Free IPhone and IPad offers... Are they genuine?

by jyo10
11 replies
Have any of you tried the offers for free IPhone or IPad promoted by various affiliate networks? Do people actually succeed in getting a freebie?
#free #genuine #ipad #iphone #offers
  • Profile picture of the author J Bold
    Well, if you "try out" yourself and fill in the email, it's highly unlikely that you will win the free product. That does not mean that they do not mean give a free product to someone, it just means it's basically like winning the lottery. They pick someone on the list and give them what they said they would. If they don't, they would not be around forever, so I wouldn't worry too much. Some in this industry can fly under the radar and just never give out stuff, but I think most of them that have been around for a while probably do.
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    • Profile picture of the author tmedocianis
      Originally Posted by redicelander View Post

      Well, if you "try out" yourself and fill in the email, it's highly unlikely that you will win the free product. That does not mean that they do not mean give a free product to someone, it just means it's basically like winning the lottery. They pick someone on the list and give them what they said they would. If they don't, they would not be around forever, so I wouldn't worry too much. Some in this industry can fly under the radar and just never give out stuff, but I think most of them that have been around for a while probably do.
      It will most likely never be lottery or sweepstakes. Law for lottery and sweepstakes is very demanding and complex. That's why there arent' alot of them.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sue McDonald
    Never signed up for one but as redicelander says it is the luck of the draw. You have to be in it to win it. Therefore if it something you want fill in the required information.
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  • Profile picture of the author kirch
    Read the TOS/fine print ofthese offers.To get the free product you have to complte silver,gold and platinum offers (4 to 6 trial offers) and also refer few friends ,who inturn should go through all these steps !!Literally No one will qualify to receive these gifts !


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  • Profile picture of the author jyo10
    Thanks for your reply redicelander. One could, I believe, "try out" the offer in case it is being promoted by someone else. So are you in favour of the promotion? Could any of you share your experiences and results as far as promotion of such offers is concerned?
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  • Profile picture of the author ilenterprises
    Let's expand on this. Has anyone on there ever received on of those Free ipod, free xbox 360 offers.... Be honest.
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    • Profile picture of the author adsquare
      Originally Posted by ilenterprises View Post

      Let's expand on this. Has anyone on there ever received on of those Free ipod, free xbox 360 offers.... Be honest.
      Back in the day (5+ years ago) - yes. Incentive was HUGE and companies gave millions of dollars and millions of gifts away. It is still "big", but the majority of those companies are in fact legit.

      AdSquare Network | Exclusive Affiliate Network
      We offer affiliate training, custom pay plans and over
      700+ campaigns, many of them being exclusive deals!
      AIM: ad2jared | Email:
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  • Profile picture of the author aijaydan1
    The offers most often works but you have to do your due diligence very well.
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    *some participation required* - you need to complete certain offers to actually get the prize
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  • Profile picture of the author Alex Nash
    Don't care about getting the iPad or iPod. Do care about doing the same thing with new products - like iPhone or iPads (things that everyone wants and are pretty new on the market - so go for the iPad).

    Will definitely get you money into your bankaccount, no doubt about that. Thats how I make big money with CPA too.

    Taking advantages of the hype of all the new products -> Get them to my CPA-offer -> Let them submit their email etc. Not hard to do at all, but easy cash.


    Learn from your mistakes. Experience is priceless.

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  • Profile picture of the author osazzz
    basically , what is important is that u get paid for the leads and not on whether the offers are real or not, but by and large , i think they r real sort of.
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