How do you plan your ROI?

3 replies
Return on Investment (ROI) continues to be a big challenge in the field of Pay Per Click advertising (PPC). Bid calculation often seems to go wrong for me thereby resulting in poor ROI. Any advice from experienced PPC advertisers here?
#plan #roi
  • Profile picture of the author Artkantos
    In which platform? I have experience in FB and Twitter
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    • Profile picture of the author prasanth1964
      Originally Posted by Artkantos View Post

      In which platform? I have experience in FB and Twitter
      I need some advice when it comes to a platform like Google Ads.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11725010].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author JamesMan
    create a new landing page that has good CTA make sure to have a good quality content make it brief and fast loading.
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