Free CPA Landing Page Templates?

2 replies
Can anyone recommend where I can find free landing page templates to
promote my CPA offers?

Thanks for any and all advice...
#cpa #free #landing #page #templates
  • Profile picture of the author FrankBowman
    You could probably just google "Free landing page templates"

    But be careful if you're going to use them in a PPC campaign. If too many people are using the same template, Google(the internet police), will slap your add and you won't see any or that many conversions.

    You should tweak any templates you find just to differentiate them from the rest.

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  • Profile picture of the author Lpdesigner
    I gave out a free review-style landing page on here awhile back in this thread:

    I might give out a few more free ones in the future when I have time to make them though.
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