Best CPA offers for newbies?

17 replies
Got acceptance into 3 in 2 days so far (MaxBounty,, Clickbooth).

Which verticals are recommended for newbies? What type of CPA offers also are the easiest (zip submit, email submit, lead gen, etc) to promote?

Is there a such thing as an overall conversion rate for verticals/offer types?
#conversion rates #cpa #newbies #offers
  • Profile picture of the author richsoon
    Thanks for the reply honestbizpro. Here are the specifics.

    I plan to drive traffic to my landing page using paid promotion methods (Adwords) for an education lead gen long form (5 short pages - all above fold) offer. The landing page then forwards to the offer provider's page. Affiliate manager said it was a high performing offer. Doing the numbers (assuming a .5-1%), it appears that I may not be successful with this campaign (using Google's cost estimates. What type of conversion rates should I expect?
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  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
    Originally Posted by richsoon View Post

    Got acceptance into 3 in 2 days so far (MaxBounty,, Clickbooth).

    3 of the better ones. Congrats, thats a great start

    Which verticals are recommended for newbies? What type of CPA offers also are the easiest (zip submit, email submit, lead gen, etc) to promote?

    depends what traffic you are doing but there are certain offers like dating that are always pretty strong. A lot of newbies also start with email submits or zip submits just to get a feel for things since they will theorectically convert the easiest.

    your first goal should be to learn and stay motivated, not to make a million dollars your first week. Even if the payout is $1, trust me, that first $1 will feel better than $100 made offline!

    at least for me it did

    Is there a such thing as an overall conversion rate for verticals/offer types?

    not really. In fact, even for a particular offer, the conversion rate may be different across different networks :confused:

    conversion rate will depend on a multitude of factors within your campaign (landing page design) and outside your campaign (type of offer, network run on, scrub rate, etc)

    good luck
    I answered within your quote there!
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  • Profile picture of the author RyanEagle
    I always suggest dating to newer affiliates. I made 4 different guides on building, optimizing and scaling campaigns for beginner affiliates of my network - we've seen HUGE success from it.

    I started it in 2005 and I'm still doing great with it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Aira Bongco
    Hi Richsoon,

    I am really glad that you got accepted.

    If you are going to perform PPC I would suggest getting some offers that pays well so you can outearn your costs. But since you are just new to the game, doing it through PPC is hard. What I will suggest is go with less priced campaigns like doing it on Twitter through first so you can test your campaigns. If all goes well, then you can go to PPC.


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  • Profile picture of the author webfighter
    I started with email submits and dating offers, so start with them,
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  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
    If you are completely new, your goal should be to make a lot of money right away. Well that could be your goal but make sure you are approaching CPA systematically.

    Its sometimes good to start with submits and dating offers because its easier to see conversions, and when you are a beginner keeping your motivation high is critical. Even if you are making $2 here and there every day in the beginning, this will pump you up and keep you motivated, trust me.

    A lot of people try and go for the high paying trial offers in the beginning and get soo frustrated because they dont see conversions everyday and end up quitting.

    That is why simple submits and lower paying offers are good for newbs

    in my opinion
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  • Profile picture of the author crowleytc
    hey man,

    one cpa company with instant approval is cpalead, this is a content gateway, so i'm not sure if its right for you, but it does do very good at that.
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    • Profile picture of the author gbengaijotan
      i wrote a one page article on best CPA offers for newbies to promote. You can download the pdf from my attachment to this post. I do hope its of great help.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rinz
    I think those three programs are enough. It's time for you to learn how to really make money with those sites. Choose email submit offers to get some easy cash..
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    • Profile picture of the author gmiller
      I am very new to this, so from which site I should try for Affiliate.
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  • Profile picture of the author Affiliit
    Originally Posted by richsoon View Post

    Got acceptance into 3 in 2 days so far (MaxBounty,, Clickbooth).

    Which verticals are recommended for newbies? What type of CPA offers also are the easiest (zip submit, email submit, lead gen, etc) to promote?

    Is there a such thing as an overall conversion rate for verticals/offer types?
    Check out lower paying offers, they are cheaper to test and promote, when you start getting in the higher paying ones, testing costs a lot more
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  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
    Yeah, your focus should now be on promotion methods, 3 networks is good to start.

    There is no such thing as an overall conversion rate for verticals because it massively depends on your traffic source and how you are promoting it.

    Just start testing. Your initial goal should be learning the ropes and getting your feet wet. So it really doesn't matter what offer you do, you should focus on learning the process. Try free methods to save your wallet and just learn the basics of tracking, testing, lps etc. That's your initial goal, so dont focus too much on the offers, focus on the process.

    my 2 cents
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    • Profile picture of the author richsoon
      Thanks for all the advice. Here is my update. I started with zip submits and now earn about $50-100 a day in revenue with $5 in profit a day.

      While I'm happy making a profit, I need to figure out how to increase profitability and increase the amount of clicks.
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      • Profile picture of the author Clayton Rice
        For just starting, that's pretty good richsoon. Congratz

        Free article written for Warrior Forum: Staying Motivated in Internet Marketing
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      • Profile picture of the author Kenster
        Originally Posted by richsoon View Post

        Thanks for all the advice. Here is my update. I started with zip submits and now earn about $50-100 a day in revenue with $5 in profit a day.

        While I'm happy making a profit, I need to figure out how to increase profitability and increase the amount of clicks.

        Wow, youre working on a tight margin there!!

        are you tracking effectively?
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        • Profile picture of the author richsoon
          Originally Posted by Kenster View Post

          Wow, youre working on a tight margin there!!

          are you tracking effectively?
          Yeah, the margin is tight. Since I'm using the content network, I can only track on an ad basis and not keyword basis.

          Are there other ways to track that I'm not aware?
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