CPA Network Application --The Newbie Phone Interview Script

20 replies
I have been accepted to every cpa network I have applied to, 9, not including CJ. I'm not trying to brag, I'm very new to CPA and I'm still learning but one thing I've seemed to master is the CPA network Phone Interview.

Needless to say you need a website with something on, some content, preferably some banners, but make sure its something.

So Here's the script:..........this is verbatum 90% of the time

Phone Rings:

ME: Hello

Network: Can I speak to....

ME: Thats me

Network: Yeah you recently signed up to be an affiliate with xyz network.

ME: Yes? (Don't start jumping around clapping your hands, act like its no biggie)

Network: Well I just need to get some info from you.

ME: Ok whatta ya wanna know?

Network: How do you intend to drive traffic to our offers.

ME: Mostly PPC and SEO, I'm not into social traffic, doesn't convert well for me.(This is not completely true always but what it does is tell the AM that I at least know what "PPC", "SEO" and "Social Traffic" are. I also know about "conversions")

NetWork: What can of offers do you usually promote?

ME: Free Trials, Insurance quotes, some email and zip submit.(Start with the highest paying and go downwards)

Network: How long have you been marketing CPA offers?

ME: About a year, I used to do a lot of clickbank stuff.

Network: What other networks do you work with. (this is a problem on your first Call)

ME: Neverblue, Market leverage, Hydra...(by this time they usually stop you from listing all of them.)

Network: OK, I'm approving your application and forward your new account to your affiliate manager.

ME: Great thanks a lot, bye

Network: Bye

Click..............that's it

Copy it print it out if you have to, ignore it if you want, but it has never failed me.

#application #cpa #interview #network #newbie #phone #script
  • Profile picture of the author ritaj
    Thanks for the info, I have only had one phone call so far, and did manage to get
    accepted. I am sure your script will help though.

    Nice to know there are still helpful people out there.
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    • Profile picture of the author camalus1026
      I've been looking to get into CPA a bit more, thanks for your input. If you have any program that are a bit more "first-time-friendly" feel free to PM me or post them here if it's allowed. Thanks!
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  • Profile picture of the author misterwrecker
    Yes this basically sums it up. All the networks ask pretty much the same questions so after you get through the first one it should be all downhill from there.

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    • Profile picture of the author allbeeg
      Thanks for the info! It worked for me
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      • Profile picture of the author texhost
        this script should work for everyone
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        • Profile picture of the author teddy67
          Before you make the phone call you should brush up on your IM terminology especially if you are starting with your first cpa network so you don't sound like a total newbie
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  • Profile picture of the author PPC-Coach

    Just be honest with them when they call.
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    • Profile picture of the author Psy
      Originally Posted by PPC-Coach View Post


      Just be honest with them when they call.

      Yeah, makes much more sense...
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      • Profile picture of the author BethanyTbloosky
        If you run traffic from your website; just know your website like the back of your hand. Know what keywords it ranks for, the target audience- demographics, countries, etc. Also, keep a record of what type of offers convert on your website, what you've placed in the past, how you're ranking, how relevant and current your content is, and how many unique visitors you get per month. If you readily share this info when you're applying to networks, they won't need to ask the lame-typical questions and trust is gained from the very beginning :rolleyes:

        If you're an emailer, let the network know who your audience is, which verticals convert best through your lists, the size of your audience, how well you've done in the past (be honest ) and where you get your data from.

        Give all this info before the affiliate manager has time to ask more than a couple introductory q's and you'll be accepted in a snap!

        Knowing your business will be the key to success here
        Bethany Taylor ::
        Affiliate Manager-
        AIM & Skype: bethanytbloosky

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        • Profile picture of the author vegap
          i always just tell them i do PPV and ive been accepted to over 30 networks since Sept. I know nothing about PPV, and never even had a website to show them.

          but like someone said, i think they really just want to confirm that you are who you claimed to be. and the rest of the questions are just formality..
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      • Profile picture of the author Hubby
        I would prefer the honest route myself, but I keep hearing that if you are a newbie, forget getting accepted by any of the top cpa networks. The ole catch 22.
        I want to get into cpa and I will try Frank's method. If I get the first one to accept me,
        then I can be honest on the next call for cpa network number two. It is a shame to have to play the games, but I am seriously into this and need to get rolling before the dollar crashes.
        thanks for your comment though, we need a conscience check all the time.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ash R
    Thanks for the script. I think they mostly check that you really exist and are who say you are. And that you're not completely ignorant of this "internetie thingie"
    Don't sweat the small stuff :)
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  • Profile picture of the author vigneshrajesh
    thanks for the useful information for newbies like me
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  • Profile picture of the author bobhenry
    thanks 4 d information.....
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  • Profile picture of the author williamrs
    Nice post.

    I would change just one thing...

    Network: What other networks do you work with. (this is a problem on your first Call)

    ME: Neverblue, Market leverage, Hydra...(by this time they usually stop you from listing all of them.)
    Don't say Hydra. Say Peerfly, Maxbounty or even Clickbooth, but don't say Hydra. If I'm not wrong, Hydra is now a network for publishers doing a lot of volume (over $10K/month), so you couldn't be doing well with them, just VERY well.

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  • Profile picture of the author johnny125
    FrankBowman, Great way to join CPA. I was using something similar two years ago, when I was in CPA businnes. Now I am trying to get back, and since most of my CPA accounts get disabled (long peroid of time when I was not using them) I am pretty sure that this way must work.
    I am just wondering how they look at people who are getting back to them.
    I will give it a try during this week
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