CPA Offers - Countries allowed

6 replies
HI, being new to CPA can someone please clarify this:

If an offer states for example "Countries allowed United States" can I promote this offer from the UK? The offer allows banners, contextual, social and search.

#allowed #countries #cpa #offers
  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
    You can promote from anywhere, its just that they only want traffic from the US. So if you are doing a campaign, make sure your targets are from the US. If people outside the US view the offer, they will likely be redirected to a general offer like the smiley offer or something.

    You can use a proxy to view the offer as if you were in the US to make sure it works.
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    • Profile picture of the author DudleyDog
      Thanks for the reply. I have another question: If the offer states Search Restrictions cannot use the following trademark names. So if the name was "Batman Returns" for example. Does that mean I cannot use Batman Returns as a keyword for my site?

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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by DudleyDog View Post

    HI, being new to CPA can someone please clarify this:

    If an offer states for example "Countries allowed United States" can I promote this offer from the UK? The offer allows banners, contextual, social and search.

    you would only want to promote this to US traffic
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    • Profile picture of the author DudleyDog
      Thanks. I now understand the country requirement. What does this mean?

      If the offer states "Search Restrictions cannot use the following trademark names". So if the trademark name was "Batman Returns" for example. Does that mean I cannot use Batman Returns as a keyword for my web page?

      Find Out What Really Works In Web Design
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  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
    You cannot bid on that term in the PPC engines. If you have the keyword on your site, that is fine.

    Offers normally have search restrictions because A) they want you playing by the PPC search engine TOS regarding trademarked names and B) they are bidding on certain terms themselves and they don't want you competing against them!
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    • Profile picture of the author DudleyDog
      Thanks for that. My account manager has just told me that unless specified that restriction applies to all creatives :confused:

      So now I'm in a quandry. The words I want to use that are restricted are key (excuse the pun) to getting good search volume from what I can see.

      EDIT: Still a bit confused; but the words in question have a registered trademark symbol after them. So, does the statement mean that I cant' use the words with the registered symbol but I can use them without it????

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