Facebook ad's just posting some stats

9 replies
Hey there,

I recently tested out facebook ads for one of my campaigns.

I set my budget to £4 a day and instead of cost per click I chose cost per impression.

I was wondering what you guys thought of the stats, I know it is a low budget but I just wanted to test it out.


h t t p : / / img96.imageshack.us/img96/6083/facebookyh.jpg

So they are saying for 31,987 "impressions", e.g. my ad was shown 31,987 times? and out of those 31,987 times it was shown, it was clicked on 15 times?


P.S now I am running 2 ads, both the exact same, each with a £10 daily budget, one is cost per click and the other is cost per impressions, facebook has a neat graph that overlaps so you can see exactly which one is working well. I will let you know what happens.
#facebook #posting #stats
  • Profile picture of the author vickeyr
    If you ask me, this is good stats the ctr is 0.04 of a percent
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1656989].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Cash37
    Originally Posted by terrytibbs View Post

    Hey there,

    I recently tested out facebook ads for one of my campaigns.

    I set my budget to £4 a day and instead of cost per click I chose cost per impression.

    I was wondering what you guys thought of the stats, I know it is a low budget but I just wanted to test it out.


    h t t p : / / img96.imageshack.us/img96/6083/facebookyh.jpg

    So they are saying for 31,987 "impressions", e.g. my ad was shown 31,987 times? and out of those 31,987 times it was shown, it was clicked on 15 times?


    P.S now I am running 2 ads, both the exact same, each with a £10 daily budget, one is cost per click and the other is cost per impressions, facebook has a neat graph that overlaps so you can see exactly which one is working well. I will let you know what happens.
    Yeah you got the terminology correct

    Good luck
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  • Profile picture of the author hydseo
    good stats and good budget too...

    Facebook is good network to promote our sites

    Good luck
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1657075].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author duncanb
      Also just to let you know that link does not seem to work for me.
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      • Profile picture of the author viane
        There's some misinformation here.

        0.047% in CTR is not good at all.

        Continue running your ad with such a bad CTR and you'll find your impressions dwindle by the day.

        A good CTR is anything above 0.1%

        Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author duncanb
    I completely understand if you do not wihs to reveal this- but ot of interest what markets are you aiming to connect with through the use of FB advertising?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1657239].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author terrytibbs
      Originally Posted by duncanb View Post

      I completely understand if you do not wihs to reveal this- but ot of interest what markets are you aiming to connect with through the use of FB advertising?
      for this campaign i am have specified my target market to be from age 18-25, male or female, all education levels within the USA only, and i then entered about 10 keywords which facebook all had (certain keywords might not be available on facebook, which probably means that keyword is not search/popular)

      and that's it. i could say more but it would just give away the offer.
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      • Profile picture of the author warriorzX
        0.047% in CTR?

        Wish mine was that good!

        Just got a (1) click today after 16,531 impressions - 0.006%

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  • Profile picture of the author serekesh
    Facebook advertisements may be considered as good source for business improvement
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