Variables involved in "lots of traffic, no conversion" scenario

by 9 replies
Hey all,

I'm having this problem, but I hope the responses here will help other people who are suffering from this common issue.

Here's the issue: 2100 hits and ZERO conversions!

How's that for negative ROI? :p

Here's the deal... These are all from CPV with Media Traffic. First off, I firmly believe that the problem is with me and not MT, because I know that tons of people are making a killing with them. With that said, these 2100 views are spread out between 15 campaigns. Of those 15, only 8 of them have over 100 hits. I'm targeting URLs, and I usually start with 80-250. As with most campaigns, only a handful of them get any substantial traffic, and even less (read: none) actually convert. I get my URLs from the front pages of the SERPs, and I find those URLs by using high-traffic targeted keywords according to the Adwords tool.

Most of my offers are free-trial CC-submit offers that I know are converting for other people, but recently I've added some offers with no CC and less fields, but even these aren't converting at all. When possible, I rotate similar offers, but with only 2 CPA networks that allow CPV traffic, my options are somewhat limited.

Before you start screaming "test, track, optimize"...I'm using Prosper and you better believe that I'm watching every hit from every URL, but it's a little hard to eliminate URLs that don't convert when none of them convert in the first place, right? :rolleyes:

Basically, I'm stumped for what to do, and I'm looking for the variables that are involved in this situation. I know that offers, LPs, URLs, and CPA networks are all variables, but I'm testing everything I can think of and nothing is working. Any insights?

I'll be sure to keep you all posted on my results when things start rolling, so other newbies can benefit from this thread.

#ad networks (cpm/cpl, display) #involved #scenario #variables
  • try zango cash
  • Banned
    • [1] reply
    • Total spend right now is about $80 (most niches are competitive with higher CPV) with $0 revenue. I'm not going to fork over another $420 for the same thing. I'm basically testing any offer that I think might have any chance at success with CPV and none of them are converting at all. I test the LPs to make sure they work correctly, and I'm doing everything I can think of to make sure my traffic is targeted.

      Any other suggestions?
  • Some people are making a tone of money!!!

    yep we always hear that - but they too started somewhere.

    so you have some traffic it is now about converting that traffic - so try looking at where it comes from and try and offer a different campaign to same trafiic.
  • PPV --> Squeeze Page --> Offer
    • [1] reply
    • I agree with indexphp, building a list is really how you make money. The people making money are really doing it that way. Not with the click to purchase or conversion.

      Why pay for traffic and allow them to make a purchase with an offer and all you get is a one time commission? Better to get an email address (regardless of if a purchase is made) and then remarket to that person again FOR FREE over and over.

      Also much like a squeeze page, lower friction offers like email submits work much better than CC. People are never going to give up a credit card number easily.

      • [1] reply
  • Thanks for the suggestions on list-building, but I don't have the time or resources to build a list. I know several people who are making hundreds or thousands per day with PPV with direct linking. The list isn't the only place the money's at.

  • Banned
  • Unlike what you are doing, I have been promoting some more generic appealing offer like dating, game, even some offer from CPALead, all these offers converted. I just couldn't break even.

    I guess you may target offers suited for the adware traffic?
  • Banned
  • 1) Check to see how the landing page of the offer you are promoting displays in the popup. From memory Media Traffic gives you a window of about 750 by 550. If key sections of the offer page are missing it will not convert.

    2) Consider designing your own very simple landing page. A few words, a nice image and a click here button. Sometimes works, sometimes decreases conversions. You need to test.

    2) Could be the demographics of Media Traffic. Try some completely different offers focussed on a different demographic.

    3) "I don't have time or resources to build a list." You could do a simple landing page with an email capture form in about 10 minutes.



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