CPA is filled with Dirt Bags
That's the impression I get. Perhaps the majority of CPA stuff is legit, but the whole area seems more shady than other areas. Perhaps the potential big money attracts all the scum.
You have questionable CPA offers that get the customer to commit to a hidden continuity program or cram offer upon offer down their throat. There are a lot of questionable offers out there.
You have networks not tracking commissions correctly and looking the other way when affiliates violate TOS. Didn't you ever wonder how these spammers send out millions of emails and yet keep their fat commissions?
You have affiliates filling out their own forms, paying people to fill out offers, and advertising using methods that violate the TOS such as spam.
What prompted this post is that I am selling some tickets on Craigslist that I no longer need. Hours after I posted the ad I got a response...."Still available?" Sure I reply.. only to be greeted with an autoreply touting Google Cash.
I went nuclear. That just pissed me off. I hope it wasn't you because you are now in hot water with everyone I could find that you are using.
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