to them, it's supposed to be opening up very soon although we haven't heard an exact date.

                            hope that helps,
                            Thank you Brian, your info about the course is clarifying.

                            And I agree with all of you that this thread is really good!
                            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6796588].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
                    Originally Posted by Kenster View Post

                    Its great that you are interested in what the winners are doing, but you must remember that there is no one way to being successful at making money online. You can literally make a ton of money on any search engine, any cpa network, any niche etc

                    I would suggest you pick a traffic source and just go on to master it. People with successfull campaigns arent going to tell you what offers, keywords, etc they are doing, and in truth there is no magic bullet. So just get down to business, take action, and start making money!

                    Best of luck
                    Good anser Kenster, its true...you gotta literally work at it to get it to work, and if you can, find a mentor, mine changed everything...he makes over 100 000 a month on the internet...hes 21 years old. not bad. haha

                    Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1311001].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author ex9to5guy
                      Originally Posted by joelraitt View Post

                      Good anser Kenster, its true...you gotta literally work at it to get it to work, and if you can, find a mentor, mine changed everything...he makes over 100 000 a month on the internet...hes 21 years old. not bad. haha

                      mentor me......i asked first lol jking great story makes me want to check out a PPC network...so you dont use the "natural" SEO?
                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1312630].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
                        Originally Posted by futuremills View Post

                        mentor me......i asked first lol jking great story makes me want to check out a PPC network...so you dont use the "natural" SEO?
                        SEO = Slow, effort, out of your control ( google owns you)

                        Pat per click all the way my friend. I used to do SEO, it takes way to much time, way to slow. Can it be done? Of course, and if thats how you make your living...then thats awesome!

                        If you are just starting out...even with almost no money...learn PPC...you can scale it HUGE FAST and make lots of coin. Then use that money to test new campaings, new LP's and all that fun stuff!

                        Trust me I have been through the ropes, haha it pays off. keep going.

                        Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

                        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1312933].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author wizbiz
                  Originally Posted by jawai View Post

                  Do you use Yahoo Search ?
                  He said like 20 times, that he's using Facebook.

                  Hello, joelraitt, could you recommend any WSO on Facebook Adv

                  course? Or maybe you have your own? Is there any specific

                  differences between Facebook and Other PPC?

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                • Profile picture of the author shubh9795
                  It is nice to hear that but seems almost impossible to me. I do not think that this is real
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                  • Profile picture of the author ResultsDriven
                    Originally Posted by shubh9795 View Post

                    It is nice to hear that but seems almost impossible to me. I do not think that this is real
                    Why don't you think it's real? There are some guys who make MILLIONS online, why can't this be reasonable?
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6704445].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author Dayne Dylan
                    Originally Posted by shubh9795 View Post

                    It is nice to hear that but seems almost impossible to me. I do not think that this is real
                    Not impossible. There are people who are making 4-5 figures a day with media buys.
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6704646].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author Rob3rts
                  Congrats bro, i hope to someday i can at least make some kind of sale online!! Im new and still trying to learn about everything, can i ask how long have you been into internet makreting before you first made any money?

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                • Profile picture of the author overseer
                  Wow! What you achieved was amazing! I hope I have that kind of success soon

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              • Profile picture of the author harpreetrock
                You said that you dont use google..then what is the other source..can u share..I feel that most of them are using google. is it yahoo, FB, or other that you can say?
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1321161].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
                  Originally Posted by harpreetrock View Post

                  You said that you dont use google..then what is the other source..can u share..I feel that most of them are using google. is it yahoo, FB, or other that you can say?
                  You wont make it in Internet Marketing if you cant even read the whole post where I tell you what I have used....I should note, I do use other sources as well.

                  Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1323740].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author Bujoi23
                Originally Posted by joelraitt View Post

                Find something easier to start. Butt PPC is the way to go, you can measure, test, its fast. Results are instant....i went from almost nothing to ocer 600 in 1 evening. Been like that ever since. Find a different PPC traffic source....and master it, just one source!
                Can you elaborate on "Butt PPC?" And these other PPC traffic source?
                Would greatlly appreciate it!
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1422745].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author Donald Truehart
                  Originally Posted by Bujoi23 View Post

                  Can you elaborate on "Butt PPC?" And these other PPC traffic source?
                  Would greatlly appreciate it!
                  He meant "but" with one "t". LOL
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1424324].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author Bujoi23
                    Originally Posted by Donald Truehart View Post

                    He meant "but" with one "t". LOL

                    Haha! LOL thanks for clarifying that! I really thought there's BUTT PPC since there is Bluefart method, whatever that is...
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1424571].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author cjreynolds
                Originally Posted by joelraitt View Post

                Hmmm PPC just means pay per click, I do not use google at all. To be honest, it was to confusing and to hard, they 'slap' everyone so much its hard to keep it consistant. Its a great traffic source if you can get it to work, and spend a lot of time on it. Find something easier to start. Butt PPC is the way to go, you can measure, test, its fast. Results are instant....i went from almost nothing to ocer 600 in 1 evening. Been like that ever since. Find a different PPC traffic source....and master it, just one source!
                This may have already been asked - I'm not being lazy, but I have limited time right now, and 11 pages is more that I can spare time for, lol!

                Could you please elaborate on your choice of PPC networks? If you're not using Google, are you using Yahoo, or some other net?

                I just added this sig so I can refer to it in my posts...

                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6267920].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
                  Originally Posted by cjreynolds View Post

                  This may have already been asked - I'm not being lazy, but I have limited time right now, and 11 pages is more that I can spare time for, lol!

                  Could you please elaborate on your choice of PPC networks? If you're not using Google, are you using Yahoo, or some other net?
                  This thread was mostly about Facebook ads, thats been my bread and butter for over 3 years now.

                  Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6286606].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author im1217
                Care ro share what PPC networks you do use?

                Originally Posted by joelraitt View Post

                Hmmm PPC just means pay per click, I do not use google at all. To be honest, it was to confusing and to hard, they 'slap' everyone so much its hard to keep it consistant. Its a great traffic source if you can get it to work, and spend a lot of time on it. Find something easier to start. Butt PPC is the way to go, you can measure, test, its fast. Results are instant....i went from almost nothing to ocer 600 in 1 evening. Been like that ever since. Find a different PPC traffic source....and master it, just one source!
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7526952].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author riselift
                thats cool man, I'm trying to learn ppc right now, I already make money online though, from BC too
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        • Profile picture of the author Mayoor Patel
          Originally Posted by Oregonman View Post

          PPC is "pay-per-click." It's basically adwords. You get a Google adwords account, pick your keywords, write some ads (make sure the ad includes the keywords in the title and the body), bid your price (bid enough to be in the top 5), pay your money and hope that the people who click buy. It works, but it can be expensive and you can spend a lot of money on losers. Article marketing and blogs can be a lot better and a lot cheaper, but not as fast.
          It's not just adwords its any advertising platform where you pay per click.

          Article Marketing and blogs can be better than PPC? LOL I now know why I come to this forum. For laughs.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7813275].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author 20092009
    I would like to know what type of offers is it? Diet and weight loss? Make money online?

    Probably rebill stuff I would imagine?
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    • Profile picture of the author Liam Hamer
      Very well done, and to think I'm feeling really good because I've made $43 in the last couple of weeks since I've been doing CPA It'd be great to hear in more detail how you did it, and how much it cost you
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1303096].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author kazmatic
    Your gonna need a lot of money to burn to make that sort of revenue in PPC so am guessing the OP has put a huge $$$$ figure sum in to achieve this. The main thing really is how much of this is profit
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  • At least you have your ego in check.
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  • Profile picture of the author J Bold
    Profit is the key. Who cares about revenue? If he had to spend $50K to get $45K in revenue it really means less than nothing, literally.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1303395].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author savaloi
      Originally Posted by J Bold View Post

      Profit is the key. Who cares about revenue? If he had to spend $50K to get $45K in revenue it really means less than nothing, literally.
      What a great quote, a simple, easy to understand definition of PPC etc that is all too often overlooked.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7265914].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
    As shakul said, ppc requires a lot of work but the great thing about ppc is that you get very fast results when you are testing and split testing. The best thing is the volume of traffic you can get. If you find the right offer, landing page, and keywords that have a good return, you can make a boatload of money.

    But testing costs money so ppc isnt for everybody.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1305365].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author 2d0k
    Originally Posted by joelraitt View Post

    Hey Everyone,

    I just wanted to let everyone know that is can happen, I serioulsy had $27 rev in July, as of today, this second I have $48,768.30 rev so far this month. So to all you noobs out there ( I'm kinda one to) it is possible!

    Have a good one,
    a detailed info would be very helpful
    World News | Hasta La Victoria Siempre! | Website Hosting Cost
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1305568].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Shift
    So you're spending about $1 to make $3 profit?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1306141].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author jh3000
      Originally Posted by Shift View Post

      So you're spending about $1 to make $3 profit?
      No based on 57k gross and 12k profit, he is making a profit of 21%, about $1 for every 4.75 spent, which is a decent margin.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2027693].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author David Mcalorum
    Yes, yes, everything is possible on this here internet we have today . But I do wonder, is that revenue profiting extremely? or is it just breaking even?
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  • Profile picture of the author Hijynx427
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    • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
      Originally Posted by Hijynx427 View Post

      lol - my first question would be, "spare some change?" lol -

      In all seriousness though, I'm wondering if you accomplished that through any WSO's or if you've been using other channels?

      What products/ services do you offer?

      No WSO at all, I was on tihs forum a long time ago, before I made any $$$, now im just back to tell people it can happen and give some advice.

      Rule 1) Stop buying crappy stuff and use your brain.

      Rule 2) There is more then enough free info out there to make crazy money on the internet.

      Rule 3) No one is going to give you their stuff that makes them huge coin, do it yourself, people do everyday

      Rule 4) Treat it like a business

      Rule 5) Network with others who MAKE money

      I have onyl done CPL ( Cost Per Lead) using PPC (pay per click) and this was all in my extra time ( worked full time and goto school full time and have a girlfriend) haha so no excuses. Excuses dont make money.

      Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1306883].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author T.J.
        Originally Posted by joelraitt View Post

        No WSO at all, I was on tihs forum a long time ago, before I made any $$$, now im just back to tell people it can happen and give some advice.

        Rule 1) Stop buying crappy stuff and use your brain.

        Rule 2) There is more then enough free info out there to make crazy money on the internet.

        Rule 3) No one is going to give you their stuff that makes them huge coin, do it yourself, people do everyday

        Rule 4) Treat it like a business

        Rule 5) Network with others who MAKE money

        I have onyl done CPL ( Cost Per Lead) using PPC (pay per click) and this was all in my extra time ( worked full time and goto school full time and have a girlfriend) haha so no excuses. Excuses dont make money.
        Well said my friend. Well Said.

        Great post!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1335978].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Yoel Cohen
        This Thread Is Gold!!!!!

        Originally Posted by joelraitt View Post

        No offence man, but that is horrible advice...i tried all the SEO crap, it takes forever, PPC, if you do things right cost not much, and risk not much, I maybe lost 300 on dumb crap before I started profiting...if you saved up all the money you spend on ebooks and videos on how to make money, you coul dhave found a huge campain!!!!!!!

        Just some advice.
        The Real Meat is this...

        Originally Posted by joelraitt View Post

        No WSO at all, I was on tihs forum a long time ago, before I made any $$$, now im just back to tell people it can happen and give some advice.

        Rule 1) Stop buying crappy stuff and use your brain.

        Rule 2) There is more then enough free info out there to make crazy money on the internet.

        Rule 3) No one is going to give you their stuff that makes them huge coin, do it yourself, people do everyday

        Rule 4) Treat it like a business

        Rule 5) Network with others who MAKE money

        I have onyl done CPL ( Cost Per Lead) using PPC (pay per click) and this was all in my extra time ( worked full time and goto school full time and have a girlfriend) haha so no excuses. Excuses dont make money.

        Originally Posted by lazavas View Post

        i think u should send ur next cheque to them! hahahahahahaha

        You Cracked Me up !!

        Of course there was a lot more great info like the source of traffic and split testing, the type of landing page...TRACKING with Prosper202 That is Some solid Advice Right There!!!!

        A quick note...

        SEO is great and in my opinion should be implemented ONLY AFTER you've found a winner campaign and offer...

        Think Of it...How would you know if the keyword your optimizing for is profitable or not???? It happened to Me and thank god I stopped with it.

        SEO is for scaling your PPC campaigns..
        You spend money first...(with PPC or paid traffic) find a profitable offer/campaign/ keyword then you go on optimizing for the engines with the money you earn...invest that in to your business...outsource..finding more sources of traffic..and potentially dominate the market for a winning keyword...

        And I will Add...People Spend So much time and effort on optimizing for the engines just to find that their keyword doesn't convert...well time is money!

        I've got to hand it to you mate! That is a nice sum and profit-wise also great! It just shows that being persistent pays off.

        I've been online for quite a while and made some great cash from Financial Offers...like mortgages, loans debt and so on...Mainly with Networks where the advertiser (Lead buyer) bids for every generated lead...(It's not a typical CPA network) for those who are curious... A good one is called Lead Point, Obviously those are very competitive markets and Getting in isn't that easy...neither worth it these days...if you are new...hint - many CPA advertisers use These type of networks to create offers for you to promote...

        I've used google adwords but stopped when clicks for these niches were just too high...back in early 2008. The First Google Slap. My SEO efforts still pay off.

        Today I'm looking to expand a bit and looking to promote other CPA offers.
        The Information was great....

        Since every one is asking many questions I thought I'll chip in too...

        I'd only like to know the network because of scrubbing issues...

        I'll PM You...If you feel like answering cool...if not I understand - you might be overwhelmed with PM's

        Nonetheless thanks for the great info.

        P.S...You've got a Great Name :-)

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1731436].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author bioshift
          Thanks for all the great tips in this thread! I've been stressed out about the serps for weeks if not months! Slow and f'n boring! I have been consulting for some local clients and making decent money, but, my god, I would love to get good at FB ads and PPC and loose the client stress.

          Thanks for the motive
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1732274].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author TJComer02
        Originally Posted by joelraitt View Post

        No WSO at all, I was on tihs forum a long time ago, before I made any $$$, now im just back to tell people it can happen and give some advice.

        Rule 1) Stop buying crappy stuff and use your brain.

        Rule 2) There is more then enough free info out there to make crazy money on the internet.

        Rule 3) No one is going to give you their stuff that makes them huge coin, do it yourself, people do everyday

        Rule 4) Treat it like a business

        Rule 5) Network with others who MAKE money

        I have onyl done CPL ( Cost Per Lead) using PPC (pay per click) and this was all in my extra time ( worked full time and goto school full time and have a girlfriend) haha so no excuses. Excuses dont make money.

        I disagree with that. I am writing a WSO right now that will be out in a couple days that gives affilates a complete blueprint to make money with offline affiliate marketing, which is WAY, WAY, WAY more profitable than PPC or any other kinds of paid advertisement. Yes, you're right, most WSO's are junk but there are good ones, and some of them have given tips that turn newbies into experts in a short time.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2696841].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
          Originally Posted by TJComer02 View Post

          I disagree with that. I am writing a WSO right now that will be out in a couple days that gives affilates a complete blueprint to make money with offline affiliate marketing, which is WAY, WAY, WAY more profitable than PPC or any other kinds of paid advertisement. Yes, you're right, most WSO's are junk but there are good ones, and some of them have given tips that turn newbies into experts in a short time.
          You know what man...my entire vie has changed as well...i was just angry at that point b/c all i saw was crap produced after crap.

          some are good...i just disagree with people buying the same reformatted crap over and over with a different title...

          so many people sell a 'system' that they have never used, or they have never made $ online i the first place...thats just criminal...

          anyways, i have a whole knew view on this now...i may even write my own thing...any thoughts?

          Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2697337].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author TJComer02
            Originally Posted by joelraitt View Post

            You know what man...my entire vie has changed as well...i was just angry at that point b/c all i saw was crap produced after crap.

            some are good...i just disagree with people buying the same reformatted crap over and over with a different title...

            so many people sell a 'system' that they have never used, or they have never made $ online i the first place...thats just criminal...

            anyways, i have a whole knew view on this now...i may even write my own thing...any thoughts?
            The ONLY reason I am writing a WSO (It will be a one time thing, trust me) is because there is NOT ONE SINGLE WSO out there with the methods I discuss. I would never write a wso on PPV or PPC, or anything else, because there's already helpful WSO's on those subjects. I say to anyone, if you know something that isn't really out there, then put it out there.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2697817].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
              Originally Posted by TJComer02 View Post

              The ONLY reason I am writing a WSO (It will be a one time thing, trust me) is because there is NOT ONE SINGLE WSO out there with the methods I discuss. I would never write a wso on PPV or PPC, or anything else, because there's already helpful WSO's on those subjects. I say to anyone, if you know something that isn't really out there, then put it out there.
              Thats pretty cool man, I hope it works out for you...maybe even send a review copy my way and I'll give honest feedback.

              Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2700547].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author TJComer02
                Originally Posted by joelraitt View Post

                Thats pretty cool man, I hope it works out for you...maybe even send a review copy my way and I'll give honest feedback.
                I will bro. PM me your email addy. So bro you are doing PPC only? No PPV/Media Buys? You're doing pretty good for PPC considering google is as moody as a woman going through menopause
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2708587].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author Ikextraprime
                  This has been a very interesting and informative thread. I am curious to know whether you are still making money from CPA now after over a year or have you moved on to other ideas and strategies.

                  Times change and things stop being profitable, is FB still a viable market? or is it shut for affiliates.

                  All the best to you and thanks for all the contributions.
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2708996].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
                    Originally Posted by Ikextraprime View Post

                    This has been a very interesting and informative thread. I am curious to know whether you are still making money from CPA now after over a year or have you moved on to other ideas and strategies.

                    Times change and things stop being profitable, is FB still a viable market? or is it shut for affiliates.

                    All the best to you and thanks for all the contributions.
                    hey, thanks glad you liked it. yah i still make $ with cpa stuff but im focusing more on 'real business' that have assets and stuff now....longer term projects

                    FB = unlimited potencial really...id suggest using it to build targeted lists, and keep marketing/informing them ( think of ways to get free viral traffic to really do well)

                    Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2709682].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Archimedes
        Right on Joel.

        Originally Posted by joelraitt View Post

        No WSO at all, I was on tihs forum a long time ago, before I made any $$$, now im just back to tell people it can happen and give some advice.

        Rule 1) Stop buying crappy stuff and use your brain.

        Rule 2) There is more then enough free info out there to make crazy money on the internet.

        Rule 3) No one is going to give you their stuff that makes them huge coin, do it yourself, people do everyday

        Rule 4) Treat it like a business

        Rule 5) Network with others who MAKE money

        I have onyl done CPL ( Cost Per Lead) using PPC (pay per click) and this was all in my extra time ( worked full time and goto school full time and have a girlfriend) haha so no excuses. Excuses dont make money.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6309065].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author infocraze
    Thats great, all the best. But it does mean you have to invest a lot too to get a return plus profit. In terms of percentage, how much was your initial investment and return?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1306910].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
      Originally Posted by infocraze View Post

      Thats great, all the best. But it does mean you have to invest a lot too to get a return plus profit. In terms of percentage, how much was your initial investment and return?
      At the start I was just profiting a little bit, 50 a day, 100 a day, then i hit a huge campaing, i was ready with about 12000 of credit card money! I maxed that out in about 5 days, so I borrowed a bunch of money for cashflow so i could grow! another tip, be prepared to move fast b/c opportunity is NOW not in 3 weeks when its to late

      Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

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      • Profile picture of the author whitney01
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        • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
          Originally Posted by whitney01 View Post

          great! I am really interested. I tried PPC before but its really hard to earn from it since I don't have downlines. can you just share us what are the sites you are talking about.. where we can earn also that amount per month? Or can you email me all the details about it?
          Sorry man, I'm not really sure what you are trying to say or ask...if you ask me a specific question Id be able to help you...

          Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1311772].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Richard Crooke
        Wow, congrats on the success Joe. I became to frustrated with PPC, now I am looking to build list so I can make that average $1 per person on my list. I am working on a product to offer free, and in return ask them to opt in. The value will be huge, I plan to later charge for the product.


        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1318633].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author xnice
        Originally Posted by joelraitt View Post

        At the start I was just profiting a little bit, 50 a day, 100 a day, then i hit a huge campaing, i was ready with about 12000 of credit card money! I maxed that out in about 5 days, so I borrowed a bunch of money for cashflow so i could grow! another tip, be prepared to move fast b/c opportunity is NOW not in 3 weeks when its to late
        Now I know how you work, but if during your campaign , some problem occur out of your predict. I see PPC like a gamble, a little people can success, and others were lose.
        Need Quality Backlinks: Check Out How To Buy Quality Backlinks in 2018?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1982051].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author 20092009
    So are you using free trail type offers?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1310364].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author dmayne
      Wow that is really good. I am a little skeptical about dumping that kind of money before I got paid a few times. After all the 'scrubbing' posts I have read about and other crappy networks I would be afraid... hehe If you make it work my hat is off to you. I think I will go for the slow and steady.

      Good luck to you though. Let us know when you actually get paid!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1310730].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Kenster
        Originally Posted by dmayne View Post

        Wow that is really good. I am a little skeptical about dumping that kind of money before I got paid a few times. After all the 'scrubbing' posts I have read about and other crappy networks I would be afraid... hehe If you make it work my hat is off to you. I think I will go for the slow and steady.

        Good luck to you though. Let us know when you actually get paid!

        When you are doing traffic like that you dont really have to worry about scrubbing as much as staight up denial of earnings. Most scrubbing is from simple sumbits and happens because you have crap traffic or fake traffic such as incentivizing non-incentive offers.

        Denial of commissions happens if you are doing blackhat type stuff or pure fraud. If he is doing straight up legit traffic, he will not have a problem getting commissions.

        Remember, networks want to reward super affiliates because the networks are taking a piece of every conversion...thats how they make there money. There are tons of networks out there so networks keep affilaites happy so they dont go elsewhere. They would be shooting themsleves in the leg if they deny commissions so somebody bringing in legit traffic that is converting.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1310901].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
        Originally Posted by dmayne View Post

        Wow that is really good. I am a little skeptical about dumping that kind of money before I got paid a few times. After all the 'scrubbing' posts I have read about and other crappy networks I would be afraid... hehe If you make it work my hat is off to you. I think I will go for the slow and steady.

        Good luck to you though. Let us know when you actually get paid!
        haha yah man, some companies prentend to be big and all that, do a bit of research, if you PM me i can tell you my network...and trust me they pay me...every friday it gets wired to my account just checked...about 17 g's coming my way for Monday!! ( about 6-7000 profit)

        NEVER GIVE UP!

        Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1311007].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author dark witness
          Originally Posted by joelraitt View Post

          haha yah man, some companies prentend to be big and all that, do a bit of research, if you PM me i can tell you my network...and trust me they pay me...every friday it gets wired to my account just checked...about 17 g's coming my way for Monday!! ( about 6-7000 profit)

          NEVER GIVE UP!
          Hi, sorry i tried tro PM you but i don't have enough post count. I would love to know which network you use.

          could you pleasre pm me or email me.

          Great thread by the way, very very inspiring stuff from a lot of people. I guess you just have to stick till it kicks.


          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3171079].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Pacman131
        I agree with you! Especially in this type of market, remember we are in a recession right now. I would never risk $10k in my bank account, that's just me though. Say you made $40k, you just never know if that network will pay you that. Things could crash for that network in one day.

        I'll go the safe way and make money through regular SEO.

        Originally Posted by dmayne View Post

        Wow that is really good. I am a little skeptical about dumping that kind of money before I got paid a few times. After all the 'scrubbing' posts I have read about and other crappy networks I would be afraid... hehe If you make it work my hat is off to you. I think I will go for the slow and steady.

        Good luck to you though. Let us know when you actually get paid!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1721742].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author IMSkeptic
          Originally Posted by Pacman131 View Post

          I agree with you! Especially in this type of market, remember we are in a recession right now. I would never risk $10k in my bank account, that's just me though. Say you made $40k, you just never know if that network will pay you that. Things could crash for that network in one day.

          I'll go the safe way and make money through regular SEO.
          This is a good attitude for those of us willing to manage the risk because it leaves more room in the market space. Sounds like you have had made up your mind but here are a few points to consider. Work with reputable CPA Networks, Quality Traffic Sources and Legitimate Offers and you have mitigated the majority of your risk. This is not a set and forget business model it needs to be actively managed. Next setup a business entity like an LLC or Corporation to legally shield your personal assets from your business dealings. Lastly always, always, always look before you leap and use your head.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1726735].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
      Originally Posted by 20092009 View Post

      So are you using free trail type offers?

      No man i do not do free trials...although my stuf cost the end user nothing...hint hint CPL

      Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1310993].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author 20092009
    He should have NO PROBLEM at all getting paid.

    Guys, this is this business... And to be totally honest, he's making money... But nothing at all compared to a huge amount of other guys. He's on the right track.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1310760].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Kenster
      Originally Posted by 20092009 View Post

      He should have NO PROBLEM at all getting paid.

      Guys, this is this business... And to be totally honest, he's making money... But nothing at all compared to a huge amount of other guys. He's on the right track.

      Ahhhh...but going from $500 per day to $5000 a day is much easier than going from $0 per day to $100 per day.

      Hes right around the corner from the big numbers. Literally one tweak in his campaign will do it! Im hoping hes got multiple campaigns running though!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1310890].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
      Originally Posted by 20092009 View Post

      He should have NO PROBLEM at all getting paid.

      Guys, this is this business... And to be totally honest, he's making money... But nothing at all compared to a huge amount of other guys. He's on the right track.

      Totally true man, im just scratching the surface....one of my best buddies makes over 100K a month...its sick. talk about motivation. were flying to AdTech in New York at the start of November...any of you guys going?

      Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1311009].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author hotftuna
    Congrats joelraitt-
    I promote a super competitive niche and ppc costs are sky-high- I have stayed away from ppc.

    Maybe it's time to find another niche and diversify with a ppc campaign.
    HeDir.com ranks #1 for "human edited web directory"

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1311122].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
      Originally Posted by hotftuna View Post

      Congrats joelraitt-
      I promote a super competitive niche and ppc costs are sky-high- I have stayed away from ppc.

      Maybe it's time to find another niche and diversify with a ppc campaign.
      Think outside the box my friend...i have no keywords, or any of that crap...its to intense. Find easier traffic to pay for...what the biggest out there? Come on Im pretty much telling you!

      Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1311767].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author CynCyn
        Originally Posted by joelraitt View Post

        Think outside the box my friend...i have no keywords, or any of that crap...its to intense. Find easier traffic to pay for...what the biggest out there? Come on Im pretty much telling you!
        No keywords....wah?! Image ad on content network? C'mon just tell us :p
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1311787].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
          Originally Posted by CynCyn View Post

          No keywords....wah?! Image ad on content network? C'mon just tell us :p
          haha forget about google for now, and forget about msn and forget about yahoo....its eaier then that...take more guesses...ill let it slip

          Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1311842].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author CynCyn
            Originally Posted by joelraitt View Post

            haha forget about google for now, and forget about msn and forget about yahoo....its eaier then that...take more guesses...ill let it slip
            Gotta love guessing games...but I think I KNOW what it is!

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1311870].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
              Originally Posted by CynCyn View Post

              Gotta love guessing games...but I think I KNOW what it is!

              No.......well maybe.....yea....I just revealed my traffic source...oh well 99% of you wont even take action....dont let it be you!

              Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1312926].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Myheavens
    Great work..Best of luck..
    I have launched New WordPress theme's Themelocation
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  • Profile picture of the author lazavas
    i dont think people should be asking for niches etc, but myself would be curious as to the advertising method, i would never ask for niche though hahahaha
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  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
    whether you are doing MEDIA BUYING, ppc, free methods, you can make a ton of money using any type of traffic. It would do yourself more good to just settle down, pick a traffic source and go with it, than to try and weasel as much info out of Joel as you can.

    Set your own destiny

    Good luck to all
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1312330].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author amadi
    That's impressive!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1312950].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
      Originally Posted by amadi View Post

      That's impressive!
      Thanks...lol but its not THAT great!

      Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1312995].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Olga Schipilow
    Congratulaion! Maybe some day I will be so lucky.
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    • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
      Originally Posted by Olga Schipilow View Post

      Congratulaion! Maybe some day I will be so lucky.
      haha luck had nothing to do with it! Guys, Ill seriously answer some questions...this is your chance...not going to do this forever. just feel like I should help out a bit.

      Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1313222].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author blingblam
        alright, since I'm down about $500 this week on media buys I need to figure out what I'm doing wrong...maybe you can help.

        I'm guessing you're either doing Media Buys or PPV. Are you direct linking to the offer or using your own landing page? I'm about to start a direct linking campaign doing media buys, but I need an offer that will convert. I'm looking either at Netflix or Debt Help.

        Would you recommend just blasting my offer on all sites, or target my campaign to people who I think will be interested in these offers. I find that when I laser target my campaigns I don't get too much traffic...so I'm thinking to go with the shotgun approach.

        Any info you can give me either in a pm or this thread would be really helpful. I gotta start making a profit though =/.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1313364].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Kenster
          Originally Posted by blingblam View Post

          alright, since I'm down about $500 this week on media buys I need to figure out what I'm doing wrong...maybe you can help.

          I'm guessing you're either doing Media Buys or PPV. Are you direct linking to the offer or using your own landing page? I'm about to start a direct linking campaign doing media buys, but I need an offer that will convert. I'm looking either at Netflix or Debt Help.

          Would you recommend just blasting my offer on all sites, or target my campaign to people who I think will be interested in these offers. I find that when I laser target my campaigns I don't get too much traffic...so I'm thinking to go with the shotgun approach.

          Any info you can give me either in a pm or this thread would be really helpful. I gotta start making a profit though =/.

          Netflix has huge potential. If you find the right traffic source, netflix converts like crazy.

          But yes I would recommend targeting sites. If you have a huge budget to lose, then do a huge shotgun. This can be costly testing though, so if you are on a budget, go the targeting route.

          The key is trying to find demographics that convert. Once you do this and find some sites that convert well...then go horizontal and find similar sites in terms of content and/or demographic.

          good luck man
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1313628].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author BobV
            Originally Posted by Kenster View Post

            Netflix has huge potential. If you find the right traffic source, netflix converts like crazy.
            Hi Kenster,

            What the heck is Netflix:confused:

            "It is one thing to study war and another thing
            to live the warrior’s life"
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1984090].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author rvrabel2002
              Originally Posted by BobV View Post

              Hi Kenster,

              What the heck is Netflix:confused:

              Do you live under a rock?

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1984605].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Dayne Dylan
              Originally Posted by BobV View Post

              Hi Kenster,

              What the heck is Netflix:confused:

              This is a joke, right?
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1984659].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author BobV
                Originally Posted by Dayne Dylan View Post

                This is a joke, right?
                lol Hey Guys not everybody in this forum is from the USA lol

                Any other networks than CX Digital and CPA Empire who offer netflix campaigns?
                "It is one thing to study war and another thing
                to live the warrior’s life"
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1988967].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
          Dont worry about the 500, as long as you are learning, its an investment. I have been there.

          Are you using your own creatives for ads? Or the ones they give you? I dont have a huge amount of experiance with media buys...but i know a bit. Whats your CTR?

          id say start out targeted...and only put $ where you think you have the best chance of at leas breaking even...then tweak to make it profitable.
          Its easy to get lots of data when you are breaking even, cuz it cost nothing, so you can test and make it work.

          If you can make it work then take it as wide as possible. And start elminating sites from there.

          Im not sure about those 2 offers your thinking of, people are making money in both, but remeber some of these guys buy millions and millions of impressions a day and get cheaper traffic then you and they are prob getting a higher payout then you. so you cant compete going wide right away.

          have you asked for a pay increase to test the offer? they will give it to you.

          honestly, look at what other people are doing and steal from them, and then make it better. that is the only real chance on offers like that.

          seriously every single thing matters, and you can only test 1 variable at a time. so take your time, get it to break even, and then test to profit from there.

          overall, your better off making a little bit slowly now ( so you have money to test other stuff) then risk 500 or so not knowing if you are going to make $.

          you are not in th business of RISKING $ or gambeling large somes. Limit your risk and increase your chances of winning.

          i hope this helps. any other questions.

          Originally Posted by blingblam View Post

          alright, since I'm down about $500 this week on media buys I need to figure out what I'm doing wrong...maybe you can help.

          I'm guessing you're either doing Media Buys or PPV. Are you direct linking to the offer or using your own landing page? I'm about to start a direct linking campaign doing media buys, but I need an offer that will convert. I'm looking either at Netflix or Debt Help.

          Would you recommend just blasting my offer on all sites, or target my campaign to people who I think will be interested in these offers. I find that when I laser target my campaigns I don't get too much traffic...so I'm thinking to go with the shotgun approach.

          Any info you can give me either in a pm or this thread would be really helpful. I gotta start making a profit though =/.

          Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1313709].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author blingblam
            Hey Joelraitt,
            I'm actually doing text ads right now. My Overall CTR isn't great at all, it's 0.015%. But I'm getting over 1 million impressions per day right now, which usually gets me about 100-200 clicks.

            Out of those clicks, before this Friday, I had a 1 out of about 50 conversion rate. About a 13% CTR from my landing page to the Offer Landing Page. From the offer landing page I had about a 15-25% conversion rate.

            So it was starting to do pretty well... and I just figured I could start making profits of about 10-20 cents per click if I left everything the way it was...

            Then Bam. Thursday night rolls around and my conversions start to drop dramatically. Friday comes and I can only get 1 conversion out of 190 clicks. And today, I don't even have one conversion to show for 150 clicks. Ridiculous.

            I just have no idea what's going on. I already got a payout bump from my AM for both offers, so I'm getting paid the max I can right now. But you're right, these other guys have money to throw at this...

            I just want to know why an offer would convert one day and then all of a sudden drop off. Just the nature of the business I guess... but I still see other people promoting the exact same thing.

            Thanks again for all the info and advice.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1313768].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
              Originally Posted by blingblam View Post

              Hey Joelraitt,
              I'm actually doing text ads right now. My Overall CTR isn't great at all, it's 0.015%. But I'm getting over 1 million impressions per day right now, which usually gets me about 100-200 clicks.

              Out of those clicks, before this Friday, I had a 1 out of about 50 conversion rate. About a 13% CTR from my landing page to the Offer Landing Page. From the offer landing page I had about a 15-25% conversion rate.

              So it was starting to do pretty well... and I just figured I could start making profits of about 10-20 cents per click if I left everything the way it was...

              Then Bam. Thursday night rolls around and my conversions start to drop dramatically. Friday comes and I can only get 1 conversion out of 190 clicks. And today, I don't even have one conversion to show for 150 clicks. Ridiculous.

              I just have no idea what's going on. I already got a payout bump from my AM for both offers, so I'm getting paid the max I can right now. But you're right, these other guys have money to throw at this...

              I just want to know why an offer would convert one day and then all of a sudden drop off. Just the nature of the business I guess... but I still see other people promoting the exact same thing.

              Thanks again for all the info and advice.
              Hey man, good questions.

              1) What area are you promoting? Like are you getting people to bring out their credit cards? What kind on information are you getting form them to complete the CPA?

              2) Your LP, your AD, along with the actually LP of the offer determines you overal convertions rate. It all matters for convertions.

              3) Are you split testing your Landing Pages, you need your CTR at least above 40%, 60% is better. I am on my 7th split test for 2 on my capaigns. Each time I built a better LP. Thats more $ for me. And could be for you.

              4) I always heard people say test at last 100 clicks...but on large demographics, or large keywords...100 clicks is nothing. If the campain in close to break een I like to run at least 500, maybe 1000 clicks to it over 2-3 days. I have had offers mak3 money every day but Sat and Sun. So its weird. Watch for patterns.

              5) I had the exact same problem man, convertions, then non, id make money, then lose money. It cuold just be your ttype of offer. I asked my AM and he said it was known to be streaky. But if you work on your LP and your AD's to make it good enough then 1 day you only make 100, the next you make 500...rather then -100 or +50...? You know?

              6) Good work getting the first pay bump.

              7) Just remember, every extra CTR %, either on your ad or LP it MORE MONEY. More average earning per click ( Ave epc) which means you can bid more, wihc mean you can get more traffic, which means you can make .1 cent on 10000 clicks tahter then .3 on 100, or w/e. In the end you want to go WIDE. More poeple you serve the more $ you make.

              Good luck man, your on the right path. I hope I answered it all.


              Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1315581].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author blingblam
                Wow thanks for all the info bro.
                Right now I'm promoting the teeth whitening vertical... people get charged about $4 for shipping and handling and get a free trial. They need to give their credit card numbers + address info.

                I didn't think the initial ad mattered too much for conversions. I always thought it was just meant to draw the reader to your landing page.

                I have to start split testing landing pages, but I don't know how to do it except manually. I don't think I could use google optimizer because it goes to an affiliate offer.

                Yea, I think it could be just the days I'm doing it on. Weekdays seemed alright... and I thought weekends would be even better. I was thinking that there might be a glitch with conversions or something (but that seems highly unlikely).

                Wow, 40% to 60% CTR from landing page seems amazing. I guess I just have to tweak my landing page to get a higher CTR... Is there an easier way of split testing lp's? Or do I just create new campaigns for each Landing Page and test them that way?

                Thanks again

                Originally Posted by joelraitt View Post

                Hey man, good questions.

                1) What area are you promoting? Like are you getting people to bring out their credit cards? What kind on information are you getting form them to complete the CPA?

                2) Your LP, your AD, along with the actually LP of the offer determines you overal convertions rate. It all matters for convertions.

                3) Are you split testing your Landing Pages, you need your CTR at least above 40%, 60% is better. I am on my 7th split test for 2 on my capaigns. Each time I built a better LP. Thats more $ for me. And could be for you.

                4) I always heard people say test at last 100 clicks...but on large demographics, or large keywords...100 clicks is nothing. If the campain in close to break een I like to run at least 500, maybe 1000 clicks to it over 2-3 days. I have had offers mak3 money every day but Sat and Sun. So its weird. Watch for patterns.

                5) I had the exact same problem man, convertions, then non, id make money, then lose money. It cuold just be your ttype of offer. I asked my AM and he said it was known to be streaky. But if you work on your LP and your AD's to make it good enough then 1 day you only make 100, the next you make 500...rather then -100 or +50...? You know?

                6) Good work getting the first pay bump.

                7) Just remember, every extra CTR %, either on your ad or LP it MORE MONEY. More average earning per click ( Ave epc) which means you can bid more, wihc mean you can get more traffic, which means you can make .1 cent on 10000 clicks tahter then .3 on 100, or w/e. In the end you want to go WIDE. More poeple you serve the more $ you make.

                Good luck man, your on the right path. I hope I answered it all.

                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1315890].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
                  Originally Posted by blingblam View Post

                  Wow thanks for all the info bro.
                  Right now I'm promoting the teeth whitening vertical... people get charged about $4 for shipping and handling and get a free trial. They need to give their credit card numbers + address info.

                  I didn't think the initial ad mattered too much for conversions. I always thought it was just meant to draw the reader to your landing page.

                  I have to start split testing landing pages, but I don't know how to do it except manually. I don't think I could use google optimizer because it goes to an affiliate offer.

                  Yea, I think it could be just the days I'm doing it on. Weekdays seemed alright... and I thought weekends would be even better. I was thinking that there might be a glitch with conversions or something (but that seems highly unlikely).

                  Wow, 40% to 60% CTR from landing page seems amazing. I guess I just have to tweak my landing page to get a higher CTR... Is there an easier way of split testing lp's? Or do I just create new campaigns for each Landing Page and test them that way?

                  Thanks again
                  Well if your doing teeth whitening...your ctr will prob be a bit lower then that b/c of th eneed for a credit card to pay. it sketches people out. are you runing it on google? id be carful man, they might ban you. and when they ban you, you basically need a new life to start up with them again.

                  as for split testing just search for a .php split testing script, its actually like 6 lines of code or less. real simple.

                  what program do you use to track everything right now? i hope its tracking 202...or prosper 202

                  you got to be doing all this stuff man, the internet does not just dump piles of money on anyone who makes a link. thats why 97% of affilaites fail ( guessed that number) b/c they dont do the work. and follow the system.

                  good luck bro

                  Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1316724].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author sun22
                    Thanks to all. I learned a lot from you all. I just have to start working on this ideas.
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2713479].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author frank-germany
                Originally Posted by joelraitt View Post

                5) I had the exact same problem man, convertions, then non, id make money, then lose money. It cuold just be your ttype of offer. I asked my AM and he said it was known to be streaky.
                yes take it for granted:
                nobody is ever going to scrape or shave you
                and nobody is spying on you
                and nobody is taking over
                and nobody has very clever secret ideas .. to take over your money

                all people are honest and only want to help you succeed

                ..thas what I love in internetmarketing..

                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7341781].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
                  Originally Posted by frank-germany View Post

                  yes take it for granted:
                  nobody is ever going to scrape or shave you
                  and nobody is spying on you
                  and nobody is taking over
                  and nobody has very clever secret ideas .. to take over your money

                  all people are honest and only want to help you succeed

                  ..thas what I love in internetmarketing..

                  was this a creative way to market the products in your signature? haha

                  Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7353003].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author JayInOrlando
    Would love to try promoting a product on FaceBook.. have you ever tried anything in the diet areas?

    Seems like most facebook stuff is ring tones, or txt quizzes.

    $600 a day? Easy! - Super Affiliates Contact ME for to get in on this private health supplement offer.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1313357].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
      Ummm I have not done dieting, or txt quizzes...facebook doesnt like that, no rebills aloud....although...it can be done. I have done it, but not worth getting your account banned!

      Originally Posted by JayInOrlando View Post

      Would love to try promoting a product on FaceBook.. have you ever tried anything in the diet areas?

      Seems like most facebook stuff is ring tones, or txt quizzes.


      Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1313675].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Preben Frenning
    Wow! So much useful info here!
    Thanks to everyone who have contributed here =)

    Anyways, I think you are running a dating offer using facebook ads... Am I right? :p
    At least I've heard people are making big money doing it.
    Also, in competitive niches (as in $3+ per click in adwords), they have high payouts, and cost a lot per click if you're playing with the big guys like google. Hence, if you go for facebook and other kinds of sources NOT using keywords, but instead trying to hit the right demographics, you can get your clicks WAY cheaper.

    Although it's a bit less targeted, it still has loads more potential.
    Now, I haven't tried out a whole lot yet, but I realize I should. PPC and media buys are extremely fast, and if done right, it can be quick profits too. (Or quick losses!)

    Btw, do you use your own landing page with an opt-in form or just a normal non-opt-in landing page?


    P.S. Which CPA network do you use? You said you get paid every friday, which would be awesome!

    Content overload? Too many tabs open? Then
    check out my awesome tech startup! - It will make your life easier.

    Twitter? - http://twitter.com/Preben_Frenning

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1313963].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author blingblam
      Hi Preben,
      I can't speak for the OP but I know certain networks payout weekly if you generate about 1k revenue per day. I can give you a referral to the network I'm talking about if you want... just send me a pm.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1313988].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Kenster
        Originally Posted by blingblam View Post

        Hi Preben,
        I can't speak for the OP but I know certain networks payout weekly if you generate about 1k revenue per day. I can give you a referral to the network I'm talking about if you want... just send me a pm.

        Many times you dont even need to be doing that much traffic. Just speak with your affiliate manager. If you have been with the network for a while and have good legit traffic, networks are normally pretty flexible with payouts.

        What they are mostly worrying about it blackhat or fraudsters doing a bunch of traffic and getting paid commissions and then the advertiser on the back end getting mad the leads arent converting. If youre legit, they want to work with you as much as possible.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1314163].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author CynCyn
          Awesome, I'm going to fire off some questions for you while question period is still on!

          1. Ok if it's Facebook - Do you have any secret tips to getting ads approved? Back when I was using them, it was really annoying trying to get my ads approved. It seemed completely random based on whatever they felt like at the moment. I even made my ads look like the ads that were up. Sometimes they'd disapprove 1 ad, and then a few hours later, approve the SAME ad (this was for dating).

          I don't know if the platform has changed much.

          2. Know any way to get $100 ad credit? There was some promotion going on, but the codes don't work anymore.

          3. What is your avg CPC?

          4. Obviously I'm not going to ask you for your exact niche but HOW did you settle on a niche? Did you ask your AM what was doing well, and just went from there & rotated offers?

          5. Are you targeting based on interests from people's profiles, and/or targeting a general demographic like males in US, 25-49?

          ps. you are doin a great thing here helping people out! you rock and deserve to be super duper rich :p
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1314306].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author ben565
            Originally Posted by CynCyn View Post

            Awesome, I'm going to fire off some questions for you while question period is still on!

            1. Ok if it's Facebook - Do you have any secret tips to getting ads approved? Back when I was using them, it was really annoying trying to get my ads approved. It seemed completely random based on whatever they felt like at the moment. I even made my ads look like the ads that were up. Sometimes they'd disapprove 1 ad, and then a few hours later, approve the SAME ad (this was for dating).

            I don't know if the platform has changed much.

            2. Know any way to get $100 ad credit? There was some promotion going on, but the codes don't work anymore.

            3. What is your avg CPC?

            4. Obviously I'm not going to ask you for your exact niche but HOW did you settle on a niche? Did you ask your AM what was doing well, and just went from there & rotated offers?

            5. Are you targeting based on interests from people's profiles, and/or targeting a general demographic like males in US, 25-49?

            ps. you are doin a great thing here helping people out! you rock and deserve to be super duper rich :p
            You are wasting your time with facebook ads,the only way to make any decent money on facebook is with facebook apps.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1314530].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
              Originally Posted by ben565 View Post

              You are wasting your time with facebook ads,the only way to make any decent money on facebook is with facebook apps.
              I jut got in form a hockey game, and Im super tired...ill answer all the questions tommorow...but i just had to say that ben...you are wrong. well...whats your idea of decent?

              ill answer the rest tommorow in the AM when i get up. may sleep in.

              Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1314664].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
          Originally Posted by Kenster View Post

          Many times you dont even need to be doing that much traffic. Just speak with your affiliate manager. If you have been with the network for a while and have good legit traffic, networks are normally pretty flexible with payouts.

          What they are mostly worrying about it BlueFart or fraudsters doing a bunch of traffic and getting paid commissions and then the advertiser on the back end getting mad the leads arent converting. If youre legit, they want to work with you as much as possible.
          True, depends on the network and how much rev they THINK you can do. Tell them you weeklies would help you grow faster b/c funds are a little tight. Say youll be able to test more, faster and when you do hit a big campain it will help with cashflow.

          All of this is true. And they want to hear it.

          Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1315628].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
      Originally Posted by Preben Frenning View Post

      Wow! So much useful info here!
      Thanks to everyone who have contributed here =)

      Anyways, I think you are running a dating offer using facebook ads... Am I right? :p
      At least I've heard people are making big money doing it.
      Also, in competitive niches (as in $3+ per click in adwords), they have high payouts, and cost a lot per click if you're playing with the big guys like google. Hence, if you go for facebook and other kinds of sources NOT using keywords, but instead trying to hit the right demographics, you can get your clicks WAY cheaper.

      Although it's a bit less targeted, it still has loads more potential.
      Now, I haven't tried out a whole lot yet, but I realize I should. PPC and media buys are extremely fast, and if done right, it can be quick profits too. (Or quick losses!)

      Btw, do you use your own landing page with an opt-in form or just a normal non-opt-in landing page?


      P.S. Which CPA network do you use? You said you get paid every friday, which would be awesome!
      Hey man, naw man i dont make much with dating...look at the ad board on facebook for a single male, its all dating. you can make coin, but your ad better be sick, and your offer better pay well. then you can make a few cents a click. other stuff is better.

      i have to think about if i want to give away my network on here...i only get paid every friday cuz i was doing decent volume. but it was not that hard to get it.

      Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1315588].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author zhunzi
      Originally Posted by Preben Frenning View Post

      P.S. Which CPA network do you use? You said you get paid every friday, which would be awesome!
      My AM at Copeac told me when I joined that they could wire daily if I did greater than $1K a day in revenue. I imagine if you have an AM, just talk to them about more frequent payouts. If your making them serious bling, they will change the rules of the game for you. I know they can typically change the payout as wells as the terms and conditions if the deal is right and traffic is legit.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1364421].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author MattSteel
    Congrats DUDE! How long have you been at this? For somone like me, new to the IM game, I am aware of he huge learning curve. When did you start getting serious about this field (not just this one PPC)? How many hours per week did you average in research and learning? Did you hav a mentor?

    Thanks for the post!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1315725].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
      Originally Posted by MattSteel View Post

      Congrats DUDE! How long have you been at this? For somone like me, new to the IM game, I am aware of he huge learning curve. When did you start getting serious about this field (not just this one PPC)? How many hours per week did you average in research and learning? Did you hav a mentor?

      Thanks for the post!
      Thanks man, umm well I have always wanted a business, so I have read bi books and stuff like that since i was 18, im 23 now.

      I got into the internet lightly less then a year ago. and i signed up for my first network in june i think. I was denied my application, and had to call and pretty much had to beg to get approved.

      i pretty much started doing ppc then, with all sorts of traffic and offers, then found a combo that works good for me.

      i spent ALOT of time, id work 8 hours a day at my job for 15 bucks an hour...then 5-10 hours after that working on the internet, learning, practicing, testing and all that.

      its cool though, i still work part time at my job....but i make more in a day profit then i do in 2 weeks FULL time at work...lol well sometimes only do a weeks profit in a day...but still...i show upto work and have made more already then i do working the whole day.

      yah i had a "mentor" if you can call him that, hes like one of my best friends now, we hang and party all the time. were actually going to NY together for a internet convention at the start of Nov.

      hope this helps.

      Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1316718].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author sp33dr4ge99

        Just found this thread and realized your doing FB ads. I just got into them 2 weeks ago ( I am already having good success in the 3 major search engines)

        My problem is with facebook they seem to serve my CPM traffic in surges literally by the hour and right at the same time every hour then turn it off and wait again until the next hour.

        It's been a real challenge to find converting offers... most are just break even, but I find that with a lander telling them what they need to do seems to convert a bit more.
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        • Profile picture of the author mlektra
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1730787].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Dayne Dylan
            Originally Posted by mlektra View Post

            Hey guys...im spending 250$ everydays on FB to make 400-450$ profit. I think it's a good ROI, what you guys think?
            I would say any profit is good profit.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1730867].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
    Google will typically only care if you are directing people straight to the landing page. If you funnel the user through a few pages, yes conversions will suffer a bit, but you will have no problems with google.

    The key is that you want to provide value to the people who are searching for your keywords on google. Google is all about value and relevance. This means you cant just try and come right out and sell people on a rebill. This is not value because most rebills are sketchy and you arent offering any information, just trying to pitch a sale.

    So you must create content that helps users out. Google is okay with you being an affiliate and okay with affiliates making money, but only if its valuable and/or relevant to the searcher.

    So, focus on working with googles policies and focus on providing value. In the back of your mind you should always be thinking how you can make money, but the key to getting a good quality score and cheaper clicks is to not lose sight of the need to deliver value.

    And yes, most affiliate fail because they aren't willing to put in the initial work. But those who do put in the work reap some serious rewards.

    best of luck all!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1316860].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
      Originally Posted by Kenster View Post

      Google will typically only care if you are directing people straight to the landing page. If you funnel the user through a few pages, yes conversions will suffer a bit, but you will have no problems with google.

      The key is that you want to provide value to the people who are searching for your keywords on google. Google is all about value and relevance. This means you cant just try and come right out and sell people on a rebill. This is not value because most rebills are sketchy and you arent offering any information, just trying to pitch a sale.

      So you must create content that helps users out. Google is okay with you being an affiliate and okay with affiliates making money, but only if its valuable and/or relevant to the searcher.

      So, focus on working with googles policies and focus on providing value. In the back of your mind you should always be thinking how you can make money, but the key to getting a good quality score and cheaper clicks is to not lose sight of the need to deliver value.

      And yes, most affiliate fail because they aren't willing to put in the initial work. But those who do put in the work reap some serious rewards.

      best of luck all!
      Ummm...OK man, you seem pretty smart...are you running rebills on google? I seriously doubt it...can people? Yah, but it gets sketchy redirecting the links from the google reviewers and so on.

      Anyways, good luck running rebills...how is charging people $80 14 days later then another 80+ every month with them not knowing providing value? Thats why google will ban your ass. Unless you have unreal techniqual skills, I would not try it.

      And more pages does not mean les convertions...lol it could mean more if you make the right pages...there are no really general rules like that...it all depends...

      Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1316969].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author blingblam
        Nah I'm not risking running the rebills on google. Too worried about the google slap...

        I'm only doing media buys right now. No google stuff at all. But I have seen quite a few rebill landing pages on google's advertising network ( so not sure why they let some people do it and others can't).

        I actually prefer doing media buys right now because the rules are a lot less stringent.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1317226].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
          Originally Posted by blingblam View Post

          Nah I'm not risking running the rebills on google. Too worried about the google slap...

          I'm only doing media buys right now. No google stuff at all. But I have seen quite a few rebill landing pages on google's advertising network ( so not sure why they let some people do it and others can't).

          I actually prefer doing media buys right now because the rules are a lot less stringent.

          Yah its true...and they dont let people do rebills...you have to trick them by cloaking your links. I dont know how to do it on Google, you have to know your .php programming. Most people wouldnt even sell it to you.

          Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1317486].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Preben Frenning
            Originally Posted by joelraitt View Post

            Yah its true...and they dont let people do rebills...you have to trick them by cloaking your links. I dont know how to do it on Google, you have to know your .php programming. Most people wouldnt even sell it to you.
            I think this wordpress plugin does it. Affiliate Link Cloaker and URL Shortener - Wordpress plugin
            I haven't tried it, but from the looks of it, it's supposed to cloak links from search engines.

            @Jeff Scott - How do you make the email submit's pre-populated? (If that means it automatically fills in their email?)
            Looks like you have a great plan there anyways

            And how does the traffic regenerator work?/What does it do?
            Also, I've heard that MSN adcenter is a bit underrated for CPA, and it looks as if CPV is "The new thing" :p

            Content overload? Too many tabs open? Then
            check out my awesome tech startup! - It will make your life easier.

            Twitter? - http://twitter.com/Preben_Frenning

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1319358].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Jeff S
              Originally Posted by Preben Frenning View Post

              @Jeff Scott - How do you make the email submit's pre-populated? (If that means it automatically fills in their email?)
              Good question...some networks allow you to do "pre-pops" which is pre-population of the ZIP or EMAIL field. Every network is going to be different, but it's basically a variable in the URL (no different than a SubId). For instance, Flux mainly uses "em" so the link would be similar to:


              I use AWeber for list management, so I capture the email on my side into my autoresponder series, then push out to the link and populate the email form on the advertiser's site. That way they only need to click the submit button (it would be weird user experience to enter your email twice)

              And how does the traffic regenerator work?/What does it do?
              Check out TrafficRegenerator.com and you can see what the intent is...basically as people are leaving your site it does a page curl, drop down, etc. This is highly recommended by Gauher Chaudhry, and conceptually it makes sense, so I'm testing it out.

              Also, I've heard that MSN adcenter is a bit underrated for CPA, and it looks as if CPV is "The new thing" :p
              MSN is decent, just don't expect floods of traffic. If something is profitable, then use it...I don't care if I make $1 or $100 from it...as long as my ROI is what I want then I'm fine. CPV has been around for awhile, it's just starting to get more products created by "gurus" which is why you're hearing more about it now (my guess anyway)
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1319550].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author BobV
                [QUOTE=Jeff Scott;1319550]I use AWeber for list management, so I capture the email on my side into my autoresponder series, then push out to the link and populate the email form on the advertiser's site. That way they only need to click the submit button (it would be weird user experience to enter your email twice)[QUOTE]

                Hi Jeff,

                I´ve just come to this thread and I´m very interested in this topic.....

                Can you please explain the above in more detail for a not so techy fellow warrior:confused:

                "It is one thing to study war and another thing
                to live the warrior’s life"
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1984067].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Professor Chaos
            Originally Posted by joelraitt View Post

            Yah its true...and they dont let people do rebills...you have to trick them by cloaking your links. I dont know how to do it on Google, you have to know your .php programming. Most people wouldnt even sell it to you.
            Nope.. Your totally wrong..

            Google let's you advertise rebills.. Don't believe me?

            Just google " force factor" - first ad will have a 14 day free trial
            And if you google "force factor free trial" the first ad will take you directly to the offer page..
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6874953].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
              Originally Posted by Professor Chaos View Post

              Nope.. Your totally wrong..

              Google let's you advertise rebills.. Don't believe me?

              Just google " force factor" - first ad will have a 14 day free trial
              And if you google "force factor free trial" the first ad will take you directly to the offer page..
              You're right Chaos.

              I was more thinking of the sketchy landing pages like blogs or news landing pages....rebills are definitely fine when done like that, even on Facebook most of the time!

              Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6876462].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Kenster
        Originally Posted by joelraitt View Post

        Ummm...OK man, you seem pretty smart...are you running rebills on google? I seriously doubt it...can people? Yah, but it gets sketchy redirecting the links from the google reviewers and so on.

        Anyways, good luck running rebills...how is charging people $80 14 days later then another 80+ every month with them not knowing providing value? Thats why google will ban your ass. Unless you have unreal techniqual skills, I would not try it.

        And more pages does not mean les convertions...lol it could mean more if you make the right pages...there are no really general rules like that...it all depends...

        You can ABSOLUTELY run rebills on google you just cant come right out and do it. You dont have to trick anybody, you just have to front your campaigns with useful content. The actual offer has to be downstream a bit.

        And YES, many rebills are completely sketch and not legit. The two that I do are perfectly legit and are a good product and the other one a good service....its not a sketchy no-way-to-cancel **** product or something. Before you start bashing I would get the facts straight.

        And no I dont have crazy technical skills. Just a bit of creativity and great work ethic.

        Yes, if you are funneling visitors through more pages, in general IT DOES sacrifice conversions. This IS a general rule but as you said it is not always the case. To help newbies out, I thought it appropriate to explain that in general, if you are leading prospects from one page to another to another, at each step normally more people drop out of your funnel. Of course the more pages doesnt always mean less ocnversions because then you would never see a pre-sell page from a banner link.

        And Google is perfectly fine with this process. I have open communication with a few of the reps and assuming you arent doing anything shady or deceiving people or doing sketchy offers (like most of the rebills), they are completely fine.

        My point was that I am trying to teach newbies that there is still a way to make money honestly and legit via ppc.

        best of luck all!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1318323].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Cash37
          Originally Posted by Kenster View Post

          You can ABSOLUTELY run rebills on google you just cant come right out and do it. You dont have to trick anybody, you just have to front your campaigns with useful content. The actual offer has to be downstream a bit.

          And YES, many rebills are completely sketch and not legit. The two that I do are perfectly legit and are a good product and the other one a good service....its not a sketchy no-way-to-cancel **** product or something. Before you start bashing I would get the facts straight.

          And no I dont have crazy technical skills. Just a bit of creativity and great work ethic.

          Yes, if you are funneling visitors through more pages, in general IT DOES sacrifice conversions. This IS a general rule but as you said it is not always the case. To help newbies out, I thought it appropriate to explain that in general, if you are leading prospects from one page to another to another, at each step normally more people drop out of your funnel. Of course the more pages doesnt always mean less ocnversions because then you would never see a pre-sell page from a banner link.

          And Google is perfectly fine with this process. I have open communication with a few of the reps and assuming you arent doing anything shady or deceiving people or doing sketchy offers (like most of the rebills), they are completely fine.

          My point was that I am trying to teach newbies that there is still a way to make money honestly and legit via ppc.

          best of luck all!
          The more practical way to do this is to cloak your LP with the offer page until your caught. Youll make more $$$$$. Why spend your money educating the visitor through 3-4 pages when your goal is to get them to whip out that CC on the merchant's page? There's NO point
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1319535].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Kenster
            Originally Posted by Cash37 View Post

            The more practical way to do this is to cloak your LP with the offer page until your caught. Youll make more $$$$$. Why spend your money educating the visitor through 3-4 pages when your goal is to get them to whip out that CC on the merchant's page? There's NO point

            I would rather spend the money educating my visitor if it means staying whitehat and playing by the rules. The point for my business is to create sustainability. For my business this includes keeping everything whitehat, mitigating risk, and creating multiple yet seperate income streams.

            There is plenty of oppotunity for everybody to make tons of money whitehat, so whats the point in heading down the blackhat path. I would rather sleep well at night and thats why all the offers I now promote are good offers that I believe in. And this includes rebills, there are many good valuable rebills. Think about it for a while...not **** and bs like that but good rebills with no shady small print and hidden memberships that automatically get enrolled in.

            Good lucksters to all
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1320410].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Cash37
      Originally Posted by Kenster View Post

      ]Google is okay with you being an affiliate

      Excuse my french.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1317860].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Kenster
        Originally Posted by Cash37 View Post


        Excuse my french.

        They make a ton from affiliate marketers. They just hate sketchy offers and directly selling people straight from the search engine.

        Cash37, Try and work with the rules and I bet you will find some good things to come.

        best of luck
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1318328].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Cash37
          Originally Posted by Kenster View Post

          They make a ton from affiliate marketers. They just hate sketchy offers and directly selling people straight from the search engine.

          Cash37, Try and work with the rules and I bet you will find some good things to come.

          best of luck
          You'll get QS'd and eventually banned, period.

          Google's organic rankings are becoming just as bad as well.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1319519].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Kenster
            Originally Posted by Cash37 View Post

            You'll get QS'd and eventually banned, period.

            Google's organic rankings are becoming just as bad as well.

            That is completely false, period

            If you arent doing a sketchy rebill and have everything legit as I said you will be fine. I have spoken with adwords reps often and they are fine with it. I have never been banned and dont plan on getting banned anytime soon. I am 100% transparent with adwords reps and they are 100% fine with it.

            Without knowing what offer im doing, its pretty hard to credibly bash. If you are successfull at what your doing, good on you. Im going to continue what im doing.

            As I have stressed, stay within googles TOS and you will be good to go.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1320395].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Cash37
              Originally Posted by Kenster View Post

              That is completely false, period

              If you arent doing a sketchy rebill and have everything legit as I said you will be fine. I have spoken with adwords reps often and they are fine with it. I have never been banned and dont plan on getting banned anytime soon. I am 100% transparent with adwords reps and they are 100% fine with it.

              Without knowing what offer im doing, its pretty hard to credibly bash. If you are successfull at what your doing, good on you. Im going to continue what im doing.

              As I have stressed, stay within googles TOS and you will be good to go.
              If you think Google cares about your little affiliate business, more power to you.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1320635].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Shift
            Originally Posted by Cash37 View Post

            You'll get QS'd and eventually banned, period.
            Google's organic rankings are becoming just as bad as well.
            I tried previously DL some google ppc campaigns but the CPC is too high and the QS too low.
            But google still allows it (it's your choice).

            On the other hand if you try it in Yahoo they don't allow it. They will disapprove your ad right away and won't run it at all. This only applies to certain offers though.
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  • Profile picture of the author chimeara27
    That's impressive! Well done...yeah one question...how did you do that?
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  • Profile picture of the author GuitarPlayerWorld
    Wow... Well done... I am a begnniner at CPA networks. Hope to be as successful as you guys
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  • Profile picture of the author trafficguru
    Great job Joel. Its hard to believe though that you went from newbie to doing $60,000 in sales in one month. Did strategies and keywords all of a sudden pop into your head?
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    • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
      Originally Posted by trafficguru View Post

      Great job Joel. Its hard to believe though that you went from newbie to doing $60,000 in sales in one month. Did strategies and keywords all of a sudden pop into your head?
      Ummm...not really...just learned what ads people liked, if you read the thread youd know i dont use keywords...

      Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

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  • Profile picture of the author RichPirate
    Thats great encouragement. 40,000 is a huge investment though.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeff S
    Hey Joel,

    Congrats on your success. I've been in IM for awhile, but just starting to test out CPA via PPC. I'm testing my first Adwords->CPA offer right now....curious to get your feedback on my strategy, and then I have a few questions:

    Strategy: Create new domain (with main keyword in domain), build various pages with content (pulled from eZineArticles) to help with Google QS, put in a Privacy policy, contact us, etc. Then create individual landing pages per traffic source so I can segment my tracking...I'm only testing Adwords search & content (and tracking via Excel, not 202 yet). I drive traffic to my page, capture email onto my list to do reoccurring marketing with similar offers, then send them to the main email submit offer (with email pre-populated). Also using a popular Traffic Regeneration script to capture the non-interested folks.

    Questions for you:

    1. Do you find it best to do the $4ish leads, or have you had luck with email/zip submits?
    2. My FB ads just got disapproved, but it was because I was using traffic regenerator (not anymore). Any tips on FB ads (how you segment, best images to use, getting cheaper clicks, etc)
    3. Can you tell me who you're mentor is/was? I think doing it yourself and testing is still the best, but it's always nice to have someone to guide you in the right direction
    4. Outside of FB ads, any luck in Adwords, YSN, MSN adcenter, or CPV networks, or straight media buys?

    Congrats again on taking action and finding that winning combination...time to diversify and scale up!

    - Jeff

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    • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
      Originally Posted by Jeff Scott View Post

      Hey Joel,

      Congrats on your success. I've been in IM for awhile, but just starting to test out CPA via PPC. I'm testing my first Adwords->CPA offer right now....curious to get your feedback on my strategy, and then I have a few questions:

      Strategy: Create new domain (with main keyword in domain), build various pages with content (pulled from eZineArticles) to help with Google QS, put in a Privacy policy, contact us, etc. Then create individual landing pages per traffic source so I can segment my tracking...I'm only testing Adwords search & content (and tracking via Excel, not 202 yet). I drive traffic to my page, capture email onto my list to do reoccurring marketing with similar offers, then send them to the main email submit offer (with email pre-populated). Also using a popular Traffic Regeneration script to capture the non-interested folks.

      Questions for you:

      1. Do you find it best to do the $4ish leads, or have you had luck with email/zip submits?
      2. My FB ads just got disapproved, but it was because I was using traffic regenerator (not anymore). Any tips on FB ads (how you segment, best images to use, getting cheaper clicks, etc)
      3. Can you tell me who you're mentor is/was? I think doing it yourself and testing is still the best, but it's always nice to have someone to guide you in the right direction
      4. Outside of FB ads, any luck in Adwords, YSN, MSN adcenter, or CPV networks, or straight media buys?

      Congrats again on taking action and finding that winning combination...time to diversify and scale up!

      - Jeff


      1. Do you find it best to do the $4ish leads, or have you had luck with email/zip submits?

      My first promo was email submits, I could never get cheap enough clicks with large enough demos to make it worth my time. Not on FB anyways.

      2. My FB ads just got disapproved, but it was because I was using traffic regenerator (not anymore). Any tips on FB ads (how you segment, best images to use, getting cheaper clicks, etc)

      Ummm...depending on the offer really, I like to make 2 or 3 ads per campaign all with same headline, but dif pictures or vise vera and then let them compete...1 ad usually pulls ahead of the rest. Pause the others.

      3. Can you tell me who you're mentor is/was? I think doing it yourself and testing is still the best, but it's always nice to have someone to guide you in the right direction

      Nope, I can't hes like one of my best friends now, noone really knows he does IM, so I cant say anything. And yah it helped so much to have his help. Unreal. Get a mentor somehow.

      4. Outside of FB ads, any luck in Adwords, YSN, MSN adcenter, or CPV networks, or straight media buys?

      I'm just stating to look into other traffic sources, I ahve done some smaller media buys and had OK success...I decided to master FB then move on. Im flying to NY for the Adtech convention to find new traffic.

      Hope this helps, good luck!

      Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1319854].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Jeff S
        Originally Posted by joelraitt View Post

        2. My FB ads just got disapproved, but it was because I was using traffic regenerator (not anymore). Any tips on FB ads (how you segment, best images to use, getting cheaper clicks, etc)

        Ummm...depending on the offer really, I like to make 2 or 3 ads per campaign all with same headline, but dif pictures or vise vera and then let them compete...1 ad usually pulls ahead of the rest. Pause the others.
        Thanks for your feedback Joel. Do you direct link from FB to the offer, or to your site first to capture email, presell, etc?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1320085].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
          Originally Posted by Jeff Scott View Post

          Thanks for your feedback Joel. Do you direct link from FB to the offer, or to your site first to capture email, presell, etc?
          I usually test both, if the offer page looks good and has enough info ill try Dling, if not i build 2 lp's and start testing. I dont capture any emails anymore, although I should be...maybe ill start that up when i have time

          thanks and good luck!


          Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

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  • Profile picture of the author Neil Barrett
    This is for newbies

    I think the OP is right you can make great money with PPC but if you don't know what you're doing it can suck money from you .. it's very easy to say you have to be prepared to lose $300 - $500 on a campaign but if you do that on 10 it's a lot of money.

    If you don't know how to write a good ad, don't know how to split test and most importantly know how to track keywords and conversions so that you can get the cost per click down and throwaway non converting keywords then PPC can be very very difficult and costly. Just throwing money at a camapign does not mean it will work.

    It obviously can and does work (or google wouldn't be the giants they are) but for Newbs you must be careful and know exactly what you are doing and what you need to know before you start.

    I say all this from experience .. no one told me this information when I first started and I lost a fair bit before I understood how to make a profitable campaign
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1319241].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
      Originally Posted by Neil Barrett View Post

      This is for newbies

      I think the OP is right you can make great money with PPC but if you don't know what you're doing it can suck money from you .. it's very easy to say you have to be prepared to lose $300 - $500 on a campaign but if you do that on 10 it's a lot of money.

      If you don't know how to write a good ad, don't know how to split test and most importantly know how to track keywords and conversions so that you can get the cost per click down and throwaway non converting keywords then PPC can be very very difficult and costly. Just throwing money at a camapign does not mean it will work.

      It obviously can and does work (or google wouldn't be the giants they are) but for Newbs you must be careful and know exactly what you are doing and what you need to know before you start.

      I say all this from experience .. no one told me this information when I first started and I lost a fair bit before I understood how to make a profitable campaign
      Totally agree...I lost $ at first to...not to much a few hundred...I have 2000 i was willing to invest in practice. My advice is to spend w/e amount you can on PPC and LEARN from testing rather then buying ebooks on warrior forum with that money and trying to nickle and dime your way to wealth with SEO.

      Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1319831].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
    "Wow, congrats on the success Joe. I became to frustrated with PPC, now I am looking to build list so I can make that average $1 per person on my list. I am working on a product to offer free, and in return ask them to opt in. The value will be huge, I plan to later charge for the product."

    I did the e-mail thing with SEO before, if anything build your list with PPC. GOod luck man, everyone finds there own way in the end...that just was not mine. Lots of people do it that way.

    Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1319862].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author kindsvater

      Just make sure you're not overextended. That is - Google gets your money and then you don't later get paid. That would be devastating. It happens.

      $45k in expenses to make $12k in income?

      In the 'physical' world for many industries that would be a really good ROI. For online PPC, though, in my experience over the years that's really bad. BUT - that appears to be the future. One of the reasons PPC will continue to get harder and harder is because people are willing to accept lower ROI and/or they live in a country with a relatively low standard of living such that making $100 bucks is a lot more valuable than it is to people in other countries.

      Seriously, though, good job.
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  • Profile picture of the author Shift
    He's already said that it's FB ads.
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  • Profile picture of the author steven seven
    Joel thanks for sharing. I learn a lot from here.
    make your website GLOW
    Cheap Hosting & Domain
    >>Tensile Membrane Structure<<
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  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1327186].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author simonj007
    I've been running on FB since May and do approx $15,000/month in rev....7/8k is profit.
    Great thread Joel,

    I'm just looking to scale things now and wondered how many ads per campaign do you run? I've only targeted broad demographics too...not tried to narrow them down.

    I'm running 4 campigns each with approx 20 ads for the $15k....

    How does yours look for the $45k....many more?

    PM me if you like..

    Retire in 2015? The Dubli Project - Watch This---> http://cashbackinnercircle.com ---> Then--->Follow Me on Twitter!! http://twitter.com/simonj007 --->THEN Rent My Beautiful Cannes Apartment on the French Riviera http://RivieraCannes.com
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    • Profile picture of the author christinne
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      • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
        Originally Posted by christinne View Post

        Oh..great, do you use PPC to get visitors to your offer ?

        Again...dont ask questions without reading the thread...it waste my time and yours. If you want to make it in internet markinging you cant be to lazy to read a thread that pretty much shows you how i went from 27 revenues and like -300 income to now 80 000 revenue this money and almost 20,000 profit....

        read the dam thread first...before asking stuff...pleease

        Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1335105].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author imhappening
          Hey Joel great generosity in terms of your knowledge I just moved from la to vancouver looking to hang out with like minded people would you care ?

          Internet Marketing Happening

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1542636].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
            Originally Posted by imhappening View Post

            Hey Joel great generosity in terms of your knowledge I just moved from la to vancouver looking to hang out with like minded people would you care ?
            Sure man, Im not in Van, but I'm close. add me to AIM joelrraitt

            Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1542880].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
      Originally Posted by simonj007 View Post

      I've been running on FB since May and do approx $15,000/month in rev....7/8k is profit.
      Great thread Joel,

      I'm just looking to scale things now and wondered how many ads per campaign do you run? I've only targeted broad demographics too...not tried to narrow them down.

      I'm running 4 campigns each with approx 20 ads for the $15k....

      How does yours look for the $45k....many more?

      PM me if you like..

      Hey man, nice numbers!

      It really changes all the time man, maybe 5 or 6 ads per campain? But then after like 30-40 million impressions they start to slow down. Just kind of keep going with w/e. When i hit an ad thats a gold mine...i just run with it...fewer awesome ads is better then lots of crapy ones i think.

      good work

      Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1335096].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author kirbymurphy
    What is rebill?

    My target narket is small businesses that need marketing and office services. Would FB be a viable ad platform or can anyone rec a better place to run ads?

    Right now I'm coasting on a clean E-mail list and a few drop-ins on business boards but want to begin the ramp-up.

    I thought about banners through AdBrite but haven't heard good or bad about them.

    Thanks for the info gang!
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  • Profile picture of the author robfoster
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1334779].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
      Originally Posted by robfoster View Post

      This is great from 27$ to such high ? I'm newbie and i'll need lots of help with stuff to make it more than that. You really good at methods you adopted.

      All the help you need is free on the internet and asking other people. Anyone can do it. Just takes time, effort, some brains and maybe even a little luck.

      Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1335100].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
    Hi RobFoster...There is huge money in cpa, you just need to put in some good work to get things going. Start reading and keep implementing and you will be fine...

    welcome to cpa!
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  • Profile picture of the author divinewind
    What's the best way to get conversions in PPC...

    As in is there a special way you should design your landing page? any tips or suggestions?
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    • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
      Originally Posted by divinewind View Post

      What's the best way to get conversions in PPC...

      As in is there a special way you should design your landing page? any tips or suggestions?
      Really just make it look legit, if you wouldnt sfill it out...no one else will...and always split test and keep improving your pages!

      I keep them short with lots of bullet points, no need to type alot.

      Good luck

      Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1335797].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author KrisMainieri
        Congrats on success yo!

        I started at 16 (19 now) and have made hundreds of thousands with my own products... never messed with CPL/CPA. Never done FB with success... any advice for a newbie in this traffic field?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1336072].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
          Originally Posted by KrisMainieri View Post

          Congrats on success yo!

          I started at 16 (19 now) and have made hundreds of thousands with my own products... never messed with CPL/CPA. Never done FB with success... any advice for a newbie in this traffic field?
          Nice work dude, what kind of products? As for facebook...and since you have the cash to test some stuff...pretend like you dont. You can lose cash fast, id set a small total test budget of like 1000, and only make ads you are almost possitive will make $, LP's the same, and offers the same.

          dont just start throwing money around hoping to get lucky. that will get you in trouble.

          good luck man

          Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1337267].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Oosha

            I've had success with PPC, but I could never run a campaign for long even when it was profitable due to lack of funds. A minimum of $3000 - $4000 is needed to be able to cash in on a good campaign. You've motivated me enough to keep some money aside for PPC.

            Let us know when you make a "profit" of $41,000.

            I believe in taking the time to do something right, the first time. Need Content? Get in touch.

            WSO: Insane CPA Cash Flow - KILLER CPA techniques.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1366490].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author thuxen
    Well done dude, you mentioned Costa Rica, if thats the network your referring to, then you've given that away too!
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  • Profile picture of the author seo2go
    Great tread with lots of valuable info.

    Great job Joel, and thanks for sharing your experiences so openly.

    I'll be at Ad Tech also, would be great if i can meet and speak with you.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1336959].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
      Originally Posted by cwillabus View Post

      Great tread with lots of valuable info.

      Great job Joel, and thanks for sharing your experiences so openly.

      I'll be at Ad Tech also, would be great if i can meet and speak with you.
      Hey man, send me a PM with your Info, that be cool if we could meet up for a bit.


      Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1337270].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author RichPargeter
        Fantastic thread, thanks to everyone for their contribution. I've been trying this IM lark for 12 months now and haven't made much money.

        After reading this thread I now feel more focused on what I want to achieve.

        Cheers again guys.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1337437].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
          Originally Posted by RichPargeter View Post

          Fantastic thread, thanks to everyone for their contribution. I've been trying this IM lark for 12 months now and haven't made much money.

          After reading this thread I now feel more focused on what I want to achieve.

          Cheers again guys.
          Glad it helped a bit...just always ask yourself, are you doing enough? Your prob not at all.

          Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1344058].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author PMB
        Thant is great that you are experiencing so much success now. I had a few questions though. What software did you use? Speed PPC, LP Gen, Keyword esp or what? Also, what did you start out with for your daily budget? I ask because at some point you must of looked at your ROI and figured what was acceptable for you in order to scale things up. Where did you find that point if your revenues where so low not so long ago. Did you have any profit back then? Where you running at a loss for a while then thing picked up? How many campaigns did you run? Thanks.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1628316].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
          Originally Posted by PMB View Post

          Thant is great that you are experiencing so much success now. I had a few questions though. What software did you use? Speed PPC, LP Gen, Keyword esp or what? Also, what did you start out with for your daily budget? I ask because at some point you must of looked at your ROI and figured what was acceptable for you in order to scale things up. Where did you find that point if your revenues where so low not so long ago. Did you have any profit back then? Where you running at a loss for a while then thing picked up? How many campaigns did you run? Thanks.
          Hey, good questions. I tried a lot of stuff till I found one that worked. I dont use any software, I do it all by hand. And I lost money at the start, but you need to sepnd $$ on testing to find what works.

          I was happy with almost any ROI at the start, and then once you get on bi-weekly payments you dont have to worry about cash flow really...

          Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

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  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1347970].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Johnny12345
    Since the new, stricter FTC rules regarding affiliate marketing have been announced, do you do anything specific to comply?

    For example, do you:

    1) Use a disclaimer on your landing pages?
    2) Avoid using fake blogs?
    3) Avoid "sketchy" offers?
    4) Other?

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1354406].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
      Originally Posted by Johnny12345 View Post

      Since the new, stricter FTC rules regarding affiliate marketing have been announced, do you do anything specific to comply?

      For example, do you:

      1) Use a disclaimer on your landing pages?
      2) Avoid using fake blogs?
      3) Avoid "sketchy" offers?
      4) Other?

      I just dont run any of that stuff. So no need to worry for me.

      Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1360108].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author bg-011
    Great stuff, never tried PPC but will be on a list "to do"
    thank you,
    http://www.MpowerWebStore.com low cost domains, hosting, WordPress
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1360275].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author JRecard
      Thanks for all the amazing info Joel.
      Awesome to see.

      Heres to your sucess
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  • Profile picture of the author Frank Tocco
    venue means zilch yet that's all that is ever broadcast.
    Still means zilch though it looks good on paper.
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  • Profile picture of the author SacredWealth
    I don't know what all you experienced guys mean by "Revenue means Zero."

    When you invest X amount of money and get Y return. Then X-Y should be your ROI.

    Is that not the case?

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1364102].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
      Originally Posted by SacredWealth View Post

      I don't know what all you experienced guys mean by "Revenue means Zero."

      When you invest X amount of money and get Y return. Then X-Y should be your ROI.

      Is that not the case?
      Ummm...well what they are saying is that if you say you have 100 in revenues, but you spent 200 to get it, then you lost 100 so the 100 in revenues means nothing...

      i think people assumed thats what i was doing...which is rediculus...maybe i should have made the thread " How I went from -150 net loss to over $17,000 profit in 30 days with 90 000 in revenues...."

      haha but w/e

      Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1365015].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author zhunzi
        Finally finished reading this whole thread. Thanks so much for all the info in here. I haven't even looked at facebook and/or $4 CPL offers. I've never been inclined to buy anything on facebook myself (with the exception of some stuff from the games from zynga). I've never even been inclined to click those ads on the side. I guess I'm not your target market eh?

        I've experimented a lot with google, but after reading through this thread I can see I was fighting a never ending battle with my rebill products. I actually got banned from one campaign I never even turned on (was a google biz kit)!! Had to do the whole IP/CC identity switch to get a new account. Sigh, freaking google!

        So my experiments have been in the zip/email submit space ($1-2 range) and the rebill space ($30+ range). I've also experimented with the clickbank CPS models (all $10+). I guess there is a large world there in the middle that I've not even explored.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1365394].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
          Originally Posted by zhunzi View Post

          Finally finished reading this whole thread. Thanks so much for all the info in here. I haven't even looked at facebook and/or $4 CPL offers. I've never been inclined to buy anything on facebook myself (with the exception of some stuff from the games from zynga). I've never even been inclined to click those ads on the side. I guess I'm not your target market eh?

          I've experimented a lot with google, but after reading through this thread I can see I was fighting a never ending battle with my rebill products. I actually got banned from one campaign I never even turned on (was a google biz kit)!! Had to do the whole IP/CC identity switch to get a new account. Sigh, freaking google!

          So my experiments have been in the zip/email submit space ($1-2 range) and the rebill space ($30+ range). I've also experimented with the clickbank CPS models (all $10+). I guess there is a large world there in the middle that I've not even explored.
          Yah its true...i mean you just have to figure out what works best for you right. Im changing my game all the time, testing and moving around. The Internet doesnt just spit out money to anyone who wants it.

          Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

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    • Profile picture of the author Kenster
      Originally Posted by SacredWealth View Post

      I don't know what all you experienced guys mean by "Revenue means Zero."

      When you invest X amount of money and get Y return. Then X-Y should be your ROI.

      Is that not the case?

      ROI is a percentage so your formula above is not for return or ROI but rather for net profit. Net profit is the real important metric of success, not revenue alone or cost alone.

      And yes that is the case, but revenue (x) means nothing without either the other variable of cost (y) or without your return (x-y)/x
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1366974].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Congrats on your success!
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  • Profile picture of the author zhunzi
    This is pretty sweet. Thanks for sharing. Who are some ppc's you'd recommend if not google? Yahoo/bing?

    I've had some success with adwords/LP and a colon cleanse CPA offer paying $32/lead. In 45 days I made 256 in revenue and spent about $60 in profit. Dealing with google was painful, and as much as I tweaked my campaigns I couldn't get the volume any higher, even with huge volume keyworks. Freaking google!!

    I'm really curious where you got the traffic. If I could perfect that, I think I could break thru with this stuff.
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  • Profile picture of the author lazavas
    sorry if this is a silly question and if it has already been answered but can u direct link to the offer in facebook? im not so good at building websites

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    • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
      Originally Posted by lazavas View Post

      sorry if this is a silly question and if it has already been answered but can u direct link to the offer in facebook? im not so good at building websites

      Yah you an direct link with facebook. They dont care.

      Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1367510].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
    It was probably a general comment about people always writing about revenue figures instead of net of profit figures. Everybody knows revenue means nothing as PPC Coach suggested.
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  • Profile picture of the author HDRider
    I could have sworn you mentioned this but I can't find it... Just looked at all your posts again.

    Are you using cpm or ppc for your ads?


    ~ Ultra Fast Product Creation - Creating your own products is where the real money is... Let me show you how in this step by step guide.

    ~ Get Your Mind Right and Everything Else is Easy! Law of Attraction States...You Attract What You Think About.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1366979].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
      Originally Posted by HDRider View Post

      I could have sworn you mentioned this but I can't find it... Just looked at all your posts again.

      Are you using cpm or ppc for your ads?

      I have only used CPC no cpm at this time, but perhaps soon, its in the works.

      Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1367512].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author zhunzi
    So, not knowing what might convert well on facebook, but trying to think of the demographics, this is what I'd probably want to test. You don't have to tell me what you're promoting, but if you've tested any of these and failed, let me know so I don't have the same curse!

    educational products (grants, scholarships), dating (lots of singles on facebook), loan mods (probably a lot of folks in bad shape now in the 30+ age range)

    email submits might work, but really depends on what the PPC costs are like.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1368941].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
      Done a bit of everyhting. Spend a couple hundred and figure it out! Remember its usually the affilaite that doesnt make it work...not the offer.

      I could never get email or zips to work in FB though.

      Good luck

      Originally Posted by zhunzi View Post

      So, not knowing what might convert well on facebook, but trying to think of the demographics, this is what I'd probably want to test. You don't have to tell me what you're promoting, but if you've tested any of these and failed, let me know so I don't have the same curse!

      educational products (grants, scholarships), dating (lots of singles on facebook), loan mods (probably a lot of folks in bad shape now in the 30+ age range)

      email submits might work, but really depends on what the PPC costs are like.

      Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1369346].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author carnews
    I am sure your success story is encouraging for many, as I am sure many would like... more details maybe? :-)
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1369364].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
      Originally Posted by carnews View Post

      I am sure your success story is encouraging for many, as I am sure many would like... more details maybe? :-)
      Really? Did you even read the thread? And to be honest Iv'e already given away to much. Every tip I give or idea adds more people for me to compete against.

      Not to worried about it b/c 98% of you will always be lookers and not do'ers.

      What do you want? My exact traffic source with my exact ad with my exact offer?

      Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1370730].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author lazavas
        Originally Posted by joelraitt View Post

        Really? Did you even read the thread? And to be honest Iv'e already given away to much. Every tip I give or idea adds more people for me to compete against.

        Not to worried about it b/c 98% of you will always be lookers and not do'ers.

        What do you want? My exact traffic source with my exact ad with my exact offer?

        i think u should send ur next cheque to them! hahahahahahaha
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1371703].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author zhunzi
        Originally Posted by joelraitt View Post

        Really? Did you even read the thread? And to be honest Iv'e already given away to much. Every tip I give or idea adds more people for me to compete against.

        Not to worried about it b/c 98% of you will always be lookers and not do'ers.

        What do you want? My exact traffic source with my exact ad with my exact offer?
        Have all of us who want it sign up under you, you give us the specs to fight over, and then you take your 5% cut off all our commissions while you're working on your next big thing. Rinse, repeat.

        If not, it's just an idea, I'll figure it out eventually.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1372394].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
          lol well its not 5% its 2% usually. and i think id rather keep it allto myself. lol maybe when it dies out ill show you guys...then you can get the idea of a successful campain.

          Originally Posted by zhunzi View Post

          Have all of us who want it sign up under you, you give us the specs to fight over, and then you take your 5% cut off all our commissions while you're working on your next big thing. Rinse, repeat.

          If not, it's just an idea, I'll figure it out eventually.

          Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1374260].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author zhunzi
            Originally Posted by joelraitt View Post

            lol well its not 5% its 2% usually. and i think id rather keep it allto myself. lol maybe when it dies out ill show you guys...then you can get the idea of a successful campain.
            That'd be cool too, even an idea that worked once is a good learning space for folks. I get lots of ideas from tricks that used to work but don't now. Just gets me in the right mindset.

            Also, keep in mind the 2% is based off revenue. So your 80000 revenue would equate to 1600 in profit, and you had to do nothing. You just need 10 folks like that under you to completely replace your profit while you sit back and live the good life. In any case, I'd definitely have any of your mentees sign up under you to skim that 2%.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1380804].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author sligon00
        Originally Posted by joelraitt View Post

        Really? Did you even read the thread? And to be honest Iv'e already given away to much. Every tip I give or idea adds more people for me to compete against.

        Not to worried about it b/c 98% of you will always be lookers and not do'ers.

        What do you want? My exact traffic source with my exact ad with my exact offer?
        LOL... right on Joel... sic'em I am so tired of all the people asking for
        someone to give up their hard earned money and time to spoon feed
        them while they are not willing to put forth any effort to learn what they
        need to learn ... how in the hell can they expect to create any type of
        business whatsoever...

        Thanks for all the info you have given in the thread, it is really packed full
        off information, and if people would just read it all before asking what has
        already been answered they would be a lot better off, and richer for the

        rant over...


        No Sig Free Zone

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1414353].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
          Originally Posted by sligon00 View Post

          LOL... right on Joel... sic'em I am so tired of all the people asking for
          someone to give up their hard earned money and time to spoon feed
          them while they are not willing to put forth any effort to learn what they
          need to learn ... how in the hell can they expect to create any type of
          business whatsoever...

          Thanks for all the info you have given in the thread, it is really packed full
          off information, and if people would just read it all before asking what has
          already been answered they would be a lot better off, and richer for the

          rant over...

          Haha thanks man, looking back I was a bit mad when I wrote that...try to not do that but it happens. Maybe 1 person will get a wake up call from it...

          Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1434087].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author joelraitt
    OK guys, so I have had my inbox full of PM's wanting to be mentored, asking for my network, people willing to pay for help...im already mentoring a buddy right now, but I figure I could take on 2 more people and still have time to work on my own.

    this is what i was thinking.

    im thinking ( if it happens or not) the 10 day course would include:

    1) a step by step guide on how to set up the system incuding -
    a) my network
    b) all the crazy little tricks about my traffic source that makes testing so much cheaper and easier
    c) how to track and test everything ( must or you will fail)
    d) other free programs and software i use and where to get it
    e) other stuff
    2) unlimited emails asking questions directly to me with daily responses
    3) have my AIM or skype to chat and ask stuff
    4) 1 phone call per day at a max of 30 minutes long

    To be honest it doesnt matter to me if i do this or not, it would be nice to help a few people out...i figured out the comitment/time/effort to do all this for 2 people...

    with my time being so valuable...but i also understand some of you are just starting out ( not much coin), i figured a fair figure would be $750 for full access to me and system and brain for the 10 days. 25% up front, then 50% at day 5, then 25% on completion. if you dont think it was worth it, ill give you the money back.

    i will be selecting the 2 people so please pm some of your history and why i should pick you.

    note: this is a rare chance....not sure if iw ill do it again...cant let everyone have these secrets, it wont be pretty ( as in the post above is typed fast and not edited) but it will work. if your serious about your business PM me why i should pick you.

    perhaps a phone call before commitment would be a good idea as well. just to see if you even like me and i like you. if its not fun i wont do it.

    good luck to all!

    Work smart, work hard, never give up. Learn with me here: http://www.joelraitt.com

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    • Profile picture of the author TommyBoy
      Originally Posted by joelraitt View Post

      OK guys, so I have had my inbox full of PM's wanting to be mentored, asking for my network, people willing to pay for help...im already mentoring a buddy right now, but I figure I could take on 2 more people a