how do i know what offers to pick

11 replies
thanks to guys here,u have been really awesome especially kenster, i just got accepted to offervault and affspy but do not know what offer to go for ,could someone there help me out pls? kenster pls i need your help here
#cpa #offers #pick
  • Profile picture of the author ChadH
    Which networks are you a part of? Offervault is a database of offers and affspy is a competitive intelligence tool.

    You need to get accepted to some CPA networks. There are tons out there, some of the ones I deal with are C2M, Mundo, Neverblue, and EWA. All very good networks.

    In terms of choosing the right offer, you can look at weekly reports and EPC numbers but at the end of the day your affiliate manager, if he's on the ball and has your best interests in mind, is your best resource.

    A good affiliate manager will tell you which offers are working well for which specific traffic source. This is extremely important since E-mail EPCs and conversion numbers can be far different than contextual traffic.

    Try to stick with a high converting, suggested offer in the big evergreen niches. They are competitive for a reason (debt, dating, bizopp, weight loss, etc). Try some short form lead offers if you are just starting out vs. offers that people have to pull their credit cards out for.
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    • Profile picture of the author dollar cashflow
      really i appreciate this but right now iv been accepted to CPA lead but do not even know how to get the survey out and widget out from there.pls can you really help me out from there or is there any network that can accept me automatically without waiting for a number period of time?thanks men
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  • Profile picture of the author williamrs
    OfferVault and AffSpy are not networks, they don't have offers. They just can help you find/research offers with several CPA networks.

    Anyway, when you join your first CPA networks I recommend you to start with low cost CPA offers, such as email/zip submits and short form submits. Also, stay away from the highly competitive niches, such as auto insurance and online degrees.

    Try to keep things as simple as possible. Choose a free offer, build a landing page and start driving some traffic. If you have a good budget you may want to consider PPC. On the contrary, there are many good methods involving social media.

    The most important thing is that you put your focus on something and stick at it. Don't start jumping from one system to another.

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    • Profile picture of the author dollar cashflow
      really this is great will stick to your advice for now on that but i had been accepted in CPA lead,but could not get my affiliate link out could you pls help me out on that?
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  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
    Originally Posted by dollar cashflow View Post

    thanks to guys here,u have been really awesome especially kenster, i just got accepted to offervault and affspy but do not know what offer to go for ,could someone there help me out pls? kenster pls i need your help here

    Hey DCshflow!

    As mentioned, offervault and affspy are tools, not actual CPA Networks. So your first goal will be getting accepted into a CPA network to do this, there are many threads but the basic process will go like this.

    -Learn about the process by reading threads on this forum
    -Submit your application
    -Call the network up immediately (assuming you are now familiar with the process and can speak CPA, a good thing to do to expedite the process is find a particular offer the network has on offervault, and then when you call them tell them you are running a current CPA campaign and want to split test against offer X which you saw on offervault. Then they will know you are serious and probably giev you more attention. This works better if you arent new, just in case there are follow up questions, but Ive heard it normally works like a charm. In general, the more honest you are the better)
    -If you dont get accepted, try again, there are hundreds of networks!

    Now that you get accepted, now is the meat of CPA. Now I can't explain the whole process because there is a lot, but the basic process will go like this.


    Find a CPA offer you wish to promote. If you have no idea what to look for, then just look at the offers that have been doing well on that particular network. Most networks have a way to search for the highest earnings offers or even the highest EPC is a good basis to use if you dont know anything else.


    Next you will need to find traffic. In the beginning I would suggest free traffic. Padi traffic works wonderful if you know what you're doing. If you don't you can get burned pretty bad, so stick to free traffic at first. This is stuff like article marketing, video, offline, organic, etc. There are many threads on this forum about these free traffic sources


    Next decide whether you want to link the traffic directly to the offer or whether you want to set up a landing page where you will pre-sell the visitor, or "warm them up" to make them more inclined to fulfill your offers action, whatever that may be. You can set up a blog, or minisite, or full site if you decide to go the landing page route! Wordpress is good to use here. Very easy.


    Keep testing different things out and tracking your results. Test different campaigns and do split tests within individual campaigns. This is what makes the good campaigns GREAT campaigns!

    To Your Success Buddy, Ken
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    • Profile picture of the author dollar cashflow
      ken,u'v really been an encourager to me but i now know that offervault & affspy r' not betwork,but im accepted by cpalead but do not know how to get my widget,link etc to promote any offer from there as well.pls help im willing to learn .thanks 4 being there
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  • Profile picture of the author Affiliit
    Originally Posted by dollar cashflow View Post

    thanks to guys here,u have been really awesome especially kenster, i just got accepted to offervault and affspy but do not know what offer to go for ,could someone there help me out pls? kenster pls i need your help here
    Too many people worry way to much about finding that 'perfect offer', it doesn't exist, just pick one and go with it!
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  • Profile picture of the author RyanEagle
    Short answer: ask your account manager for the top converters. If it's a good network is knowledgeable staff they will be able to make suggestions based on your experience.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
    Many networks will have the top earners in the statistics using some sort of seary query.

    May list top earners, top EPC, and may even list the best offers by traffic source! And as said above, your AM is your friend!
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  • Profile picture of the author mpbiz
    payout and epc
    Signature > Offers massive savings, usually more than 75% off, on bundles of internet marketing stuff. Tools, landing pages, tracking software, courses, you name it.
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