Here are two of my sites; can I get your opinions?

24 replies
So I'm pretty new at CPA and don't really know if the sites need to have a certain look in order to convert. If I can get your expert opinions on these, I'd really appreciate it.

Auto Loans for Bad Credit
Firming Skin

Is this how they're supposed to look for banner ads?
#opinions #sites
  • Profile picture of the author raj5
    Hey Lisa,

    I really like your 2 websites, your sites don't really need to have a certain look to convert but obviously you need to have your CPA offers clearly visible so that the viewer can see them and potentially click them, which you have done well.

    I also have a couple of niche blogs similar to this with good content and my CPA offer displayed with banners which are related to the site. I personally think your website will convert as long as you can get good targeted traffic.

    Hope this helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author Lisa Gergets
    Thanks so much - that's exactly what I needed to know!
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  • Profile picture of the author kcom
    I agree with Raj5, both sites look really good. Simple but professional, well done. Get the traffic flowing and you'll be converting like crazy. All the best.
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  • Profile picture of the author harpreetrock
    Good site I really like the design and it is well presented also you have place the banners properly. Nice work....get good traffic and sale...
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    • Profile picture of the author Hobo82
      Hi Lisa,

      I have yet to make a dent in IM, but I liked both of your sites, I can only hope I can do as well as you. Good luck!


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  • Profile picture of the author Lisa Gergets
    Wow, excellent to hear! Thanks to you all!
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  • Profile picture of the author BillyA
    That is a really good example of a landing page. I think I am going to base one of mine off of that layout (different offer though), but I like how it has them on the side and in the post, but it isn't just a page with the offer on it. Well done.
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    • Profile picture of the author KLB28
      Both sites are great Lisa, I would buy from the second one myself - nearly did actually (don't drive, but if I did, then the first is great too).
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  • Profile picture of the author FrankBowman
    Here's my I'm no CPA master so take it for what its worth (maybe not much LOL)

    1. If you can, remove the dates of the posts. Here's why.

    Your main objective in the CPA Biz is to A) get visitors to click on your link/banners and B) fill out the needed info to trigger a conversion.

    Unless you plan on updating content regularly, having old dated posts just takes away from the sense of "Authority" from your site.

    2. Build MASSIVE backlinks to the site.(you can outsource this pretty cheaply, just go to Warriors for Hire and get yourself somebody to build links for you. Make sure at least 50% of the links are on relevant sites to yours.

    This will rank you better without having to fill it up with content constantly as well as drive traffic. According to Yahoo link search you have 2 backlinks to the insurance site and 1 to the skin site, so you have some work to do there.

    3. Offer a "Free Report" they can download and put you aff links in the report as well. This can be a PLR report or just a 500-600 word article in large font, that way it looks like it has some substance.

    As far as design, you aced it BIG TIME, very very nice.

    You may want to mix up the banners a bit with similar offers. I noticed on your Insurance site you have the same banner in each post, but thats just the way I do it.

    Great Job and Good Luck to you!!!!

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  • Profile picture of the author FrankBowman
    Sorry I meant to say Loan not Insurance
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  • Profile picture of the author misterwrecker
    Hello Lisa,

    I like your pages, but I would add some text links in the paragraphs.

    I'm not saying to spam the site with text links, but I think if you scatter some in there it would increase conversions.

    Lots of luck,

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  • Profile picture of the author WealthWinners
    I agree with Frank and mister, anywhere that has the keywords you are trying to get traffic from, hyperlink those to your offer.
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  • Profile picture of the author dmtaylor247
    I like your sites - very good. I saw something the other day and it mentioned what to do when promoting sites like these and it was really interesting. It said if your promote your site like "click here for more information" and there is nothing but poor quality content and banners then your site will have a large bounce rate.

    On the other hand if you promote you site like "for some great deals on blah blah blah click here" then this traffic could convert quite well and you could get some really good results. I guess its something to thing about - marketing your site for what it really has to offer... and not worry about what people will want when coming to your site. Marketing your site this way you will have made the decision for them.
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    • Profile picture of the author davison
      Love both the sites' designs. I would agree find a similar affiliate and mix up the banners on the loan page, or perhaps that same affiliate has a different style banner of the same or similar size, also agree that some contextual links would help, not everyone is "savvy" enough to know banners are clickable, or maybe let them know to click the banner in the text (can't remember if you did that already). Just curious how you're driving traffic to these sites, the content may be good enough to get ranked on Google at least for the keyphrase "firming skin" You've already got a great headstart with that as your domain name, you just may need to bone up on some SEO techniques, which I'm sure you can find on the forum. I've ranked first page on Google somewhat easily just by SEOing and having great keyphrase as my domain name, even if it's .org or .net. Or are you currently or planning on doing some ppc for traffic?
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      • Profile picture of the author davison
        p.s. first tip on if you are trying to get ranked, you should consider cloaking affiliate links, it's easy enough to do by just searching on the internet how to cloak links or ask someone on here or you can pm and i'll give you a php template and some quick instructions on cloaking links...
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        • Profile picture of the author FrankBowman
          Originally Posted by davison View Post

          p.s. first tip on if you are trying to get ranked, you should consider cloaking affiliate links, it's easy enough to do by just searching on the internet how to cloak links or ask someone on here or you can pm and i'll give you a php template and some quick instructions on cloaking links...

          Just download the "GoCodes" WP plugin, it cloaks easily and perfectly.........and its free!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author Lisa Gergets
    WOW! Thanks for all the suggestions!

    I hadn't thought about adding text links but I'll definitely do that tonight.

    GoCodes plug in? I'm THERE!

    Right now I'm not doing any PPC, but I am submitting some articles, soc. bookmarking and backlinking.

    I'm not savvy enough at PPC to take a crack at that just yet, but soon.
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  • Profile picture of the author Phobos
    Hello Lisa. I just wanted to ask you is you is the second offer (the skin care one) is converting because I didn't have much luck with these kind of offers and I think it was because of the fact that there is just a 14 day cancel period after witch the buyer will be charged. Thanks and good luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author Lisa Gergets
    Hi Phobos -

    Well, I haven't converted anything yet, as I've just entered the CPA arena and have yet to begin really driving traffic to the sites. I'll keep you updated though!
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  • Profile picture of the author Phobos
    ^Ok, thanks. Good luck with it.
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  • Profile picture of the author laurenceh
    Hi Lisa,

    Both sites are very clean and easy on the eye. I like!

    Just a quickie, are you planning on getting the site to rank for organic or are you gonna drive traffic through articles, vids etc?
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  • Profile picture of the author pragun06
    Hey Lisa,
    the websites look great! They're simple, clean and professional. On top of that, they actually give off a vibe of being informative websites. That being said, you'll definitely be converting pretty well.

    Do try and incorporate an ad or so above the fold. Don't choose a big one though. That'll just mess it up. Other than that, you're good to go

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  • Profile picture of the author Lisa Gergets
    Probably traffic-driven...
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  • Profile picture of the author Myheavens
    Nice websites..Please update us with your results..
    I have launched New WordPress theme's Themelocation
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