CPA Offers That Don't Promote Gift Cards

4 replies
Has anybody had success promoting CPA offers that don't involve gift cards?

The wisdom most everywhere appears to be to promote zip or email offers. However, these offers mostly promote the infamous gift card which has to be the slimiest offer on the planet. I know they are slimy because I got involved with one long ago when I didn't know better. The experience was costly, mostly in time, as I tried to fight the disreputable merchants who tried to stiff me left and right.

I do like the sound of the CPA model but I can't bring myself to promote anything that will bring nothing but angst to my customers.

I'd like to hear from accomplished CPA marketers who have avoided gift card offers. Is success just as achievable without gift cards in the mix?
#cards #cpa #gift #offers #promote
  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
    Gift cards make up a small percentage of all CPA offers. There are all kinds of short and long form offers, trials etc of companies you have heard of and havent heard of.

    A vast majority of my income comes from non gift card offer.
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    • Profile picture of the author piper97
      Originally Posted by Kenster View Post

      Gift cards make up a small percentage of all CPA offers.
      Yes, I see that, but most everywhere I turn the so-called gurus advise pushing the email and zip offers which are mostly the gift card offers. I purchased 2 WSO's recently on CPA and that's pretty much all they pushed, the inference being that CPA is much more difficult when promoting non zip/email offers.

      I see you have a WSO on CPA. I'm assuming from your reply here that the ebook does not tout the zip/email offers. I have some further questions for you but I will join the WSO thread to follow up.

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  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
    Yeah I dont go into zip or email submits that much in my guide.

    The reason some people suggest this route is because these are traditionally the easiest to convert. So if you are a complete newbie doing bum marketing, then it is important to see results, any results, just to keep you motivated. If you start out trying to promote a $50 commission offer, then it will undoubtedly be much more difficult to convert and wont do much for a beginners confidence. That is why some people push it on beginners, more for the confidence in CPA than the money.

    Also, email submits and zips are often related to many bluefart methods and many guides go into bluefart methods which is why they show up.

    In my opinion, simple submits may be good for squeeze campaigns, but ultimately the big money is in forms and trials.

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    • Profile picture of the author MrCruzin
      I don't think it is because they are easier to convert. I think it is more a cheaper market to learn how to work things.

      You can get in almost any niche and keyword and this gives you cheaper clicks and less competition then the more saturated niches.

      Originally Posted by Kenster View Post

      Yeah I dont go into zip or email submits that much in my guide.

      The reason some people suggest this route is because these are traditionally the easiest to convert. So if you are a complete newbie doing bum marketing, then it is important to see results, any results, just to keep you motivated. If you start out trying to promote a $50 commission offer, then it will undoubtedly be much more difficult to convert and wont do much for a beginners confidence. That is why some people push it on beginners, more for the confidence in CPA than the money.

      Also, email submits and zips are often related to many bluefart methods and many guides go into bluefart methods which is why they show up.

      In my opinion, simple submits may be good for squeeze campaigns, but ultimately the big money is in forms and trials.

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