My first paypal payment of $157 from max bounty!

by satrap
33 replies
Today i have received my first CPA check from max bounty which was about $157. I was very surprised with the speed of max bounty. They say the payment is processed on the 15 of each month. But most companies say that but take a couple of days to actual do it. But they paid it first thing in the morning of the 15th. So, thanks MaxBounty.

Although its not much to dance around for, it made me happy to see that even i did it. You may not believe this, but as i type this, i am crying, not for the 150 bux, that's not the issue. I just cant stop thinking that how about a month or so ago i didn't even know what cpa meant, and now i am making money from it, and i know i could have not done it without you guys who have helped me every step of the way, even when i had the most stupidest questions, being a newbie, there were warriors who understood where i was coming from and helped me get an answer.

So i just wanted to thank all of you for not only helping me. I hope this forum can stay as good as this for a long time to come. and i hope it just get better and better. Its unbelievable the number of people here who are willing to help you, even if that means another competition for them. So thank you all.

For the newbees like myself:
See the money is not the issue here. I mean i have been out of work for 4-5 months now. I have my own flooring company which with each flooring job that takes 2-3 days i make $1500-$2000. So its not the $150 i made. Its the simple fact that if you do take action it works.

I am the worst procrastinator(did i spell that right? sorry, english isn't my mother tongue) ever. I mean i am a 7 year drug addict(clean for 3+ years). Every night i red and red and over loaded myself with info, but didn't do a damn thing about it. Although i still don't know how to make a opt in box or make a list or this and that(i am learning step by step). But even i pulled it off. There was another thread on WF about simplicity and how you don't need to learn everything to go for it. Start doing it and little by little you will learn it. Trial and error is the best way.

I know this little success stories will motivate people, that's why i wanted to share with others. Because it happened to me the same way. In fact for me its like i need motivation a couple of times a day, since i am battling with severe depression. Some times that little success no matter how small, is all one person need to get up and do something and who know what happens after that. any way thank you all again and i wish every body success.
#$157 #bounty #max #payment #paypal
  • Profile picture of the author Globe_Trotter13
    That's wondeful Satrap!
    I'm very happy for you. It's very encouraging for the rest of us who are just starting that indeed with a bit of work, commitment and perseverance, we also can start seeing the fruit of our hard work in the form of hard cash! There is no feeling in the world like checking your email or account and seeing that you made money while you were sleeping/away.

    I also fully agree with you that this forum is simply tremendous, there's a lot of very helpful people who are more than willing to take their time to explain things and even to answer those stupid newbie questions that we beginners ask from time to time. Just like you, I'd like to thank everyone in this forum for their contribution, patience and kindness. I haven't made money yet with CPA but it's just a matter of time/days as the amount of knowledge I have gained from this forum is simply amazing!

    Satrap, if you don't mind and of course, without going too much in details, which type of offer were you promoting to get this amount? And which method did you use? Again, no need to be very specific, but giving some general ideas for the rest of us beginners that would be very not only helpful but also inspiring.



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  • Profile picture of the author bravo75
    Great stuff, Satrap. Sorry to hear about your depression. Life is to short to worry about things, man.
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  • Profile picture of the author J Bold
    Hope you can be making 10x more than that in the future. You have just got to love cpa networks that pay net 15.
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  • Profile picture of the author MikeMorgan
    Now the most important point that you need to understand is your strenths so as to replicate your sucess 10 times or more .

    CPA Game Changer - Coming Very Soon !

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  • Profile picture of the author ph1470
    Keep it up!

    Never, ever, EVER...give up!

    Build on your success!

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  • Profile picture of the author lazavas
    well done mate, wonderful stuff, i really just smiled when i read that, very touching stuff, u sound like u really deserve it! well done again!
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  • Profile picture of the author valdivz
    Actually your story motivates me since I'm kind of new too the CPA game and I am also a member of Max Bounty. Thanks for the energy boost!
    Cut The Crap & Give Me The Goods...!
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  • Profile picture of the author satrap
    Thank you all for your nice words. And bravo, i know life is too short to worry, but you know sometimes it just gets to you. I was actually one of those who always was happy and despite everything going bad, would put a smile on my face. But past couple of years specially since i had to leave my country(Iran) to become a refuge in USA, just took many things away from me and mad me into a person with nothing to be excited about. Any how, enough of that.

    As for what kind of offers i worked on, i don't mid telling you in detail. In fact i will tell you exactly what offers i worked on. I mostly used just email submit offers and some paid survey sign ups since my blog is about making money online. But as i said most of the money came from few offers that are email submits.

    For the survey offers i just wrote some quick review and put them up on my blog as a post, which is still there and every time i find new survey offer i just ad to it.

    But as i said most of the my offers were one field email submit. I simply mad a blogspot blog and wrote one or two post about how on the internet you can get free stuff doing this and that, and put offers up. Now for traffic, i didn't really do any seo or stuff like that, i just used craigslist. Although many of my ads get deleted, i just post another one and now i kind of figured out what categories are better for posting such ads so they wont get flagged.

    The offers were...

    $1000 WALMART gift card
    New moon 4 ticket (now its changed to new moon dvd)
    $1,500 Costco Gift Card (One Field)

    ...and a couple of other ones in the same category. That's about it. Really i didn't do anything special. But i am sure the more you worked on it the better the result will be. Please feel free to ask any question you have, i don't mind answering hem even in detail. There is enough room for everybody to make some money. So don't feel like its not good to ask what exactly i did or didn't. If you think it will help you or give you an idea please ask, although this is what i basically did and there is not much more to it.
    60 Awesome Ways to Make Money Without a Job
    Check out my blog Survey Satrap featuring honest reviews of paid survey sites.
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  • Profile picture of the author XRevJosh
    congrats man i love to see people that are excited about making thier first profit.
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  • Profile picture of the author tdotbaby
    Thanks for the share...That's great news!
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    It's a great start! Now keep going and double, triple it, etc!
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  • Profile picture of the author satrap
    Yes i will try to keep going and double it and more. Thank you guys for being so supportive. It just gave me much more motivation to do better. So thank you.
    60 Awesome Ways to Make Money Without a Job
    Check out my blog Survey Satrap featuring honest reviews of paid survey sites.
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    • Profile picture of the author Success With Dany
      تبریک می گویم!

      How do you say "money" phonetically in Persian?
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      • Profile picture of the author bravo75
        Imagine trying to do html in that language:confused:

        Originally Posted by Success With Dany View Post

        تبریک می گویم!

        How do you "money" phonetically in Persian?
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  • Profile picture of the author Tony-
    Top job Satrap,

    I have just started trying out CPA and have had some relative success. i am UK based and am using Smart-Quotes (a UK only network). I tried some free holiday vouchers and personal loans (£1-£2.50 per form fill). I've clocked up just over £100 ($160) with conversion rates around 1 in 6. Need to ramp up the traffic though.
    I haven't actually been paid yet due to the £100 minimum and the payrun timing but hoping to see the cash soon.

    The payouts are pretty low but the conversions are great. I just need to work out a way to ramp up traffic quickly when I need it. Google PPC would not be profitable at these low values unfortunately.
    I'd really be happy to haer of any suggestions or other peoples methods of ramping up succesfull CPA offers
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  • Profile picture of the author Kelvin Chan
    Hey Tony,

    Curious ... what's your traffic source?


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    • Profile picture of the author jjrich1
      I amire this guy!! This is a very motivational a post. Keep up the good work.
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  • Profile picture of the author Oscar D
    Excellent post, thank you for sharing and very well done
    -> FindNewDomains - Domain Finding Service WSO - BONUS: Free Domain Name Included!
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  • Profile picture of the author AZ-439
    Great to hear your story. I know how it feels to finally make some money online. It makes it all real. The one thing I would add is if you want to benefit fully from this awesome forum, become a member of the war room. You can buy WSO's, guru methods, etc., but you will not find as much useable information about every aspect of IM as you will when you are a war room member. The added bonus is that most of that info is FREE to war room members. It's like being a 6 year old in a free candy store! Trust me on this one. I don't post often, but recommending a lifetime membership to this forum is one thing I strongly suggest. Here's to your continued success online!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author smartclick
    Wow thanks for sharing ! I felt the same way when I got my first sale from a clickbank product ! (even though it took me a month to get that money hehehe you know the 5 C.C. rule) keep working hard there are no miracles in IM; just hard work!
    "Imagination is more important than knowledge. " so what you got for signature?
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    • Profile picture of the author davidjames42973
      Good one! Congratulations. Earning that first dollar is the hardest thing to do. Now you know what to do, so scale it up...
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  • Profile picture of the author great107
    very encouraging to me as newbie keep it we shall all succeed
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  • Profile picture of the author enigmanic
    Congrats! I just signed up with MaxBounty a few days ago. After struggling with CPC for a year, I hope CPA will better. Your small success just encouraged me to never give up.
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  • Profile picture of the author guycoolme
    Wow satrap..Your story really inspired me... I too am a complete newbie to cpa and the fact that you made 157$ in a month is amazing..Cheers bro..
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  • Profile picture of the author FredFarnes

    Welcome to America! I am an immigrant too, so I know the struggle.

    FYI if you have not already researched it, look into the phenomenon of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SADS), Seasonal affective disorder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    I have experienced that, so perhaps you might explore it.

    Anyway, congratulations!! You have made some important steps. There is more work to do. Keep building, take a rest, cut yourself some slack sometimes, but never give up.

    So, you want to sell me another way to easily make "X" dollars in "X" days? ROFL too funny! IM success requires hard work and lots of time. Most newbies do not survive the steep learning curve. Anyone who says otherwise is probably selling you a fantasy.

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    • Profile picture of the author satrap
      Thank you all for your support. I hope all of us can do better than we did yesterday.

      Originally Posted by Success With Dany View Post

      تبریک می گویم!

      How do you say "money" phonetically in Persian?
      . That would be "pool". No its not the English word for pool, its Persian (Farsi) for "money" lol. By the way how do you know farsi?

      I am sure most of you figured what those two unfamiliar words meant, but just in case here is the translation. He said "congratulations" and of course i said "thank you"

      Originally Posted by bravo75 View Post

      Imagine trying to do html in that language
      Oh yeah it will be hard, but if its your own language its the same.

      Originally Posted by Kelvin Chan View Post

      Hey Tony,

      Curious ... what's your traffic source?

      Most of it from my blog(which comes from search engines, article directories, forums, social networking, blog commenting and etc) and articles i have on ezine.

      Originally Posted by AZ-439 View Post

      Great to hear your story. I know how it feels to finally make some money online. It makes it all real. The one thing I would add is if you want to benefit fully from this awesome forum, become a member of the war room. You can buy WSO's, guru methods, etc., but you will not find as much usable information about every aspect of IM as you will when you are a war room member. The added bonus is that most of that info is FREE to war room members. It's like being a 6 year old in a free candy store! Trust me on this one. I don't post often, but recommending a lifetime membership to this forum is one thing I strongly suggest. Here's to your continued success online!!!
      Thanks for that, yeah i have been wanting to join WR for a while. Although i usually dont car for $30-$40 but since i have been out of my job which is my real income earner, for 4-5 months now, i am down to dollars and cent. so i am trying to learn as much as i can on main forum. But i will join as soon as i am in a better situation. Thanks for the recomendation.

      Originally Posted by FredFarnes View Post


      Welcome to America! I am an immigrant too, so I know the struggle.

      FYI if you have not already researched it, look into the phenomenon of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SADS), Seasonal affective disorder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
      I have experienced that, so perhaps you might explore it.

      Anyway, congratulations!! You have made some important steps. There is more work to do. Keep building, take a rest, cut yourself some slack sometimes, but never give up.
      Thanks, i appreciated. Thanks for the link, i will check it out. But i think most of my depression is from deep within. Thanks.
      60 Awesome Ways to Make Money Without a Job
      Check out my blog Survey Satrap featuring honest reviews of paid survey sites.
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  • Profile picture of the author MR.MOE
    Satrap I just wanted to say congrats man and that we are here for you every step of the way to support you and help you succeed. If you need any kind of help let me know and I will do my best to help you. Keep working at it and make 10000x what you made man.

    Good Luck
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  • Profile picture of the author harpreetrock
    Cheers bro.....thats good and your sucess is really inspiring too me...even I am a new to this network I have couple of adds running but till now no sucess...let see and keep the hope till the end....
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    • Profile picture of the author oadvantage
      Cheers Man! I remember my first check, it was awesome keep it up man!
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  • Profile picture of the author paulie888
    Great story, Satrap! I remember my first CPA check like it was yesterday, I found it absolutely amazing that I got several hundred dollars just for getting some people to fill out simple email and zip submit offers.

    I'm in Maxbounty too, and I think they're a great network. They'll treat you right as an affiliate and are very prompt with payments. Let me give you another tip as well - if you can scale up to $1000 or more per week they'll most likely pay you on a weekly basis, and you won't even have to wait until the 15th of the following month to get paid!
    >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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