CPA offers Email submit vs. physical/health products?

4 replies
Hey everyone, I was just wondering do you really can and make money from promoting email/zip code submit offers, like "win a free laptop or ipod" or simple test like "how dumb are you" or "IQ tests"? I mean can those offers really make you money? Whats your average conversion on those types of offers? Do you make more money promoting this email/zid code offers comparing to physical/health products even free trials? Thank you all in advance..
#cpa #email #offers #physical or health #products #submit
  • Profile picture of the author mpbiz
    affiliate marketing is DEAD
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    • Profile picture of the author smolodoy
      so what do you suggest?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2058085].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mpbiz
    McDonalds is where all the money is at
    Signature > Offers massive savings, usually more than 75% off, on bundles of internet marketing stuff. Tools, landing pages, tracking software, courses, you name it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Affiliit
    Originally Posted by smolodoy View Post

    Hey everyone, I was just wondering do you really can and make money from promoting email/zip code submit offers, like "win a free laptop or ipod" or simple test like "how dumb are you" or "IQ tests"? I mean can those offers really make you money? Whats your average conversion on those types of offers? Do you make more money promoting this email/zid code offers comparing to physical/health products even free trials? Thank you all in advance..
    Of course they make money, people wouldn't be running them if they didn't. Asking the average conversion is an impossible question - there are too many variables, so many different ways to run them.

    Generally the more the offer pays, the harder it is to convert. (example, it's much easier to make money with an e-mail submit than an offer that you need a credit card for)
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