Best tracker & rotator for PPV and CPA

30 replies
Going to give CPA a shot with CPV traffic but I need to get my tracking and testing in order before I even start. I have prosper 202 installed on a server but it seems as if I have to use a separate program to rotate offers?

I have heard of PPV dominator but don't know much about it is it even available without buying PPV formula?

Anything out there that does it all or is it not hard to do with prosper 202 and another program?
#cpa #ppv #rotator #tracker
  • Profile picture of the author paulie888
    Christian, it doesn't sound too hard. All you'd need is a cloaking/rotator script that will rotate among 5-7 URLs as desired. I'm not sure if this would play nicely with prosper to give you proper tracking, though.
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  • Profile picture of the author Christian Fox
    Hey Paulie,

    Yeah it just get a little confusing but I will get it. I am told PPV dominator does everything in one package but I can't find it for sale.

    I'll do whatever it takes to get it up and running. I know testing/tracking/rotating offers is a huge part of making ppv traffic work.

    I want all of this down before I throw money into getting traffic.

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  • Profile picture of the author tommy_gun
    you dont have to buy any script..use prosper 202 and you can track everything and do rotating split testing etc..

    Prosper202 Self Hosted Apps

    and some split testing rotating script for prosper

    Prosper202 Scripts
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    • Profile picture of the author Christian Fox
      Originally Posted by tommy_gun View Post

      you dont have to buy any script..use prosper 202 and you can track everything and do rotating split testing etc..

      Prosper202 Self Hosted Apps

      and some split testing rotating script for prosper

      Prosper202 Scripts
      From what I hear P202 wont pass the url data from Media Traffic through the rotator.

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      • Profile picture of the author tommy_gun
        Originally Posted by Christian Fox View Post

        From what I hear P202 wont pass the url data from Media Traffic through the rotator.

        it does! i'm doing this with many campaigns with (make sure to activate the target passthrough option on mediatraffic)...if you follow the insturctions for the rotation script
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        • Profile picture of the author Christian Fox
          Originally Posted by tommy_gun View Post

          it does! i'm doing this with many campaigns with (make sure to activate the target passthrough option on mediatraffic)...if you follow the insturctions for the rotation script
          Hmm well that is good to hear that you can do it, I myself have not tried yet but the OP stated he did have pass through enabled.

          I am just getting started actually I lost my ID and have to wait for the new one to be able to fund my MT account.

          Recently learned I can not have self starting audio or video with MT, that's kind of a bummer that has to hurt conversions

          Does that get confusing figuring out where to put all of the code? Seems it would especially if you were using landers with some offers and using just offers in another.

          I am sure after you do it a few times it's easy.

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          • Profile picture of the author FredFarnes
            P202 will send data to the script. The script will rotate the URL's. P202 will not track the different URL's, because P202 thinks the script is one advert. So you will not get any useful reporting from P202 for this test.

            P202 is not able to track and report on different adverts in a rotation, the reporting must be outside of P202, in some other system.

            P202 does not track impressions either, it merely sends calls the script to get a URL after the click.

            So, you want to sell me another way to easily make "X" dollars in "X" days? ROFL too funny! IM success requires hard work and lots of time. Most newbies do not survive the steep learning curve. Anyone who says otherwise is probably selling you a fantasy.

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            • Profile picture of the author Christian Fox
              Originally Posted by FredFarnes View Post

              P202 will send data to the script. The script will rotate the URL's. P202 will not track the different URL's, because P202 thinks the script is one advert. So you will not get any useful reporting from P202 for this test.

              P202 is not able to track and report on different adverts in a rotation, the reporting must be outside of P202, in some other system.

              P202 does not track impressions either, it merely sends calls the script to get a URL after the click.
              Thanks Fred,
              I thought I saw something like that that makes sense...

              I need to find a comprehensive solution for this.I want all the data I can get.

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              • Profile picture of the author FredFarnes
                I'm also looking for a solution. Please send me a PM if you find something!

                Take a look at OpenX, it may be an option? Serve ads quickly. Make money easily. | OpenX

                So, you want to sell me another way to easily make "X" dollars in "X" days? ROFL too funny! IM success requires hard work and lots of time. Most newbies do not survive the steep learning curve. Anyone who says otherwise is probably selling you a fantasy.

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  • Profile picture of the author ihiustler
    custom rotator FTW!
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  • Profile picture of the author Christian Fox
    That's what I am using.

    I got everything running OK, not through an offer rotator but as I was setting everything up something occurred to me.

    In the campaign setup tab I can rotate urls why can't I just use this and put a different offer on each url? There are not separate payouts but I could still see how things are going.

    It would be nice to be able to weight the traffic between more than two but it's a good bit better than nothing...

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    • Profile picture of the author gotdmw
      what network do u have that has a network rotator?
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  • Profile picture of the author bbrock32
    I have created a weighted url rotator that integrates with p202 and will give it free to my site members when it launches this month.
    You can try the hosted version at
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    • Profile picture of the author gotdmw
      is p202 the best solution for this?
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  • Profile picture of the author numba8
    Hey Christian,

    I just tried Bevo Media and it blows P202 out of the water. It does everything, their site is here
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    P202 is the reining king at the moment. I've heard good things about bevomedia though.
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  • Profile picture of the author kokofai
    Hi Christian Fox,

    I've read a thread started by you regarding the tracking of different offers with rotator using P202 in Media Traffic.

    In fact I am facing the similar problem, I couldn't trace the url and clicks when I send the traffic into my rotator script... I am very frustrated over this matter...

    Since it has been a year you posted the question, have you found out any solution to this? Being a new member, I would really love to hear from your advise on this matter.

    Appreciate a lot if you can help me on this!

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  • Profile picture of the author Bevo Troy
    You can do this easily with tracking on the Bevo Media Exchange platform. Let me know if you have any questions. I am here to help!
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    • Profile picture of the author webdesignnomad
      Just checking out Bevomedia, seems pretty cool, can it rotate between my ads and can it also cloak my stuff?

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  • Profile picture of the author artgirl
    I purchased The PayPerView Formula and I love the PPV Dominator tracker. It reigns supreme over Prosper202

    The Dominator tracks and traces everything from any of the networks especially TrafiicVance.

    I also may try Bevomedia in the near future. It is the best on the market!

    The best thing I discovered with PPV is this....instead of sending traffic to CPA offers, send your targeted traffic to your own squeeze pages and build HUGE lists in many niches.

    You can use CrazyEgg to track your visitors' activitites on your squeeze pages and websites. Your CrazyEgg heatmap shows you exactly what area of your page or site is hot, the specific link, the page on your entire site that is the hottest, what particular word phrase such as "Click Here" is getting the most traffic, etc. etc.

    It blows Google Analytics out of the water!
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  • Profile picture of the author zerofill
    CPV Lab... can rotate landers and offers all at the same time easy as hell.
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    • Profile picture of the author AlisonTaylor
      Originally Posted by zerofill View Post

      CPV Lab... can rotate landers and offers all at the same time easy as hell.

      Really? I tried wtaching a webinar on how to set it up and have multiple landers and offer rotations. Seemed pretty complicated.
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  • Profile picture of the author KC-Coop
    Two main options I'd say.

    1.) P202 with Landing Page Genius

    2.) CPVLab (for which I would also get LPG)
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    • Profile picture of the author ecc
      How does PPV Dominator compare to CPVLab?

      I am not too concerned about the difference in purchase cost but more important, which software 'does it all' (rotates ads, landers and network offers) and is the easiest to set up and manage campaigns...

      Any insights to the level of support provided by each tracking platform?

      Thanks! Larry B
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