Got Sites and Traffic, Going to test CPA Offers. What Network?

13 replies
Hey Everyone,

I would like to test out various CPA offers to swap my adsense, just curious what network I should start with?

Getting accepted won't be an issue, just looking for some recommendations as I have not thoroughly looked through that many.

#cpa #network #offers #sites #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author TheKeys
    Well go with what your "gut" tells you. Find out which CPA offers require from you first of all and read their Terms of Service as some might surprise you. It's like asking what camera do I use to film professional moves...

    There are hundreds and they all get the job done.. but in a different way. Learn about their payout options and make sure it looks legit.

    Hope that helps,

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  • Profile picture of the author SiddFisher
    I think you should check out the top ones since you're saying that getting accepted isn't a problem.

    If you have lots of US traffic, then Copeac, Hydra, Azoogle, etc all will do.

    If you've got a decent percentage of international traffic as well, then Tatto media is the best.

    Computer Science student/coder who wants to learn more/out-of-the-box thinker/copywriter available for work during the summer. PM me for anything. :)

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    • Profile picture of the author FredFarnes
      Start off with any of the major networks. Add to the above list. Smaller networks are probably OK, but you'll probably have more confidence in the bigger ones..

      Check your many options, see the available offers, at

      So, you want to sell me another way to easily make "X" dollars in "X" days? ROFL too funny! IM success requires hard work and lots of time. Most newbies do not survive the steep learning curve. Anyone who says otherwise is probably selling you a fantasy.

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      • Profile picture of the author misterwrecker
        Hey, I would check out Maxbounty, Neverblue, and Market Leverage.

        Good Luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author Matt Colvin
    If you're just starting out I'd suggest Neverblueads
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  • Profile picture of the author kirch
    You can try Azoogle and NeverBlue


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  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
    The aforementioned networks are where you should start.

    Ive heard so many stories of people doubling their income or more when switching from adsense to cpa. Really depends on whether there are good cpa offers in the niche you are doing, but things could work out for you pretty well!

    let us know your results
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  • Profile picture of the author badboy_Nick
    Try Neverblueads, Hydra, Copeac and Azoogle. All good networks to be signed up anyway just in case.
    Read my incredible story:
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    • Profile picture of the author Scott Lyons
      Check out Peerfly. They are a sort of small, newer network. But being small means they can pay more on the same offers that the others have.
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      • Profile picture of the author SiddFisher
        Originally Posted by Scott Lyons View Post

        Check out Peerfly. They are a sort of small, newer network. But being small means they can pay more on the same offers that the others have.
        Right. I forgot bout Peerfly. They're new but they're surging.

        Computer Science student/coder who wants to learn more/out-of-the-box thinker/copywriter available for work during the summer. PM me for anything. :)

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  • Profile picture of the author TheKeys
    Neverblue or hydra

    Help fund a trip to California
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  • Profile picture of the author Affiliatebuddy
    hydra / CJ/ Commissionempire
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    Web Design Leads Exclusive/Daily/100+ . Free Test. PM or Skype: premiumwebdesignleads
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    • Profile picture of the author CarloD.
      Hey All,

      Thanks alot for the info, exactly what I was looking for.

      Tatto media

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