Do you ever register TYPO domains and put up CPA offers?

by Dayne Dylan Banned
5 replies
Just wondering if any of you have had any luck registering typo domains that, even with a tiny bit of traffic, bring in a bit of money with CPA offers on the landing page (redirect to CPA offer that is).

I think this could be awesome potential because you would own that typo for life, and the traffic would be free.

One could rotate several offers until a winner works and then just let it sit and bring in some cash.

I've had a tiny bit of luck on this with one typo, it gets VERY small traffic, but converts on a CPA offer here and there. Now if I could just do that x100. ;-)
#cpa #domains #offers #put #register #typo
  • Profile picture of the author txconx
    I trust you're not referring to typos of trademark names?
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    • Profile picture of the author Dayne Dylan
      Originally Posted by txconx View Post

      I trust you're not referring to typos of trademark names?
      Nope. I never touch domain names that have trademark issues.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Blaze
    Most of the people who buy type domains either just stick up a simple landing page and adsense or use sedo and get money from them!

    I can see them working if you get related cpa offers but still the traffic is going to be small even if the domain get's a whole load of typed in traffic all the same.

    Plus i would never know what domain name to pick up unless it showed as a searched term in adwords.

    Mark Blaze
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  • Profile picture of the author badboy_Nick
    Nope ... seems way too much hassle for me. I do bid on misspellings/typos with PPC tho.

    Any questions just let me know

    Read my incredible story:
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