Google Ads - Account Suspension

6 replies
Hey Warriors!

My Google Ads have been suspended due to suspicious payment activity. I have done everything to proof otherwise and have even hired some experts to do so. Every time the response is that it cannot be reinstated. Anyone has had the same issue and any advice on how to regain access? I must say that about 5 accounts were created to advertise the same business and possibly the same payment method throughout several of them. Any help and input is greatly appreciated since you know how important it is to advertise through this medium. Thanks!
#account #ads #google #suspension
  • Profile picture of the author WF- Enzo
    Well, have you reached out to Google Support?

    Also, can you change your profile location to your current loc? Thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author Wealthkey
    See this is the thing with good ads account once you lose it. unfortunately getting it back is impossible! we had the same happen to us and we had to create a new one but maybe in the future. have an item team in place that know what they are doing. now if ours gets suspended, we have people that will recover it and that may involve contacting customer support in their own right.
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  • Profile picture of the author fcebri24
    I have contacted and appealed many times now. Not sure what else to do. The suspicious payment activity will not go away. And the frustrating part is that I have not done anything wrong.
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    • Profile picture of the author WF- Enzo
      The other frustrating part is your IP address doesn't match with your profile location., which goes against the rules.

      Please change it asap. Thanks.

      Originally Posted by fcebri24 View Post

      I have contacted and appealed many times now. Not sure what else to do. The suspicious payment activity will not go away. And the frustrating part is that I have not done anything wrong.
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  • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
    Have you actually tried calling Google, and see if they can go over the problem with you. Once an account is banned by them. Google usually makes it permanent with no way to get it back.

    The only other thing you may want to consider is switching to Bing Ads. While waiting to solve your issue with Google.

    Get started with free personalized support. Create your custom ad plan with a Google Ads expert.

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  • Profile picture of the author JamesMan
    have you tried placing different payment method?
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